File talk:Beförderungszahlen der LiLo.svg

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Gnuplot commands:

set xrange [1978:2005] 
set yrange [0:1800000]      
set xlabel 'Jahr' font "Arial,18"
set ylabel 'Besucher' font "Arial,18"
set key off
set border 3
set grid xtics ytics
set terminal x11 font "Arial,13"
set xtics nomirror 5
set mxtics 5
set title "Beforderungszahlen der LiLo" font "Arial,25"
set ytics nomirror ("200.000" 200000,"400.000" 400000,"600.000" 600000,"800.000" 800000,"1.000.000" 1000000,"1.200.000" 1200000,"1.400.000" 1400000,"1.600.000" 1600000,"1.800.000" 1800000)
set style line 1 lw 4
plot 'tt' smooth unique ls 1


1978	1.604.719
1979	1.558.529
1980	1.448.563
1981	1.319.351
1982	1.248.331
1983	1.203.953
1984	1.125.308
1985	1.068.720
1986	806.864
1987	753.176
1988	821.684
1989	843.367
1990	950.272
1991	1.003.398
1992	1.078.418
1993	1.211.677
1994	1.221.003
1995	1.203.448
1996	1.378.581
1997	1.411.099
1998	1.467.482
1999	1.544.253
2000	1.549.692
2001	1.585.812
2002	1.626.699
2003	1.622.805
2004	1.593.739
2005	1.618.118

FelixReimann 11:28, 28 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]