File talk:Bettamating.jpg

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Hungarian description


At the time of this writing the Hungarian description reads "Betta splendens pár nemi aktusa. A nőstényből kihulló, imént megtermékenyített ikrákat készül a hím összegyűjteni, és a fenti habfészekbe köpni". I'm not at all fluent in Hungarian, but as far as I know this roughly translates to "Mating pair of [the species] Betta splendens. The female leaves to collect the fertilized eggs produced by the male, and spits them into the bubble nest above". If that is the case it's obviously not correct. First of all the eggs are of course produced by the female. Furthermore among the "bubble nesting" species of Betta it's always the male who builds the nest, and care for the offspring – he often chase away the female after the spawning, since her only interest in the eggs are as food. (As far as I know this is in analogy to the mouthbrooding Bettas, where all species are paternal mouthbrooders.) I might be wrong about the Hungarian text, but it would be nice if someone with a greater knowledge about the language would look in to it. –Tommy Kronkvist (talk), 23:31, 4 April 2011 (UTC).[reply]

In lack of response, I have now changed the Hungariuan text myself into "Betta splendens pár nemi aktusa. A szép színes férfi (lent) megkezdte letölteni néhány süllyedő tojás, és köpni őket a buborék fészket a felszínen." As a result I also removed the {{Fact disputed}} template. –Tommy Kronkvist (talk), 15:23, 18 February 2014 (UTC).[reply]