File:Word cloud of Tech News translators.svg

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English: Word cloud showing the usernames of translators of the tech newsletter as of 2014-07-30.
  • Source data: Generated by Tomasz W. Kozlowski (see below)
    • User names are weighted by a function of their number of edits. Due to the wide difference in edit counts, some names would be huge and others invisible if we used the raw weighting. In order to be able to read most names, we use edit counts' natural logarithm and add 0.5 so users with only one edit still appear.
  • Word cloud generated using Wordle's advanced generator by Jonathan Feinberg. Due to Wordle's Print function, the text was converted to paths and is thus uneditable.
  • Color palette: Solarized by Ethan Schoonover
  • Font: Lucida Sans
Source Own work
Author Guillaume Paumier

Source data

User Edit count (as of 2014-07-30) ln(edit count) + 0.5 Color (hexadecimal)
FuzzyBot 3455 8,65 268bd2
Verdy p 1511 7,82 2aa198
Odder 936 7,34 859900
Liuxinyu970226 910 7,31 6c71c4
Amire80 829 7,22 d33682
Ата 745 7,11 dc322f
Matěj Suchánek 724 7,08 cb4b16
Asaifm 693 7,04 b58900
Whym 686 7,03 657b83
Nikerabbit 638 6,96 268bd2
Freebiekr 474 6,66 2aa198
Base 417 6,53 859900
Rubin16 406 6,51 6c71c4
Ralgis 381 6,44 d33682
Nasir8891 346 6,35 dc322f
Tchoř 295 6,19 cb4b16
Stryn 250 6,02 b58900
Shirayuki 242 5,99 657b83
Cainamarques 212 5,86 268bd2
Glykanera 174 5,66 2aa198
KartikMistry 135 5,41 859900
Seb35 133 5,39 6c71c4
Guillom 120 5,29 d33682
Hym411 117 5,26 dc322f
ガンマゼータ 111 5,21 cb4b16
Amgauna 100 5,11 b58900
Xuacu 99 5,10 657b83
Sjoerddebruin 94 5,04 268bd2
יונה בנדלאק 85 4,94 2aa198
Siebrand 76 4,83 859900
EileenSanda 71 4,76 6c71c4
Justincheng12345 71 4,76 d33682
Oriciu 68 4,72 dc322f
JurgenNL 66 4,69 cb4b16
İncelemeelemani 62 4,63 b58900
DrSauron 61 4,61 657b83
Meno25 57 4,54 268bd2
ValterVB 52 4,45 2aa198
WillemBK 50 4,41 859900
ScraTUp 48 4,37 6c71c4
Matanya 46 4,33 d33682
SteveR 44 4,28 dc322f
Cedric31 43 4,26 cb4b16 43 4,26 b58900
Shizhao 42 4,24 657b83
Kpjas 40 4,19 268bd2
Utar 40 4,19 2aa198
Jordan1976 38 4,14 859900
Cquoi 37 4,11 6c71c4
Rxy 36 4,08 d33682
Redaktor 34 4,03 dc322f
Defender 33 4,00 cb4b16
Dianakc 33 4,00 b58900
Clockery 32 3,97 657b83
Aldnonymous 31 3,93 268bd2
Fúlvio 31 3,93 2aa198
Raymond 31 3,93 859900
Ahonc 29 3,87 6c71c4
Xikininho 29 3,87 d33682
Liflon 28 3,83 dc322f
LlamaAl 28 3,83 cb4b16
Manojk 28 3,83 b58900
Okras 28 3,83 657b83
Ungebildet 28 3,83 268bd2
Danilo.mac 27 3,80 2aa198
Zhangjintao 26 3,76 859900
Emperyan 25 3,72 6c71c4
Gryllida 25 3,72 d33682
Ainali 23 3,64 dc322f
Jdforrester (WMF) 22 3,59 cb4b16
OrbiliusMagister 22 3,59 b58900
Robby 22 3,59 657b83
Ikamegawati 21 3,54 268bd2
Sandaru 21 3,54 2aa198
Macofe 20 3,50 859900
Nastoshka 20 3,50 6c71c4
Nemo bis 20 3,50 d33682
Nux 20 3,50 dc322f
Porbóllett 20 3,50 cb4b16
Sir48 20 3,50 b58900
Aplikasi 19 3,44 657b83
Ryush00 19 3,44 268bd2
Songford 19 3,44 2aa198
Bdamokos 18 3,39 859900 17 3,33 6c71c4
Wladek92 17 3,33 d33682
Ricordisamoa 16 3,27 dc322f
Sannita 16 3,27 cb4b16
Teles 16 3,27 b58900
عباد ديرانية 16 3,27 657b83
Cantons-de-l'Est 15 3,21 268bd2
Rifkul Uswati 15 3,21 2aa198
!Silent 15 3,21 859900 14 3,14 6c71c4
Danny B. 14 3,14 d33682
Stefan Elfving (WMSE) 14 3,14 dc322f
Steinsplitter 14 3,14 cb4b16
Automatik 13 3,06 b58900
Gloria sah 13 3,06 657b83
Leitoxx 13 3,06 268bd2 12 2,98 2aa198
Jytim 12 2,98 859900
콩가루 11 2,90 6c71c4 11 2,90 d33682 11 2,90 dc322f
Crazy Ivan 11 2,90 cb4b16
-jem- 11 2,90 b58900
Sebastian Wallroth 11 2,90 657b83 10 2,80 268bd2
ElangoRamanujam 10 2,80 2aa198
Nemigo 10 2,80 859900
Pebbles 10 2,80 6c71c4
RickyB98 9 2,70 d33682
ערן 9 2,70 dc322f
한림 8 2,58 cb4b16
Aftab1995 8 2,58 b58900
Akifumii 8 2,58 657b83
ArséniureDeGallium 8 2,58 268bd2
Epok 8 2,58 2aa198
Kertwonesty 8 2,58 859900
Rzuwig 8 2,58 6c71c4 7 2,45 d33682 7 2,45 dc322f 7 2,45 cb4b16
Byfserag 7 2,45 b58900
Chrumps 7 2,45 657b83
PiRSquared17 7 2,45 268bd2
TeleComNasSprVen 7 2,45 2aa198
Tracerneo 7 2,45 859900
Abaddon1337 6 2,29 6c71c4
Galaxen 6 2,29 d33682
Gianfranco 6 2,29 dc322f
Jean-Frédéric 6 2,29 cb4b16
Lucifer8k 6 2,29 b58900
Lucioas 6 2,29 657b83
Myr 6 2,29 268bd2
RLuts 6 2,29 2aa198
Sreejithk2000 6 2,29 859900
TianyinLee 6 2,29 6c71c4 5 2,11 d33682 5 2,11 dc322f 5 2,11 cb4b16
Fabsouza1 5 2,11 b58900
Geraki 5 2,11 657b83
Ypnypn 5 2,11 268bd2 4 1,89 2aa198 4 1,89 859900
Joan manel 4 1,89 6c71c4
Linnea 4 1,89 d33682
Ramakrishnan.nikhil 4 1,89 dc322f
Sergento 4 1,89 cb4b16
Shangkuanlc 4 1,89 b58900
Tuankiet65 4 1,89 657b83
קובי כרמל 4 1,89 268bd2 3 1,60 2aa198 3 1,60 859900 3 1,60 6c71c4 3 1,60 d33682 3 1,60 dc322f
Amgr 88 3 1,60 cb4b16
Cekli829 3 1,60 b58900
Chelin 3 1,60 657b83
Dobosattilasandor 3 1,60 268bd2
Lvova 3 1,60 2aa198
V.narsikar 3 1,60 859900
Vogone 3 1,60 6c71c4
Xcodexif 3 1,60 d33682
Zetud 3 1,60 dc322f
Zwiadowca21 3 1,60 cb4b16 2 1,19 b58900 2 1,19 657b83
Abelpadilla 2 1,19 268bd2
Bjankuloski06 2 1,19 2aa198
Cwek 2 1,19 859900
Dzięcioł 3 2 1,19 6c71c4
Epescopo 2 1,19 d33682
Liangent 2 1,19 dc322f
Nuriaballtor 2 1,19 cb4b16
Putnik 2 1,19 b58900
Takot 2 1,19 657b83
UsmanPathanKhan 2 1,19 268bd2
Uziel302 2 1,19 2aa198
Zerabat 2 1,19 859900
Zhaofeng Li 2 1,19 6c71c4 1 0,50 d33682 1 0,50 dc322f 1 0,50 cb4b16 1 0,50 b58900 1 0,50 657b83 1 0,50 268bd2 1 0,50 2aa198 1 0,50 859900 1 0,50 6c71c4 1 0,50 d33682 1 0,50 dc322f 1 0,50 cb4b16 1 0,50 b58900 1 0,50 657b83 1 0,50 268bd2 1 0,50 2aa198 1 0,50 859900 1 0,50 6c71c4 1 0,50 d33682
Alchimista 1 0,50 dc322f
Az1568 1 0,50 cb4b16
BonifaceFR 1 0,50 b58900
Carliitaeliza 1 0,50 657b83
Dannyps 1 0,50 268bd2
DonPedro71 1 0,50 2aa198
Feydey 1 0,50 859900
Fitoschido 1 0,50 6c71c4
Fryed-peach 1 0,50 d33682
Gabrasca 1 0,50 dc322f
Incola 1 0,50 cb4b16
JB82 1 0,50 b58900
Jkr2255 1 0,50 657b83
Josve05a 1 0,50 268bd2
Juandev 1 0,50 2aa198
Larsnl 1 0,50 859900
Ltrlg 1 0,50 6c71c4
Mathieudu68 1 0,50 d33682
McZusatz 1 0,50 dc322f
Meni181818 1 0,50 cb4b16
MohandesWiki 1 0,50 b58900
Mormegil 1 0,50 657b83
Rastus Vernon 1 0,50 268bd2
Romaine 1 0,50 2aa198
Se4598 1 0,50 859900
Str4nd 1 0,50 6c71c4
Superzerocool 1 0,50 d33682
Syedowaisalichishti 1 0,50 dc322f
The powder toy 1 0,50 cb4b16
Timmaexx 1 0,50 b58900
Tooguether 1 0,50 657b83
Varvara Vadimovna 1 0,50 268bd2
Visi90 1 0,50 2aa198
YanyuZhou 1 0,50 859900
Yodaspirine 1 0,50 6c71c4
Крушевљанин Иван 1 0,50 d33682


Creative Commons CC-Zero This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.
The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of their rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current14:03, 2 August 2014Thumbnail for version as of 14:03, 2 August 2014825 × 385 (1.12 MB)Guillom (talk | contribs)Use Lucida Sans since it doesn't eat non-Latin usernames
16:31, 1 August 2014Thumbnail for version as of 16:31, 1 August 2014810 × 304 (3.01 MB)Guillom (talk | contribs)== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Word cloud showing the usernames of translators of the tech newsletter as of 2014-07-30. * Source data: Generated by Tomasz W. Kozlowski (see below) ** Non-lati...

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