File talk:Altamira Ocre MHNT.PRE.2012.0.611.jpg

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I've checked this: Harlé, Édouard (1881). "La grotte d'Altamira près de Santander (Espagne)" (JPEG or PDF or PNG or TXT). Matériaux pour l'histoire primitive et naturelle de l'homme 2ª serie, tome XII: 275-283 and picture VIII. Toulouse: Imp. Durand, Fillous et Lagarde. Retrieved on 9th of february of 2013., there is a list of the main object picked up himself (page 279). This is not in the list but it is mencionated: "J'ai trouvé de l'ocre rouge; mais je ne suis..." (page 278). --Nachosan (talk) 04:33, 9 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Sautuola in his work Breves apuntes (page 21) mentione the presence of hematite (red ocre) and he associeted them with the pictures. In the same document (pages 12 and 14) talked about rolling stones but he didn't say anything about the possible use of them how mill.
S. de Sautuola, Marcelino (1880) (in español) Breves apuntes sobre algunos objetos prehistóricos de la provincia de Santander (jpeg or PDF), Santander: Imp. y lit. de Telesforo Martínez --Nachosan (talk) 21:28, 9 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

more data


I have found that in the cave of Tito Bustillo have been found «..., placas grabadas, colorante, "lapices" y trituradores de ocre, etc. [..., engraved plates, "pencils" and mills of ocre, etc.]» according to Moure Romanillo.
Moure Romanillo, Alfonso, La cueva de Tito Bustillo. El arte y los cazadores del Paleolítico, Avilés, Edic . Trea, 1992, p. 32 .
A question, do you have access to the publications of Cartailhac and Breuil?, specially to La Caverne d'Altamira à Santillane près Santander. 1er volumen de la serie Peintures et gravures murales des cavernes paléolithiques. Thank you in advance. --Nachosan (talk) 21:24, 10 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]