File talk:Chinese policemen to be killed, Nanking massacre.jpg

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Problematic file name


The original photograph depicts neither massacre nor policemen. The exiting name is nothing but one of the alternative claims by Tomio Hora. Takabeg (talk) 22:13, 10 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

"Dubious file"


See also: en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Japan/Archive/August 2010#dubious file. Takabeg (talk) 22:34, 10 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

The original caption "remnants of a defeated troop"(败残兵)"infiltrated into the Safety Zone" is a great lie by Kawamura(河村), the photographer.

  1. These helmed men in dark uniforms were policemen not soldiers, as show in this photo (a policeman, Mils and Magee at the entrance of the Safety Zone). It's impossible to mistake them for soldiers as the uniform of the Chinese Army is light gray.
  2. The policemen were dispatched by the Nanjing authority to the Safety Zone, not "infiltrated" (Kawamura lied). The Nanking International Committee published on December 8 a news release recorded in John Rabe's diaries: "They (the police) will watch the boarder of the safety zone and take in charge of the public security insde. 400 policemen have been dispached to the safety zone."(“他们将看守安全区边界,并负责区内的治安。已经分配给安全区 400 名警察")
  3. These men were massacreed by Japanese according to George Fitch's on the spot report that policemen in the safety zone were collected and massacred by Japanese on December 17, which was the same day of the creation of this photo. Fitch wrote: "The 4th day after the entrance of the Japanese (December 17), another thousand people were dragged out of the Safety Zone and killed, including 50 policemen of the 450 assigned by the city to the Safety Zone. (Kasahara. One hundred days in the Safety Zone. 2005. page 136.)"(日军入城的第四天,又有1000人被拉出安全区屠杀,其中包括市里以前配给安全区的450名警察中的50名。——笠原十九司. 《难民区百日》. 2005:第136页)
  4. The so called defeated troop was an excuse for massacre. Fitch reported that "any trace of physical works becomes the proof of the identity of soldiers. Evey man with these kinds of traces are doomed to death."

--MtBell (talk) 17:35, 16 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

My kind suggestion to Mr. Takabeg: A murderer is always a murderer. No matter if his hands are caught with blood. --MtBell (talk) 17:35, 16 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]