File:Yellow dwarf star image 3.png

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Yellow_dwarf_star_image_3.png(800 × 600 pixels, file size: 60 KB, MIME type: image/png)



Yellow sdwarf star from far away with lens flare


English: Yellow dwarf star from far away
Source Own work
Author Merikanto

This image is generated with povray 3.7 . With used modified nkflare, that is developed by Nathan Kopp, 1998

         N K F l a r e . I N C

  Lens Flare "plug-in" for POV-RAY 3.0
Copyright (C) 1997-1998      Nathan Kopp
Version 5.0                October, 1998

// povray 3.7 double star animation

global_settings {max_trace_level 10}

// DEBUG //#declare taunolla=90;

  1. declare taunolla=clock+180;
  1. declare tau=radians(taunolla);
  2. declare tau2=radians(taunolla+180.0);
  1. declare ra=2;
  2. declare rb=2;
  3. declare ax = sin(tau)*ra+1;
  4. declare ay = cos(tau)*ra;
  1. declare bx = sin(tau2)*rb-1;
  2. declare by = cos(tau2)*rb;
  1. declare cx = sin(tau2)*rb;
  2. declare cy = cos(tau2)*rb;
  1. declare sax=ax*10;
  2. declare say=ay*10;
  3. declare sbx=bx*10;
  4. declare sby=by*10;
  5. declare scx=cx*10;
  6. declare scy=cy*10;

global_settings { max_trace_level 30 } //#max_trace_level 30

  1. declare sky_vect = z;
  2. declare cam_loc = <0,0,-80>;
  3. declare lookat = <0,0,0>;

camera {

 location cam_loc
 look_at lookat
 angle 40
  1. macro Sun(Color)

union {

// the sun

 sphere {<0,0,0>,0.1
 texture { 

pigment {color rgb Color}

 	finish {ambient 1}


 // the corona
 sphere {<0,0,0>,20
   pigment {color rgbt 1}
   interior {
     media {
       intervals 10 samples 10,100 confidence 0.9  
       variance 1.0/128 ratio 0.9 
       emission 1
       absorption rgb <1,1,1>-Color
       method 3
       density {
         density_map {           
           [0 color rgb 0]       // center
           [.4 color rgb .0625*Color]  
           [.5 color rgb .125*Color]   
           [.6 color rgb .25*Color]    
           [.7 color rgb .5*Color]
           [.8 color rgb 1*Color]
           [.9 color rgb 2*Color]
           [1 color rgb 10*Color]
           } // density_map
         } //  density
       } //  media
     } // interior
   } // glow spherw
 } // sun
  1. end

// yellow star

  1. object {Sun(<1,1,0.5>) rotate <0,0,0>

scale 10 //translate <sax,say,0> //translate <sax,0,say> translate <0,0,0>


  1. declare light_loc = <0,0,0>;
  1. include "oma4.flr"
  2. include ""


// blue star

  1. object {Sun(<0.5,0.5,1>) rotate <0,0,0>

scale 10 //translate <sbx,sby,0> translate <scx,0,scy> }

  1. declare light_loc = <scx,0,scy>;
  1. include "oma4.flr"
  2. include ""
  • /

Additional ini file for animation

POV-Ray animation ini file

Antialias=Off Antialias_Threshold=0.1 Antialias_Depth=2


Initial_Frame=1 Final_Frame=99 Initial_Clock=0 Final_Clock=360

Cyclic_Animation=on Pause_when_Done=off

Modified lens flare effect. Oringinal is from Nathan Kopp's Lens flare plogin for povray

  1. declare lf_glows = array[1]
  2. declare lf_glow_sca = array[1]
  3. declare lf_glow_rot = array[1]
  4. declare lf_glow_dst = array[1]

// primary glow

  1. declare lf_glows[0] = pigment {
 wood color_map {
   [0 color <1,1,1>*1.1  transmit 0.5 ]
   [0.454545 color <0.3,0.3,0.21>  transmit 0.5 ]
   [0.681818 color 0 transmit 0.5 ]
   [0.818182 color 0 transmit 0.5 ]
   [1 color 0 transmit 0.5 ]


  1. declare lf_glow_sca[0] = <0.5,0.5,0.5> ;
  2. declare lf_glow_rot[0] = 500;
  3. declare lf_glow_dst[0] = 0;

// *************************************** // sparkles

  1. declare lf_spk_info = array[2][10] {
 {0,0,1,1.55,4,0.12,0,0.105, 55, 1000}
 {0,0,1,0.20,15,0.14,0,0.15, 155, 1000}


  1. declare lf_spk_vect = array[2][3] {
 {<0.95,0.95,0.95> ,<0,0,0> ,<1,1,1> }
 {<0.25,0.25,0.25> ,<0,0,0> ,<1,1,1> }


  1. declare lf_spot_types = array[2] {
  1. declare lf_spot_info = array[2][10] {
 {4.9,4,3.5,0.0122449,2.2,0,0.00134944,0.05,0.0125, 1}
 {2.1,2,1.5,0.0666667,2.2,0.5,0.2,0.04,0.02, 2}


  1. declare lf_spot_vect = array[2][2] {
 {<0.15,0.15,0.105> ,<0.06,0.06,0.06> }
 {<0.1,0.25,0.125> ,<0.03,0.03,0.03> }

} from nathan kopp:s nkflare,inc,

// // N K F l a r e . I N C // ------------------------------------------ // // Lens Flare "plug-in" for POV-RAY 3.1 // // Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Nathan Kopp // // Version 5.0 October, 1998 // // ------------------------------------------ // // THIS SOFTWARE IS CURRENTLY IN BETA-TESTING STAGES. // // Documentation for NKFlare is in the file // NKFlare.TXT. NKFlare.TXT must accompany // NKFlare.INC in all distributions. // // NKFlare is a very flexible lens flare include file for POV-Ray 3.1. // // Adding lens flare to your POV scene is now a simple as adding the // following few lines to your scene description file: // // #declare cam_loc = <x,y,z> // use the x, y, and z of your camera // #declare light_loc = <x,y,z> // use the x, y, and z of the light // // you wish to flare // #declare lookat = <x,y,z> // the look_at vector of your camera // #declare sky_vect = <x,y,z> // the sky vector of your camera // #include "35mm.flr" // or whatever pre-defined flare you like // #include "" // create the lens flare // // ------------------------------------------

  1. local crisps = 0;
  2. local sspread = 1;
  3. local smirror = 2;
  4. local ssize = 3;
  5. local sarms = 4;
  6. local swidth = 5;
  7. local srand = 6;
  8. local ssrand = 7;
  9. local sseed = 8;
  10. local srot = 9;
  1. local dnum = 0;
  2. local dskip = 1;
  3. local dopp = 2;
  4. local ddist = 3;
  5. local ddistpwr = 4;
  6. local doffset = 5;
  7. local drnd = 6;
  8. local dsize = 7;
  9. local dsizernd = 8;
  10. local dseed = 9;

//#version -1.0;

  1. declare lf_Clear = rgbt<0,0,0,.5>;

//#macro NKFlare (light_loc, cam_loc, lookat, sky_vect)

// if they defined "flare_type" and it is not blank, then // use it for the include filename //

  1. ifdef (flare_type)
 #if (strlen(flare_type)>0)
   #if (strcmp(flare_type, "camcorder")=0)
     #include "camcordr.flr"
   #else #if (strcmp(flare_type, "smallstar")=0)
     #include "smlstar.flr"
   #else #if (strcmp(flare_type, "warpflare")=0)
     #include "warp.flr"
     #declare filename = concat(flare_type,".flr")
     #if (file_exists(filename))
       #include filename
       #debug concat("Could not find the file: ",filename)
       #debug "\n"
   #end #end #end
  1. end

// ***************************************************************** // ** Additional rotation degrees. //

  1. ifndef (flare_rotate) #declare flare_rotate = 0; #end
  2. ifndef (flare_auto_rotate) #declare flare_auto_rotate = false; #end
  3. ifndef (spots_auto_rotate) #declare spots_auto_rotate = false; #end
  4. ifndef (disc_size) #declare disc_size = .001; #end
  5. ifndef (flare_size) #declare flare_size = <1,1,1>; #end
  6. ifndef (AmbientLight) #declare AmbientLight = <1,1,1>; #end

// ***************************************************************** // ************ DECLARE TRANSFORM VARIABLES ******************** // *****************************************************************

// ***************************************************************** // ** compute relative location of camera to light source // ** compute relative location of camera to center // *****************************************************************

  1. local lf_2light = cam_loc - light_loc;
  2. local lf_2ctr = cam_loc - lookat;

// Now project lf_2light onto lf_2ctr to find new lf_2ctr vector. This gives us // a vector from cam_loc to lf_2ctr that is perpendecular to the relative // lookat vector. The newctr vector is used in for multiple flare // spot calculation.

  1. local lf_newctr = lf_2ctr * vdot(lf_2light,lf_2ctr) / (vlength(lf_2ctr)*vlength(lf_2ctr));

// ***************************************************************** // ** compute rotation values for x and z axes // *****************************************************************

// matrix concept by John VanSickle <>

  1. local CamD = vnormalize(lookat-cam_loc);
  2. local CamR = vnormalize(vcross(sky_vect,CamD));
  3. local CamU = vnormalize(vcross(CamD,CamR));
  1. local CamRc = vnormalize(vcross(lf_2light,CamD));
  2. local CamUc = vnormalize(vcross(CamD,CamRc));

/* cylinder { // <0,0,0>, CamU, .1

 <0,0,0>,<0,1,0> .1
     matrix < CamRc.x,CamRc.y,CamRc.z,
              CamD.x,CamD.y,CamD.z,   // maybe 0,0,0 (but then no inverse)
              0,0,0 >  // no translate
 scale .1
 translate cam_loc+.5*CamD
 finish{ambient 1}


  • /

// ***************************************************************** // ** set up lf_StarTex for the sparkle textures // *****************************************************************

  1. local lf_StarTex=array[dimension_size(lf_spk_info,1)]
  1. local i=0;
  2. ifdef (lf_spk_info)
  3. while(i<dimension_size(lf_spk_info,1))
 #local star_seed = seed(lf_spk_info[i][sseed]);
 #local lf_temp_tr = 0.0;
 #if (lf_spk_info[i][crisps] = true) #local lf_temp_tr = 1.0; #end
 #if (lf_spk_info[i][sarms] > 0)
   #local lf_StarTex[i] = pigment {
   #if (lf_spk_info[i][smirror] = true)
     frequency 2
     #local lf_tmp_width = lf_spk_info[i][swidth] / lf_spk_info[i][sarms] * 2;
     #local lf_ave_dist  = 1 / lf_spk_info[i][sarms] * 2;
     frequency 1
     #local lf_tmp_width = lf_spk_info[i][swidth] / lf_spk_info[i][sarms];
     #local lf_ave_dist  = 1 / lf_spk_info[i][sarms];
   #local lf_loc = 0;
     [0.0          color lf_spk_vect[i][0] transmit .5]
     [lf_tmp_width color lf_spk_vect[i][0]*lf_temp_tr transmit .5]
     [lf_tmp_width color lf_Clear              ]
     #local lf_loc = lf_loc +  lf_ave_dist + (rand(star_seed)*2 - 1)*lf_spk_info[i][srand]*(lf_ave_dist-2*lf_tmp_width);
     #while (lf_loc <(1-2*lf_tmp_width))
       #local lf_s_color = lf_spk_vect[i][0] + lf_spk_vect[i][1] * <(rand(star_seed) * 2 - 1),(rand(star_seed) * 2 - 1),(rand(star_seed) * 2 - 1)>;
       [lf_loc - lf_tmp_width  color lf_Clear ]
       [lf_loc - lf_tmp_width  color lf_s_color*lf_temp_tr transmit .5]
       [lf_loc                 color lf_s_color            transmit .5]
       [lf_loc + lf_tmp_width  color lf_s_color*lf_temp_tr transmit .5]
       [lf_loc + lf_tmp_width  color lf_Clear ]
       #declare lf_loc = lf_loc +  lf_ave_dist + (rand(star_seed)*2 - 1)*lf_spk_info[i][srand]*(lf_ave_dist-2*lf_tmp_width);
     [1-lf_tmp_width color lf_Clear ]
     [1-lf_tmp_width color lf_spk_vect[i][0]*lf_temp_tr transmit .5]
     [1.0            color lf_spk_vect[i][0]            transmit .5]
  rotate <90,0,-90>
 #local i = i+1;
  1. end
  2. end
  1. local lf_Finish = finish {
 //#version -3.1;
 refraction 2.0
 //#version 3.1;
 specular 0
 phong 0
 diffuse 0.0
 reflection 0.0
 #declare lf_bright = <1,1,1>;
 #ifdef (AmbientLight)
     #declare lf_bright = lf_bright /  AmbientLight;
 #ifdef (flare_brightness)
   #declare lf_bright = lf_bright * flare_brightness;
 #ifdef (bright_background) #if (bright_background)
   #declare lf_bright = lf_bright * 0.3;
 #end #end
 ambient lf_bright*2


// ***************************************************************** // ** First, make sure the camera is in front of the camera by // checking the plane with normal from cam_loc to lookat. // // Plane equation: a(x-x0) + b(y-y0) + c(z-z0) = 0 // // *****************************************************************

  1. local cam_plane = 1 * vdot(lf_2ctr, lf_2light);
  1. if (cam_plane < 0)
 #warning "Light is behind camera or behind the planet.  Lens flare not created."
 // *****************************************************************
 // Skip lens flare completely... can have an impact on
 // render speed.
 // *****************************************************************
  1. else

// ***************************************************************** // ********** THE ACTUAL DISCS FOR LENS FLARE ********************** // *****************************************************************

  1. ifndef (lf_flares_drawn) #declare lf_flares_drawn = 0; #end

// ***************************************************************** // ********** glows **********************

  1. local i = 0;
  2. while(i<dimension_size(lf_glows,1))
 #declare lf_new_disc_size = disc_size + .001 * lf_flares_drawn;
 disc {
   <0,0,0>, z, 1/2
   texture {
     // ***************** Primary flare ********************
     pigment { lf_glows[i] }
     finish { lf_Finish }
   scale lf_glow_sca[i] * lf_new_disc_size * flare_size
   #local lf_2spot = lf_2light + (lf_newctr - lf_2light) * lf_glow_dst[i];
   #if (lf_glow_rot[i] >= 1000)
     rotate (lf_glow_rot[i] - 1000)*z
     matrix < CamRc.x,CamRc.y,CamRc.z,
              CamD.x,CamD.y,CamD.z,   // maybe 0,0,0 (but then no inverse)
              0,0,0 >  // no translate
     rotate lf_glow_rot[i]*z
     matrix < CamR.x,CamR.y,CamR.z,
              CamD.x,CamD.y,CamD.z,   // maybe 0,0,0 (but then no inverse)
              0,0,0 >  // no translate
   #local lf_dist = 1/( vdot(lf_2spot,lf_2ctr)/(vlength(lf_2ctr)*vlength(lf_2spot)) );
   translate cam_loc + lf_new_disc_size * vnormalize(-lf_2spot)*lf_dist
   no_shadow hollow
 #declare lf_flares_drawn = lf_flares_drawn + 1;
 #local i = i+1;
  1. end

// ***************************************************************** // ********** sparkles **********************

  1. ifdef (lf_spk_info)
  1. local i = 0;
  2. while (i<dimension_size(lf_spk_info, 1))
  1. if (lf_spk_info[i][sspread])
   #local lf_new_disc_size = disc_size + .001 * lf_flares_drawn;
   disc {
     <0,0,0>, z, lf_spk_info[i][ssize]*3/2
     texture {
     // ************** Star-type flare *********************
     pigment {
       wood scallop_wave
       pigment_map {
         [ 0.0                        lf_StarTex[i]]
         [ lf_spk_info[i][ssize]      lf_StarTex[i]]
         [ lf_spk_info[i][ssize] * 3  lf_Clear  ]
         [ 1                          lf_Clear  ]
     finish { lf_Finish }
     scale lf_spk_vect[i][2] * lf_new_disc_size * flare_size
   #if (lf_spk_info[i][srot] >= 1000)
     rotate (lf_spk_info[i][srot] - 1000)*z
     matrix < CamRc.x,CamRc.y,CamRc.z,
              CamD.x,CamD.y,CamD.z,   // maybe 0,0,0 (but then no inverse)
              0,0,0 >  // no translate
     rotate lf_spk_info[i][srot]*z
     matrix < CamR.x,CamR.y,CamR.z,
              CamD.x,CamD.y,CamD.z,   // maybe 0,0,0 (but then no inverse)
              0,0,0 >  // no translate
     #local lf_dist = 1/( vdot(lf_2light,lf_2ctr)/(vlength(lf_2ctr)*vlength(lf_2light)) );
     translate cam_loc + lf_new_disc_size * vnormalize(-lf_2light)*lf_dist
     no_shadow hollow
   #declare lf_flares_drawn = lf_flares_drawn + 1;
  1. else // star_spread
 // **************************************
 // Create a bunch of streaks to simulate
 // the sparkle pattern
   #local star_seed1 = seed(lf_spk_info[i][sseed]+floor(lf_clock));
   #local star_seed2 = seed(lf_spk_info[i][sseed]+floor(lf_clock)+1);
 #local star_seed = seed(lf_spk_info[i][sseed]);
 #if (lf_spk_info[i][smirror])
   #local lf_num = lf_spk_info[i][sarms] / 2;
   #local lf_num = lf_spk_info[i][sarms];
 #declare lf_tmp_width = lf_spk_info[i][swidth] / lf_spk_info[i][sarms] * .25;
 #declare lf_ave_ang  = 360 / lf_spk_info[i][sarms];
 #while (lf_num > 0)
     #local lf_tmp_size1 = lf_spk_info[i][ssize] + (rand(star_seed1) * 2 - 1) * lf_spk_info[i][ssrand]*lf_spk_info[i][ssize];
     #local lf_tmp_size2 = lf_spk_info[i][ssize] + (rand(star_seed2) * 2 - 1) * lf_spk_info[i][ssrand]*lf_spk_info[i][ssize];
     #local lf_tmp_size = lf_tmp_size2*(lf_clock-floor(lf_clock))+lf_tmp_size1*(1-(lf_clock-floor(lf_clock)));
     #local lf_tmp_size = lf_spk_info[i][ssize] + (rand(star_seed) * 2 - 1) * lf_spk_info[i][ssrand]*lf_spk_info[i][ssize];
   #declare lf_tmp_ang  = lf_num * lf_ave_ang + (rand(star_seed) * 2 - 1) * lf_spk_info[i][srand] * lf_ave_ang;
   #declare lf_s_color = lf_spk_vect[i][0] + lf_spk_vect[i][1] * <(rand(star_seed) * 2 - 1),(rand(star_seed) * 2 - 1),(rand(star_seed) * 2 - 1)>;
   #declare lf_new_disc_size = disc_size + .001 * lf_flares_drawn;
   disc {
     <0,0,0>, z, 1
     texture {
       pigment {
           [0.0 color lf_s_color transmit .5]
           #if (lf_spk_info[i][crisps]=true)
             [1.0 color lf_s_color transmit .5]
             [1.0 color lf_Clear]
       finish { lf_Finish }
     scale <lf_tmp_size,lf_tmp_width,1> * lf_new_disc_size*.9
       scale <.5,1,1>
       translate <.5,0,0>*lf_tmp_size* lf_new_disc_size.x// * flare_size.x
   rotate (lf_tmp_ang)*z
   scale lf_spk_vect[i][2] * flare_size
   #if (lf_spk_info[i][srot] >= 1000)
     rotate (lf_spk_info[i][srot] - 1000)*z
     matrix < CamRc.x,CamRc.y,CamRc.z,
              CamD.x,CamD.y,CamD.z,   // maybe 0,0,0 (but then no inverse)
              0,0,0 >  // no translate
     rotate lf_spk_info[i][srot]*z
     matrix < CamR.x,CamR.y,CamR.z,
              CamD.x,CamD.y,CamD.z,   // maybe 0,0,0 (but then no inverse)
              0,0,0 >  // no translate
     #local lf_dist = 1/( vdot(lf_2light,lf_2ctr)/(vlength(lf_2ctr)*vlength(lf_2light)) );
     translate cam_loc + lf_new_disc_size * vnormalize(-lf_2light)*lf_dist
     no_shadow hollow
   #declare lf_flares_drawn = lf_flares_drawn + 1;
   // make another copy if mirror is turned on.
   #if (lf_spk_info[i][smirror]=true)
   #declare lf_new_disc_size = disc_size + .001 * lf_flares_drawn;
   disc {
     <0,0,0>, z, 1
     texture {
       pigment {
           [0.0 color lf_s_color transmit .5]
           #if (lf_spk_info[i][crisps]=true)
             [1.0 color lf_s_color transmit .5]
             [1.0 color lf_Clear]
       finish { lf_Finish }
     scale <lf_tmp_size,lf_tmp_width,1> * lf_new_disc_size*.9
     scale <.5,1,1>
     translate <-.5,0,0>*lf_tmp_size* lf_new_disc_size.x //* flare_size.x
   rotate (lf_tmp_ang)*z
   scale lf_spk_vect[i][2] * flare_size
   #if (lf_spk_info[i][srot] >= 1000)
     rotate (lf_spk_info[i][srot] - 1000)*z
     matrix < CamRc.x,CamRc.y,CamRc.z,
              CamD.x,CamD.y,CamD.z,   // maybe 0,0,0 (but then no inverse)
              0,0,0 >  // no translate
     rotate lf_spk_info[i][srot]*z
     matrix < CamR.x,CamR.y,CamR.z,
              CamD.x,CamD.y,CamD.z,   // maybe 0,0,0 (but then no inverse)
              0,0,0 >  // no translate
     #local lf_dist = 1/( vdot(lf_2light,lf_2ctr)/(vlength(lf_2ctr)*vlength(lf_2light)) );
     translate cam_loc + lf_new_disc_size * vnormalize(-lf_2light)*lf_dist
     no_shadow hollow
   #declare lf_flares_drawn = lf_flares_drawn + 1;
   #local lf_num = lf_num - 1;
  1. end // star_spread
  1. local i = i+1;
  1. end // while
  2. end

// ********************************************************************* // ********************* Multiple lens flare spots ******************** // *********************************************************************

  1. ifdef (lf_spot_types)
  1. local i = 0;
  2. while(i<dimension_size(lf_spot_types,1))
  3. local spot_seed = seed(lf_spot_info[i][dseed]);

// ***************************************************************** // ** randoms are relative to their respective variables // *****************************************************************

  1. local s_dist_rand = lf_spot_info[i][drnd]; //* lf_spot_info[i][ddist]*10;
  2. local s_size_rand = lf_spot_info[i][dsizernd]; //* lf_spot_info[i][dsize]*10;
  1. local lf_cur_spot = lf_spot_info[i][dskip]+1;
  2. while ((lf_cur_spot <= lf_spot_info[i][dnum]+lf_spot_info[i][dskip]) | (lf_cur_spot <= lf_spot_info[i][dopp]+lf_spot_info[i][dskip]))
 #local lf_side = 0;
 #while (lf_side <= 1)
     #case (0) #local lf_xspot = lf_spot_info[i][dnum]+lf_spot_info[i][dskip]; #break
     #case (1) #local lf_xspot = lf_spot_info[i][dopp]+lf_spot_info[i][dskip]; #break
   #if (lf_cur_spot <= lf_xspot)
   // *****************************************************************
   // ** randomly shift various attributes
   // *****************************************************************
   #local lf_s_size  = lf_spot_info[i][dsize] + (rand(spot_seed) * 2 - 1) * s_size_rand;
   #local lf_s_dist  = (rand(spot_seed) * 2 - 1); // * s_dist_rand;
   #local lf_s_color = lf_spot_vect[i][0] + lf_spot_vect[i][1] * <(rand(spot_seed) * 2 - 1),(rand(spot_seed) * 2 - 1),(rand(spot_seed) * 2 - 1)>;
   #local lf_d_size  = lf_s_size;
   #local lf_d_color = lf_s_color;
   #local lf_pentagon = false;
     #local lf_SpotPigment = pigment {
       #local tmp_tr = 1.0; //-spot_fade_amount*(lf_spot_info[i][dnum] - lf_spot_info[i][dskip]);
       color_map {
          [ 0.0              color lf_d_color*tmp_tr*1.2     transmit .5 ]
          [ lf_d_size / 1.2  color lf_d_color*tmp_tr*.53 transmit .5 ]
          [ lf_d_size        color lf_Clear  ]
          [ 1                color lf_Clear  ]
     #local lf_bound_y = lf_d_size/2;
     #local tmp_tr = 1.0; //-spot_fade_amount*(lf_spot_info[i][dnum] - lf_spot_info[i][dskip]);
     #local lf_hex_pig = pigment {hexagon lf_s_color*tmp_tr transmit .5,lf_Clear,lf_Clear rotate 90*x scale .45}
     #local lf_SpotPigment = pigment{ wood scallop_wave pigment_map {
          [0.0  lf_hex_pig]
          [0.95 lf_hex_pig]
          [1.0  lf_Clear  ] }
          scale lf_s_size*1.2
     #local lf_bound_y = lf_s_size/2;
     #local lf_pentagon = true;
     #local tmp_tr = 1.0; //-spot_fade_amount*(lf_spot_info[i][dnum] - lf_spot_info[i][dskip]);
     #declare lf_SpotPigment = pigment{ wood scallop_wave color_map{
        [0.0  color lf_s_color*tmp_tr transmit .5]
        [0.95 color lf_s_color*tmp_tr transmit .5]
        [1.0  color lf_s_color*tmp_tr*.5 transmit .5] }
        scale 1.05*lf_s_size
     #local lf_bound_y = lf_s_size/2;
     #declare lf_SpotPigment = pigment {
       #local tmp_tr = 1.0; //-spot_fade_amount*(lf_spot_info[i][dnum] - lf_spot_info[i][dskip]);
       color_map {
          [ 0.0                       lf_Clear ]
          [ lf_s_size / 1.8           color lf_s_color*tmp_tr*.53 transmit .5 ]
          [ lf_s_size                 color lf_s_color*tmp_tr     transmit .5 ]
          [ lf_s_size +.1 * lf_s_size lf_Clear ]
          [ 1                         lf_Clear ]
     #local lf_bound_y = lf_s_size*1.1/2;
   #local lf_new_disc_size = disc_size + .001 * lf_flares_drawn;
   #if (lf_pentagon=false)
   disc {
     <0,0,0>, z, lf_bound_y
   polygon {
     < cos(radians(18)),-sin(radians(18))>, < cos(radians(54)), sin(radians(54))>,
     <-cos(radians(54)), sin(radians(54))>, <-cos(radians(18)),-sin(radians(18))>,
     scale lf_s_size*.5
     texture { pigment { lf_SpotPigment } finish { lf_Finish } }
     // *****************************************************************
     // ** calculate the apparant position of the flare spot
     // *****************************************************************
       #local lf_2spot = lf_2light + (lf_newctr - lf_2light) * ((lf_spot_info[i][ddist]) * pow(lf_cur_spot+lf_spot_info[i][doffset]+lf_s_dist, lf_spot_info[i][ddistpwr]));
     #break #case (1)
       #local lf_2spot = lf_2light - (lf_newctr - lf_2light) * ((lf_spot_info[i][ddist]) * pow(lf_cur_spot+lf_spot_info[i][doffset]+lf_s_dist, lf_spot_info[i][ddistpwr]));
                                   //(lf_newctr - lf_2light) * (lf_spot_info[i][ddist] * pow(lf_cur_spot, lf_spot_info[i][ddistpwr]) + lf_s_dist);
     scale lf_new_disc_size * flare_size
     matrix < CamRc.x,CamRc.y,CamRc.z,
              CamD.x,CamD.y,CamD.z,   // maybe 0,0,0 (but then no inverse)
              0,0,0 >  // no translate
     #local lf_dist = 1/( vdot(lf_2spot,lf_2ctr)/(vlength(lf_2ctr)*vlength(lf_2spot)) );
     translate cam_loc + lf_new_disc_size * vnormalize(-lf_2spot)*lf_dist
     no_shadow hollow
   #declare lf_flares_drawn = lf_flares_drawn + 1;
   #end // if
   #local lf_side=lf_side+1;
 #end  // while side
 #local lf_cur_spot = lf_cur_spot + 1;
  1. end // while lf_cur_spot
  1. local i = i+1;
  1. end // while loop for different spots
  1. end // ifdef(lf_spot_types)
  1. end // if light was behind camera, lens flare was skipped.

//#end // of macro


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  • share alike – If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same or compatible license as the original.

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current18:22, 25 May 2019Thumbnail for version as of 18:22, 25 May 2019800 × 600 (60 KB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)User created page with UploadWizard

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