File talk:Biáng-order.gif

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This character is the ultimate challenge for the Chinese Stroke Order project.

What is the correct stroke order for biáng?

There is a traditional explanation of how to write this character:

I interpret this as meaning that the correct order is:

Note also that there appear to be variants as regards the look of the character. This image shows the 月 and 刂 elements as being much shorter, and stuck to the 長 elements. This image is different: it shows the 八 element occupying an entire horizontal section of the character. — Erin (talk) 08:21, 17 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The 5th stroke is a DIAN (a dot) and not a na, see the svg version.
The 5th stroke is a DIAN (a dot) and not a na, see the svg version.

Hello Erin, I think the best way to animate this kind of word is to do this stroke-by-stroke (a little like Image:Shen-order.gif, but the protocol of wikic [first pic in black, bigger size, nicer] is better).
For the stroke order, I think [not sure], it's like :

  • 宀、八、言、ㄠ(left)、ㄠ(right), 馬 (the central element first), 長(left), 長(right)、心、月、(刂)、辶。

Yug (talk) 15:49, 4 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hm... is it just me, or does it get to halfway through the left 長 and then there's a flash and it starts again? pfctdayelise (说什么?) 09:37, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It's not only you who notices the deffect... 09:12, 20 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Nope - it's not just you. BTW, shouldn't the central 馬 be done before the left 長 ? - ~~Ad, 18 July 2008

I notice it too. I'm using Mozilla Firefox 3.1, in Win XP-64. -- 李博杰  | Talk contribs 04:16, 21 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Update file to newest version


@FanNihongo: Can you help me to update this GIF to use the new version of the SVG on Biáng.svg? The SVG provided has all strokes separated and should aid you in making the GIF. NFSL2001 (talk) 07:31, 21 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@NFSL2001 I have the impression that you are requesting me to update this gif. If that is the case, then this task will take me many months. You did say that all the strokes are separated(good work, that has improved Buernia's image), but I work with raster images, so to me the work is the same.
On the other hand, the image that you uploaded is great, but it see that it is not 100% polished, there are little imperfections here and there. And I wont lift a finger until it is 100% polished, or at least >90% polished. This task can be done by you. But if you request me to do it, it would mean more months of work. FanNihongo (talk) 05:25, 23 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@FanNihongo: I see. I do think this current version is polished enough, or if you don't mind can you point to what imperfections you see so I can improve on it more? NFSL2001 (talk) 07:11, 23 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@NFSL2001 Alright, I think it is complicated to explain, but here I go: Let's say I don't like peaks, because they do not look natural for a calligraphy letter(in my opinion).
Note, Check this image, for the name of the strokes(from now on I will use those names in my comments).
  • These two ㄠㄠ has peaks, compare those with my version, in which I make sure that there are curves instead of peaks.
  • In the second component of this group 長長, the first heng stroke has an unnatural peak. On the same component the na stroke is not separated.
  • I think the upper dian stroke of the component 心, should be lowered a little, it is too close to the 馬 component.
  • Finally, the upper part of this component 刂, I do know if you notice that. Just make it look like my version or Buernia's, and that will do the trick.
I think that are the most important things to polish. I hope I had explained myself well. FanNihongo (talk) 08:15, 23 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@FanNihongo: Most mentioned issues are modified to your standard. However, I do not agree with the na stroke separating from 長. If you have seen other regular script fonts apart from TW-Kai (which should be noted is modified to fit 國字標準字體) and real world calligraphy samples, the na stroke is connected. NFSL2001 (talk) 15:08, 25 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@NFSL2001 Alright, I will start working on the animated gif, and as I told you, it will take me months to complete. Have a good day. FanNihongo (talk) 21:37, 25 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@FanNihongo: Thank you in advance, and do inform me if any updates are required on the SVG. NFSL2001 (talk) 06:04, 26 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@NFSL2001 I inform you that, for personal reasons I dislike that letter and I do not feel comfortable with it, that is why I remaked that letter in the first place.
So there will be a change of plans: I will stop working on the letter, and start working on its new svg remake, which will be more Mainland China this time. After that then I have to start the animation process from zero. Have a nice day. FanNihongo (talk) 03:46, 10 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@FanNihongo: it is fine, but I would like to see the remake before it is uploaded if it is possible to avoid the thinning stroke and 國字標準字體 that existed in the previous SVG. NFSL2001 (talk) 09:48, 13 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@NFSL2001, To see the remake before it is uploaded? No it is not possible, if you wanna see it, I have to upload it.
One more thing, I am collaborator at the Stroke Order Project, and working on the Biáng makes me neglect, the other projects I am working on, for example I was working on a new remake of this file 馬-order.gif, a project which I had to pause, because I added the Biáng to my priority list. Well, the point is, that as I will be working on my other projects for the Stroke Order Project, the Biáng will not longer be on my priority list. But I will still be working on it on Sundays.
By the way, if you want to be a collaborator too, you are welcome, here are the guidelines to make stroke order animated images. I clarify that this is voluntary, you are free to decide to participate or not. Have a good day. FanNihongo (talk) 04:37, 14 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]