File talk:1944 Partisan document issued to Oswald Rufeisen.jpg

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I have no time to upload this text to the correct (ru?) wikisource, see also the meta context about help from a ruwikisource colleague, so I will just paste it here. Original, transcribed as per above:

На партизана отряда имени Пономаренко, бригады имени Пономаренко
Руфайзена Осфальда Ильича
Руфайзен О. И. в партизанском отряде имени Пономаренко с 12.12.43 года. За время пребывания в отряде проявил себя, как дисциплинированный, смелый, храбрый партизан. Участник многочисленных боевых операций. Имеет на своем боевом счету 1 спущенный эшелон и десятки убитых фрицев. За честную работу и хорошую имеет ряд благодарностей от командования отряда. Представлен к награде. Медаль „Партизан Отечественной войны II степени“.
Командир отряда капитан Кабдалов. Комиссар отряда лейтенант Бойко. Начальник штаба лейтенант Грибанов.
My attempt at translation into EN:
Profile of the partisan Oswald Rufeisen Ilyich of the Ponomarenko detachment, the Ponomarenko brigade.
Rufeisen O.I. [has been operating] in the Ponomarenko Partisan Detachment since 12 DEC 1943. During his time in the detachment, he showed himself to be a disciplined, brave, intrepid partisan and he participated in numerous military operations. In his combat register he has had 1 derailed train and dozens of killed Fritzes [Germans]. For his honest and good work he has often received praise from the command of the detachment. [He was] put forward for the award [:] Medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War II degree".
The commander of the detachment Captain Kabdalov. Detachment [political] commissar Lieutenant Boyko. Chief of Staff Lieutenant Gribanov.
4 AUG 1944

Historical context: Oswald article, Jewish Partisans In Belarus 1941-1944, and maybe Antisemitism in the Soviet Partisan Movement, 1941-1944: The Case of Belorussia. Zezen (talk) 10:14, 4 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

More data from Jewish Partisans In Belarus 1941-1944
Searching for Surname (phonetically like) : RUFEISEN,
Name RUFAIZEN, Osfal'd
Patronymic: Ilich
Last Residence: Mir, Baranovichskaia,
Unit (Otriad) Brigade: Stalina, Budioni
Zezen (talk) 11:20, 4 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]