File talk:DinaEastwood.jpg

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Hello Mrs Dina RUIZ! I am called Georges LANTONKPODE, I am African of Beninese nationality, I am a young useful dynamics constantly. I am very interested by your works, I learned your divorce, it is necessary to entrust that to very powerful God. Me, I like you. I announce you that I have an association of Young graduate Beninese African in agronomy, economy and civil engineer of which I general amndt the secretary. We wish to long deal with ourselves after reflected and we are launched in search of assistance. By think the every day, we managed to the idea of creation has project. Ace one our premises, we cuts grounds very fertile and quite available, very rich valleys for the culture. Those are the let us reasons which lead custom to initiate the project. Our project extends one the culture from pineapple one the grounds one nearly 50 thousand hectares and closed rice growing in the valleys one 25 thousand hectares. With this project, we will leave poverty has good share of our brothers and this requires overall costs of 10 thousand American dollars. We asked for this sum taking into account the expenditure which we will engages ace of the beginning of the project, one will need the valid arms to stir up the ground and the valleys and then to not to the purchase of the seedlings and rice to Be sown. We are in search of people of volunteers to help custom for the realization of the beginning of this project; and At the end of harvests we outside will export towards our sponsors the products for marketing. We are very attached to this project because for several decade the ground has never Lied, to invest in the advantageous ground is always. I will know to you liking of year answer to my request. Please accept, Mrs Dina RUIZ, my major feelings. Thank you in advance. We benefit from the occasion to Tel. you that your articles are very well appreciated in very whole Africa especially Young African. My e-mail: I kiss you very extremely, bye bye!