File talk:Cornflake & Vivian.jpg

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Used in a movie, but not legally


This image was used in the 2014 film Our Summer in Provence (Avis de mistral) in a manner that is completely non-compliant with any license. No credit was provided in the film (as required by any free license I've made available), and no rights were cleared with me (the copyright-holder and photographer) outside of those free licenses. The image figures in the film as a photo of the grandparents in their youth. The male face (Vivian) is definitely altered in the film (in particular, "John Lennon" glasses are added); I'm not sure whether the female face (Cornflake) was altered, because the image is on screen only briefly, and I didn't have a chance to examine it closely. - Jmabel ! talk 00:30, 14 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Other publications

This file has been published. This file has been used by a media organization in:

Terms of license complied with.Almost Cut My Hair – Coulda Said It Was In My Way. Retrieved on 2016-05-18.
Originally published without credit. I contacted them & they credited me; under the circumstances I don't care about precise conformance to license, so it's legal with my separate explicit permission.