File talk:BlankMap-World-Equirectangular.svg

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Topic 1


Unlike other versions of this file, this particular version has inline style attributes on every country which make it extremely difficult to customize how the map is rendered. If someone has time to fix that, it would be much appreciated. Abhibeckert (talk) 04:23, 4 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Fixed as part of the change posted in the next topic ("South Sudan"). Only need someone to apply it since I can't upload.

South Sudan


I appreciate your edits of the map. However, there's a small mistake: The new South Sudan path has class sd (Sudan) instead of ss, whereas the remaining Sudan path has no class at all now (should be sd).

Also, in contrast to the previous version, there are now style tags for all individual paths. I think that's bad because they override the CSS definitions. Previously, one could e.g. just set a style for a class corresponding to some countries in order to color them, as indicated in the comment near the top. It also wastes space. AFIACS, the given styles are completely redundant with the initial style definitions, so just removing all style tags reduces the file size noticeably and restores CSS functionality.

Seems I can't upload the complete file on WM (I don't have an account), but here's a gawk script to make the mentioned changes.

/<\/style>/ { nostyle = 1 }
nostyle && /style=/ { sub (/style="[^"]*"/, "") }

/sd/ { sub (/land sd/, "land ss") }

/path3894/ { pre_sd = 1 }
pre_sd && /<path/ { pre_sd = 0; sd = 1; print "  <g\n     class=\"land sd\"\n     id=\"sd\">" }
sd { $0 = "  " $0 }

/id="sg\."/ { pre_ss = 1 }
pre_ss && /<path/ { pre_sd = 0; ss = 1; print "  <g\n     id=\"ss\">" }
ss { $0 = "  " $0 }

sd && />/ { sd = 0; $0 = $0 "\n  </g>" }
ss && />/ { ss = 0; $0 = $0 "\n  </g>" }

# Uncomment to demonstrate
#/<\/style>/ { print ".ss{fill:red;} .sd{fill:green;}" }

{ print }



Why is Kosovo not included on this map? Mélencron (talk) 22:40, 27 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Suitable for wrapping


Could someone please upload a version of this image without the empty borders, and with sharp edges suitable for wrapping around a sphere in graphics software? Thanks. SharkD  Talk  20:54, 17 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]