File talk:Antrags-Statistik Detailiert.png

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Zur freien Bearbeitung des Diagrammes mit Xmgrace sind folgende Schritte auszuführen:

  1. Innerhalb der nowiki-Begrenzung den Diagramm-Quellcode im Texteditor der eigenen Wahl unter dem frei gewählten Namen *.agr abspeichern,
  2. Die Datei *.agr mit Xmgrace öffnen.

Das ist alles. --Markus Schweiss, @ 21:25, 27. Jan 2006 (CET)

Quellcode des Diagrammes:

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2453734 131
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2453743 129
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2453758 167
2453759 164
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2453763 110
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2453772 108
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2453835 111
2453836 110
2453837 109
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2453742 69
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2453754 74.428571
2453755 80.571429
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2453768 74.285714
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2453781 58.142857
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2453798 66.285714
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2453801 63
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2453685 71.714286
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2453689 77
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2453692 78.714286
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2453707 82
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2453713 88.142857
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2453718 83
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2453720 81.571429
2453721 81.857143
2453722 86.285714
2453723 88.285714
2453724 88.571429
2453725 84.285714
2453726 80.857143
2453727 82.428571
2453728 84.142857
2453729 83.142857
2453730 89.285714
2453731 97.714286
2453732 103.85714
2453733 111.28571
2453734 116.14286
2453735 116.42857
2453736 119.57143
2453737 117.28571
2453738 113.42857
2453739 115.42857
2453740 117.57143
2453741 115.85714
2453742 114.71429
2453743 109.85714
2453744 111.71429
2453745 114.71429
2453746 120
2453747 122
2453748 123.28571
2453749 128.28571
2453750 138.71429
2453751 139.57143
2453752 135.85714
2453753 126.71429
2453754 128.71429
2453755 136
2453756 138.85714
2453757 132.42857
2453758 132.71429
2453759 135.42857
2453760 139
2453761 134.28571
2453762 130.28571
2453763 126.14286
2453764 122.14286
2453765 119.42857
2453766 117.85714
2453767 122.71429
2453768 121.42857
2453769 117
2453770 118.42857
2453771 119.14286
2453772 120
2453773 120.28571
2453774 110.85714
2453775 111.42857
2453776 102.71429
2453777 101.14286
2453778 105.28571
2453779 101.85714
2453780 98.285714
2453781 102.28571
2453782 100.42857
2453783 110.42857
2453784 105
2453785 102.14286
2453786 98.714286
2453787 106.85714
2453788 111.42857
2453789 109.85714
2453790 103.85714
2453791 107.57143
2453792 105.14286
2453793 115.57143
2453794 112.42857
2453795 104.14286
2453796 104
2453797 107.14286
2453798 107.14286
2453799 109
2453800 104.42857
2453801 99
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2453803 101.71429
2453804 96.571429
2453805 91
2453806 91.142857
2453807 84.714286
2453808 89.857143
2453809 90.142857
2453810 87.571429
2453811 89.142857
2453812 93.857143
2453813 91.571429
2453814 96
2453815 95.571429
2453816 97.857143
2453817 96.714286
2453818 100
2453819 100.14286
2453820 100.85714
2453821 99.857143
2453822 98.142857
2453823 96
2453824 97
2453825 95.428571
2453826 97.142857
2453827 96.714286
2453828 96.571429
2453829 95.142857
2453830 100.14286
2453831 96.571429
2453832 100.42857
2453833 97.714286
2453834 99.571429
2453835 98.428571
2453836 100.28571
2453837 98.714286
2453838 99.857143
2453839 98.714286
2453840 99.142857
2453841 95.857143
2453842 100.42857
2453843 105.85714
@target G2.S0
@type bar
2453675 60
2453675 60
2453676 52
2453677 54
2453678 43
2453679 40
2453680 47
2453681 44
2453682 42
2453683 38
2453684 40
2453685 53
2453686 39
2453687 48
2453688 40
2453689 54
2453690 43
2453691 38
2453692 41
2453693 41
2453694 64
2453695 38
2453696 33
2453697 30
2453698 52
2453699 44
2453700 43
2453701 38
2453702 64
2453703 42
2453704 51
2453705 47
2453706 53
2453707 34
2453708 64
2453709 53
2453710 46
2453711 47
2453712 74
2453713 51
2453714 47
2453715 50
2453716 54
2453717 69
2453718 52
2453719 47
2453720 48
2453721 48
2453722 56
2453723 51
2453724 66
2453725 63
2453726 53
2453727 43
2453728 27
2453729 31
2453730 47
2453731 68
2453732 53
2453733 85
2453734 66
2453735 58
2453736 56
2453737 70
2453738 59
2453739 92
2453740 69
2453741 63
2453742 63
2453743 82
2453744 53
2453745 61
2453746 53
2453747 79
2453748 88
2453749 91
2453750 95
2453751 72
2453752 84
2453753 94
2453754 62
2453755 66
2453756 48
2453757 95
2453758 115
2453759 84
2453760 69
2453761 79
2453762 67
2453763 65
2453764 64
2453765 82
2453766 81
2453767 57
2453768 73
2453769 66
2453770 93
2453771 68
2453772 63
2453773 94
2453774 53
2453775 72
2453776 62
2453777 50
2453778 74
2453779 23
2453780 66
2453781 81
2453782 56
2453783 40
2453784 67
2453785 56
2453786 59
2453787 53
2453788 45
2453789 76
2453790 85
2453791 83
2453792 51
2453793 44
2453794 81
2453795 63
2453796 78
2453797 63
2453798 56
2453799 59
2453800 66
2453801 79
2453802 74
2453803 61
2453804 46
2453805 53
2453806 63
2453807 43
2453808 53
2453809 83
2453810 39
2453811 56
2453812 38
2453813 57
2453814 40
2453815 67
2453816 63
2453817 62
2453818 58
2453819 54
2453820 53
2453821 63
2453822 68
2453823 50
2453824 51
2453825 66
2453826 43
2453827 63
2453828 44
2453829 73
2453830 64
2453831 53
2453832 58
2453833 66
2453834 49
2453835 65
2453836 70
2453837 67

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