File talk:Abbildung "Rest bei Division von x mit 2" mit Beschriftungen.svg

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Hallo, I´m not quite sure, but i think it does only confuse people to have the 2 as possible rest of a division by 2. This anonymous edit was created on 14 May 2012 Stephan Kulla (talk) 12:43, 29 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

It was my aim to have a mapping with is not surjective nor injective. It is no mistake to have elements in the targeting set of a function which have no inverse image. Think of the function where all negative reals cannot be reached by the function itself. I do not use this image for describing the special function "rest of division by 2", I want to have a image which shows what are the arguments and values of a function. So i updated the description of the image. Greetings Stephan Kulla (talk) 12:43, 29 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]