File talk:Agaricales G1.jpg

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@Selso: Sorry to write in English. Hello. No, the mushroom in the photo is not Tapinella atrotomentosa, which has lighter gills and a real furry dark brown stem going right up to the gills. Instead it must be an Agaricus and I propose to recategorize it to "Unidentified Agaricus". Is that OK? Strobilomyces (talk) 20:27, 23 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

photo ...G1
photo ...(2)

@Selso: Thank you for answering. Your images were not working and so I have rearranged your text a bit, I hope that is OK.
For me this is an Agaricus and I don't know why you think it cannot be that - anyway it is not like a Tapinella.
  1. The top of the cap is a beige colour with dirt and reddish stains, it is not at all like the uniform brown of T. atrotomentosa. Some Agaricus species do stain red.
  2. The gills are just like Agaricus gills and not like Tapinella ones which are light-coloured and more robust.
  3. Because the cap has grown up towards a funnel shape, the gills give a vague impression of being decurrent, but they are not decurrent (which would be needed for a Tapinella). If one looks at the border with the stem they are adnexed, like an Agaricus.
  4. I think the brown base of the stipe is made of dirt and discolouration, not like the velvety stipe of T. atrotomentosa (for instance see this photo). Also in that species the brown part goes right up to the gills.
  5. The ring has gone, which could happen with an old mushroom. The shape of the basidiocarp is not normal but I think that some Agaricus (like A. bitorquis and A. bernardii) can develop that sort of shape when they grow old.
Please could you look again at photos of T. atrotomentosa and reconsider, or perhaps get another opinion? Strobilomyces (talk) 20:04, 10 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I can agree this is not a Tapinella atrotomentosa. There are too many differences. Rudolphous (talk) 13:45, 13 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Selso: OK, I set it to "Unidentified Agaricales" - at least that is true. But it is an Agaricus. Best wishes. Strobilomyces (talk) 20:07, 13 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Okey. Selso (talk) 03:46, 16 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]