File:New Jersey War Casualties in The Courier-News of Bridgewater, New Jersey on 10 October 1944.jpg

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New Jersey War Casualties in The Courier-News of Bridgewater, New Jersey on 10 October 1944


English: New Jersey War Casualties in The Courier-News of Bridgewater, New Jersey on 10 October 1944
Source The Courier-News of Bridgewater, New Jersey on 10 October 1944
Author US Government
Other versions



New Jersey War Casualties. Washington (Associated Press) The Navy Department announced today the names of seven New Jersey men on a list of 160 casualties of the naval forces.

  • Bilotti. Anthony Samuel, chief yeoman. Naval Reserve, dead, (previously reported missing July 22. 1944) wife. Mrs. Cecelia Mary Bilotti. 629 N. Third St.. East Newark; mother. Mrs. Giovanian Bilotti. 313 N. Second St., Harrison.
  • Bishop. Richard Ronald, electrician's mate, second class. Naval Reserve, dead, (previously reported missing July 22. 1S44 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald S. Bishop, Caroline Ave.. Pe-quannock. Copeland, Clarence Nathaniel, steward's mate, second class. Naval Reserve, dead, (previously reported missing Jury 28, 1944) father. Jesse Copeland. 22 Ega Ave.. Jersey City. GoYllewskl. Frank Ted, ship's cook, second class. Naval Reserve, dead, (previously reported missing July 20. 1944) father. Walter Godlewskl. 66 Prentice Ave.. South River. Ruoto. John J., private. Marine Corps, wounded, parents, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Ruoto, 217 S. Jefferson St., Orange. Ubertacclo, Emmanuel C, corporal, Marine Corps Reserve, wounded : par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Ubertacclo, 7 Center St Morrfstown. Wyker. Merlin H, corporal. Marine Corps Reserve, dead; father, Mr. John L. Wyker, Augusta. at O'Keefe. Set. Raymond V. Mrs. Margaret O'Keefe, mother, 202 Ilutfon St.. Jersey City. - Pacansky. Pre Andrew A. Mrs. Anna M. Pacansky. mother, 369 High St.. Perth Amboy. Paceiuo. Pvt. Ernest Mrs. iouise Pacclllo. wife, 187 Washington St., Trenton. Pacifico. Pvt. Frank C Joseph Pa cini o, father. 11 Orchard St., Jersey City. Pastor. Pvt. Michael John rastor. father. IS Louisa St.. Passaic. Pellegrlno. Pic. Domlnick A. Mrs. Garino. wife. 540 River St., Paterson. Glangiulio. Sgt Enrico Santo Gian giulio. lather. Route 4. Winslow. Giannakis. Pvt. John J. Anthony Kyprios, uncle, 253 Main St.. Chatham. Giantini, Sgt John C. Mrs. Angelina R. Giantini. mother. 289 Linden Ave.. Jersey City. Goering, Pvt. Han G. Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt, mother, 458 Jefferson Ave., Elizabeth. Hennessv. Pfc. Walter W. Miss Marietta Hennessy. sister. Eighth & Park Ave.. Vtneland. Hoffman. Pfc. Kenneth W. Mrs. M.a,Pr'lTf,rJn' m0lher' 420 E- KoU Acnes HoffmUrn,ohc;; Railroad Ave wi. a iaiwvB. Illicit Ur MCA Pfleiderer. Pfc. Harold J. Mrs. I , , ' r L7 iri -c t Bertha M.- Pfleiderer. wife. 67 Elm St, . ' Hea. mothE. WsL Lambertville. I Plerson. 1st Lieut. Dudley C. Eu- u; 1.1 t.. ci.i. t vr.-. t..,i. gene C. Pierson. father. 87 Park Ave.. ,ne Hojnackj , mother, 159 Railroad Ave., d , f . tr, u Jersey City, M U I IB, - ii' aw i Katharine U. imrvis, wire, m iiaie si, Hroncich Sr.. father, 1S1 Oak wood Ave. Rati run. Tech. Sgt. John J. Mrs.1 .,,, i, , tnii A vtrm Thr... James Ratigan. mother, 340 Willow St- racouzze. 'wife'. Ill Elizabeth Ave, Bordentown. South Plainfield. Reckeweg. Capt. Willlain P. William intindola. Pfc. Vincent P. Mrs. A. Reckeweg. father, 1115 Sycamore St.. Theresa Intindola. mother, 725 Wash-Haddon Heights. lngton Ave.. Bcllville. Romano. Pfc. Virglllo P. Mrs. Rose Jones. Tech. Sgt. William H. Mrs. Romano, mother. 1202 I3th St.. oth Helen P. Jones, wife. 170 Slocum Ave.. Bergen. Englewood. Rosenreia. rvi. aoiomon jura. Jem Keatinic. Pfc. Robert L. Mrs. Grace Rosenfeld. mother. 83 Avon Ave, Keating, mother, 33 Central Ave, May- I wood. Kelleher. Pvt. It on the to as the r and uppermost, bus! deal community cher may by and aspire although in-1 Social, may gracious with this should as at will romance wouvded nr actio Washington (AP) A War Department release today listing the names of 2,648 U. S. soldiers wounded in ac tion in the European theater of war in cluded 104 New Jersey residents, lew Jersey Wounded I Allen-. Sgt. Vernon R. Mrs. Mabel S. Allen, wife, 301 Edgewood Ave, West-vine. Alloway. Pvt. Howard IA. Jr. Mrs. Florence Alloway, mother, 744 Hunterdon St- Newark. Andrews. Sjtt. Joseph Mrs. Antonio Daldan. mother, 90 Miller Ave, Penns Grove. I AuKU-tto. Pvt. Henry C Mr. Ethel- vina A u gusto, wife, 67 Kent St, New i ark. Beatty. Pfc James G. Mrs. Julia j Beatty, mother, 131 Park Ave., Keans- i Dure. ! Bisco. Set. Charles A. Mrs. Jeanle Bisco, mother, 625 Fourth Ave, Eliza beth. Bradway. Pf. George E. Mrs. Alice Dalbow Bradway. mother, 142 Fifth St.. Carneys Point. Branijran. Tech. Sgt. Edwin B Jr. Mrs. Bertha F. Branigan, mother, 7 N. 10th St.. Newark. Brauer. 2nd Lieut. Charles H. Mrs. Audrey J. Brauer, wife, 1739 Asbury Ave Neptune. Breznak, Pvt. Georce Mrs. Anna S. Breznak. mother, 152 Wheaton PL. Rutherford. Broncaccio. Pfc. Nicholas Mrs. Anglian Bronraccio, mother. 21 Main Ave., East Paterson. Brown, Pvt. John F. Mrs. Martha M. Baur. aunt. 445 Central Ave, Orange. Bruen, Pfc Carlton J. Mrs. Anna A. Bruen. mother, 14 Lakeside PI, Mor-riftown. Bucholz. Pvt. Thomas J. Mrs. Anna R. Bucholz. mother, 306 Washington St.. Perth Amboy. Bvron. Tech. 6th Gr. Edwin T. Mrs. Mary Byron, mother. 850 Summer SU Newark. Camarote. Staff Set. Michael. Jr. Mrs. Pauline Camarote. mother. 661 Chestnut Ave, Bridgeton. Carter. 1st Lieut. Richara T. Mrs, Elinor E. Carter, wife. 77 Johnson Ave, Bloomfield. Chabra. Pfc George Mrs. Martha M. Chabra, wife, 14 Prospect Row, New ark. Cicalese, Pvt. Basil A. Mrs. Margaret Cicalese, mother, 214 Chestnut 1st. Newark. CoddinKton. Pvt. Georee E. Mrs, Mary Coddineton. mother, 186 Sey- mrmr Ave Newark. Coder. Pvt. James B, Jr. Mrs. tinei A. Coder, mother. 117 Clark Ave, Ocean Grove. . Coker, Pfc Roger F. Mrs. Aneena Coker. wife. 643 Bergen St., South Plainfield. . Cope. Staff Sgt. David c Mrs. wn- helmina R. Cope, mother. 81 Philadelphia Ave, Eeg Harbor City. woppoia, Bgi. uominic j. juia. Josephine Coppola, mother. 277 Chestnut St, South Hackensack. Coppola. Pvt. Joseph A. Mrs. uerai- dine Coppola, wife, 284 Adams St, Newark. fottrell. Pvt. William I. Ivins 11. Cottrell. father. Route 1. Squankun Rd, Lake wood. ' Ianie11o. Pvt. Georee A. Mrs. -nyi- is Uanieilo, wne, soj rairmom. avc. Davies. Tech. 6th Gr. Kennein is. Mrs. Ernestine R. Davies. mother, 183 M nraton Parkwav. taut oranee. Davis. Pfc Andrew A. Mrs. Mary n,viQ wifff am firand St.. Hoboken. Deak. Pvt. Alex L. Mrs. Mary jjeaK. mother. 25 Columbus Ave.. Fords. Deleuerclo. Pfc John f. Mrs. Mary Ann Deliruercio. mother. 412 Clifton A vp Newark. Diblin. Pvt. Robert Mrs. Margaret E. Diblin. mother, Sedwick Sst, James- bure. . . r m Mn. Pvt. reter I. Mrs. m eenia J. Diemiean, wne, ou nam ssi. PntprMin. Dillon. Pvt. Thomas j. Mrs. 'i nomas F. Dillon, mother. 125 Albin Ave, pat- Drozd. Tech. 4th Gr. tawara v.. John A. Drozd. father. 1609 Norris St, noii to. Pic Anlhonv r . Mrs. Anna Esposlto. mother. 249 Walker St, fliffalHA Gavbrant. Pvt. Louis a. Mrs. Anna Acuna. mothor. 238 Oliver St, Newark. Gemski. Start Set. josepn &. Mrs. 5?ophie Gemski. motheT. 114 Main fat, Garfield. Golden. 1st Lieut. Thomas m. jonn Golden, father. 316 Ave. A, Bayonne Heard. Staff Sgt. fcimer j, jr.-ti-mer J. Heard Sr, father. 212 Powelton Ave.. Wood Lynne. H-inrich. Pic. jean f. Mrs. irene B. Heinrich. wife. 176 Randolph Ave, Jerney City. Hendrlx. Pvt. aui j. mm. oinu M. Hendrix. mother. 806 Grove St, Pn(n TlaKint Beach. Hickman. Pfc Joseph L. Mrs. Alma L. Hickman, mother. 1152 Deuts Ave, Trenton. Hofmann. Srt. Edward A. ueoree tr. Hofmann. brother, 27 Yard. Ave, Tren- t0Horner. Tfc Norman Mrs. Anna M. Homer, mother, 428 Prince St, Borden- tnwn Irven. Set. Richard P. Mrs. Marie E. Elmer, sister, 232 Euclid Ave.. Tren-t0t.vl Staff Ket. Frank B. Mrs F.leanore M. Jeckel. wife. Maple and Snrinefield Ave New Providence, Jennette. Pfc William T. Thomas Jonnette. father. 720 Blvd.. Bayonne. Johnson. Pvt. Richard L. Harry Johnson, brother. 85 Cedar St, PhU-lippbure. Kauffman. Pfc Jack Mrs. Mary W. Kauffman. mother, 23 States Ave, At- luntic rltv. Pfc. Andrew Mrs. Marv Kraynak, mother, 91 Maple St. Jersey fifv Kripitz. Pvt. samuei Mrs. r-annie Kripitz, mother, 434 Berkley St, Cam den. . Lutz. Pfc. Ernest, jr. Ernest luiz Sr.. father, 660 Lincoln Ave.. Hawthorne. Marano. Pvt. Salvatore u. Air. An toinette Marano. mother. 622 N. Eighth St.. Newark. May us. Pvt. peter k. Mrs. Ameia Mayus, mother, 84 Amboy Ave, Roe-bline. McCloyky. Tfc Joseph Mrs. Kathleen McClosky, wife, 144 Congress St, Newark. Messtnen, Sgt. Thomas S. Mrs. Frances Mcgalneo. mother, 124 Union St, Newark. Minntknwitkl. Pvt. Joseph J. Mrs. Stella S. Miastkowskl, mother. Route 1. FVAhnld. Mixsell. Pft. David Donald G. Mix- sell, father, 148 Hodee Rd, Princeton. Mnlinarl. Pfc- Jo-Dh F. Mrs. Eliza beth Molinari. mother, 172 Bank St, Newark. Moran. Pfc Donald B Mrs. Cath- erineJ Moran, mother. Tainter Ave Morrow. Pvt. Hafrv W. Mrs. Laura M. Morrow, mother, 1991 Federal, Cam den. Monger. Staff Set. John H. Mrs. Nel lie Hollman. aunt, 1118 Broadway. Long Branch. Murrin. Pvt. Thomas F. Mrs. Agnes Murrin. mother. 2Zt4 Bergenline Ave, Union City. Murtha. Pvt. Fred J Jr. Fred J Murtha Sr, father. 11 Princeton St, Maplewood. Neurineer. Pfc David Hyman Neu rineer, father, 100 Rah way Ave, Elizabeth.
  • Nitzberg. Pvt. Irving B. Mrs. Sophie Nitztwre. wife. 27 Murray St, Trenton.
  • Norton. Pfc Vincent G. Mrs. Mary Norton, mother, 603 Garfield Ave, Jersey city.
  • Kpwjirk. Roxburgh. 1st Lieut. Andrew Jr. Mrs. Catherine B. Roxburgh, mother. 967 W. Fifth St, Plainfield. Rubino. Pfc Robert J. Mrs. Victoria Rubino, mother. 108 Fourth Ave., Hawthorne. Rugglero. Pvt. Valentine D. Aneelo Rugeiero, father. 133 New York Ave, Rule. Pvt. Kenneth T. Mrs. Mary ward Koegel, mother. 18 40th St. D. Rule, motner, e- rorcer oi, uimr mpton Russell. 1st LleuL Robert Mrs. Helen Muir. aunt, 69 Durand Rd, Maplewood. Russo, Pfc. Thomas E. Mrs. Agnes Russo. mother, 851 Randolph Ave, Jer- Ryan. Stair SKI. rTancis l. iimoiny uariiein. L. Ryan, father. 123 Filmore St, Lickfleld. Set. William Riverside. Helen Lickfleld. mother, Kafford. Lt' Col. Robert H. Mrs. Ave.. Collineswood. Edith M. Safford. wife, 400 Booth Ave, Litwitz, Pfc. Melvln T. Mrs. of and ing and Hroncich. Pfc. Anthony J. Anthony fire be Charles V. William of k. Mrs. 114 tainonlo-..,.. p.hi. I an Kelleher. brother. 644 Westvlew Ave, Grantwood. Kelly, 2nd Lt. Georre W. Mrs. Anne I. Kelly, wife, 834 Central St, Plain-field. Kita. Pvt. Casmlr Mrs. Mary Kits, mother. 65 -E. 21st St, Bayonne. Koegel. Pvt. Edward H. Mrs. Ed- lrv- Koutsaftes. Pvt. John Splros Kout- saftes. father, 40 Mercer St.. Newark. La nee. Pfc. Eugene C. Mrs. Lydia Lance, mother, 3 Marlcy Ave, Little Falls. Lichtey. Tech. 4th Gr. Michael Mrs. Anna Lichtey, mother, 66 Chestnut St, Rninod. Litwitz. mother. 153 Prospect St.. Sikora. Pfc Joseph Miss Helen K. Passaic Slkora. Sister, Za tiamaway ou, iymasn. rvu iwoaore i. aira. er- lineion. . . "... ..nuc.. x Skurka, fie JOsepn mr. mar i cnzaoein. ..... I . Skurka. mother, 630 Hartiora su, MajerciaK, pvt. Andrew-Mrs. Martha oe Perth Amboy. Majerciak, wife, 603 Boonton Ave, I Suezda. Pfc. .Duncan m. aura, r.u- corairon. ghemie Suezda, mother. 11 W. 15th St, Majsztrik. Pfc. Mirhael J. Mrs. Ber-ayonne. ha P. Majsztrik, mother, 75 Herald St, wnpr. Staff Set. Albert P. Al- Carteret. bert Toperzer, father. 2364 S. Eighth Marach. Pvt. John P. Mrs. Anna T. "St.. Camden. Marach. wire, 421 Westminister Ave, Toperzer. Pfc Kooen nr;. wmwin. . . - Martha Toperzer. mother, 2364 S. I Marchene, rrc. Josenn r. Mrs. uonnle rvurojii irnu, visici, aiciiiuui Ave, East Orange. McGee. Pfc. Hugh C Mrs. Ann Ham-berg, sicter. 64 E. 41st St, Bayonne. Merritt. Pfc. Robert Mrs. Grace Mer-ritt. mother, 1 Springfield Ave, New Providence. Monaco, nx Angeio i. iwrs.iyiary Monaco, mother. 146 Rector St, Eliza- beth. I Nahan. Pvt. Alfred Mrs. Evelyn Na- nan. mower, r irSl Ave, Asoury Nakielny. Pfc. Theodore C. Mrs. Theresa P. Nakielny, mother, 439 Bailey I. Nannini Pfc. Michael F. Mrs. Angc- presen-line Nannini, wife. 196 Leighton Ave, . Napoli." Set Arthur T. Thomas A. Napoli. brother. 714 Third St, Florence, Nugent Pvt. Philip J. Mrs. Ethel M. LVaS Wlie, juu nuua'iu Trainor. 2nd Litut Francis X. Mr. Josenhine M. Trainor. wife, 750 Highland Ave, Newark. Turoa. t:orp. jonn o. mm. mi..., Turos. mother, 23 Hawkins St, Newark. Vitale. Pfc. Albert A.-Mrs Vener-anda A. Vitale, mother. 68 Madison St. Hoboken. . Vreeland. Pvt Albert L. Bert L. Vreeland. father, 115 W. . Sixth St. Bavonne. , Weiler. Pfc. Albert R. Mrs. Helen Burkhardt, mother, 646 Second St, Weinberger, 2nd Lieut Martin I. Ave, Union Mrs. Freda A. Weinberger, mower. u E. 32nd St, Bayonne. Widmaier. Pvt William C- Mrs. Ruth Widmaier. mother. 302 Cleveland A wientenberg!" Pvt John Miss Evelyn Wientenberg. sister. 190 Washing ton Ave, Little Ferry. WiprzblcKl. rvi- josep" ' Eiea-1 tii vf nirv. nor Wierzbirkl. wile, 230 van nornc st jioboken. St.. Jersey City. w Parker. Pfc. HowardMrs. Anna M. Wilson. Pfc. Jeremiah J. Mrs. Mary pru.T, mother. Route 2. Sewell. Wilson, mother, 14 Wilson Ave, Keans- raterson. Sgt. Arthur C Mrs. Jernl-burg. ma MrMahon. Friend, 254 E. Main St, 1 Bereenfleid.

Washington (Associated Press) The Navy Department announced last night the names of 10 New Jersey men on a list of 217 casualties of the U.S. naval forces. New Jerseyans were: J. , of 217 casualties of the U. S. naval Pawlonkl.

  • Bovill Alfred G, privatl. first riass. je Perhach, wife. 20 South St, Mtn- Marine CorpsReserve. wounaea vine , . Mr. vie. Mm Alfred ii. xiOVIli, v havh innninii, a v.. :. Kea'rnv toria Peringian. sister. 7803 Fourth PI,
  • Brown, William E. v . Com Reerve. Wounfl'O. rarpnu. loirowsxi. rrc. ni"""; lorps "r.,c'c- u,n lMnn u..,i.ii. PixtrAsaV wife. 227 Grant ami airs, vv auoiii .-.. v,., Me Belford. . av'., jerwy dcuui u. .....4. I t, . t-...
  • Cheeseman. tsenjamin n., "j"- 1 vl- " " " ' tir.t !!. Marine corps. wounu-i. grei jvi. i ray. h.uiuci, Mother Mrs. Ruth A. Cheeseman, 121 Ave., Jersey City. Snnne'Gardffl St.. Woodatown. Przybyla. Pvt Ejwln P. Oeora :e ColaliUo Joseph A, private, first Przybyla. father. 12 Hope Ave, Passaic, class Mar ne Corps Reserve. Wounded. Randrf. Pvt. Frank Orazio Rando. Mother. Mr. Mary coiaiiuo, -w6- lamt-r. i l.iuwi v - t . a TA..4 UrnAlr I KOirriPTl PIT KRvmniui n. fliio. x .lh. Marine Corns Reierve. Wounded. Romano. Staff Sgt. Doinin ck Mrs. - . . . . : ocon i r . ti ; . l )W i'ldp. avp . Mother, Mrs. Manna m. Lramc, mry Atlantic Ave, Atlantic City. Lyndhurst DeWitt William H, corporal. Marine Sammataro. Pfc. Edward O.Santl CoroV Wound Wife. Mrs. William father, 1211 Eighth St, II. DeWitt 430 Yale Ave.. Hillside. North Bergen ... irii7iiheth Sammon. Pvt. John J. Mrs. Alma A. ri5.IV;v (...rt .T. nrlvate. Ma- Sammon. wife. 76 Bingham Ave, Rum- as. rs.5 s-sr Reic'hen. Pfc. Raymond R. Mrs. Dale M Mrs. Mar-359 Armstrong Samuels, father. 102 Gibbolno Clmenton. Sauerman. 1st Lieut Albert C Mrs. Marie M. Satierman. mother 74'4 Wfct-field Ave, Elizabeth. Srlafane. Pfr. Charles J. Mrs. Millie C. Sclafane. wife, 143 W. 26th St, Bayonne. Scotta. Pvt. Jamea M Mrs. Mary Srotta. mother. 16 Faber PI.. Oarflld. Seran. Pfc. Joseph R. Mrs. Renne Leighton. mother. 681 Newark Ave, Jersev Citv. Scully. Pvt. Thomas G. Georp A. Scully Sr, father, 226 State St, Perth Amboy. Serienlrk. 5gt. jonn K. Mrs. jusiina 116 65th St, West New York. iT.0aman irvpHprirk Milton, pnarma- risfs mate, third class. Naval Reserve. Wounded. Mother. Mrs. Anna D. liegeman. 92 Bowden Rd.. Cedar Grove. Laggren. James W, second lieutenant. Marine Corps Reserve. Dfad. Father. Robert I. Laggren. 223 Glen-wood Rd, Englewood.
  • McCov. Edward Howard, seaman, first ciass. Navv. Missing. Father. Luke A. McCoy. 52 Palm St, Newark.

Wounded in Action. Washington (Associated Press) The War Department included today the names of 124 soldiers wounded in action in the European area, including 104 New Jersey residents.

  • Anaerson. ric. tmn '" . tnn Helen L. Anderson, mother, fcs eiie Ave, Maplewood. Andresen. First Lieut. Edwarn r Mrs. Helen T. Andreaen. motner, J&a S. Burnet St, East Orange. Antisz. Pvt. William Anarew Anini father. 547 Ave. C. Bayonne. Arizzi. Pvt. John J. Mrs. wrace Arizzi, wife, 14 W. Pine St, Moores-town. ... Barrows. Pfc. Robert K Mrs. warion C. Barrows, mother, 123 Warren Sst, t7'... co-t xfiv,t utmi Sheehan. wife, 414 69th St, West New Anne Beyer, sister, 627 S. Eighth St, liT M.M City. Seville. Pvt Ovid K. Mrs. Elsie G. SevlNe, mother. 152 Norway Ave, Tren- Shacklev. Corn. Charles K Mrs. Llll- ian S. Shackley, mother, 23 Coe Ave, Sheehan. Pvt. John P. Mrs. Anna Hillside. Shapes. Pfr. Bernard Mrs. Beatrice Kemper, sister, , 15 Belmont Terr, Newark. Sharp. Pfc. George W. Jr. Mrs. Ma'-v I. Sharp, wife, 914 S. Second St, Miil-ville. Shay. Corp. Daniel E. Mrs. Julia H. Shay, mother. Rumson. Cjimden. Boland, Pre. John j. Mrs. niargarei Boland, mother, 155 . Neptune Ave, Jersey City. Borchester. Pvt Anthony J. Mrs. Anna Borchester, wife, 471 Kearny Ave, Kearny. Brady. Pvt John E. Mrs. Mary Brady, mother, 39 S. 10th St, Newark. Bradv. Pvt Joseph T. Mrs. Margaret Brady, mother, 107 N. 11th Jit, Newark. Brook. Pre. Clifford Mrs. Frances P. Brook, wife. 1411 Seventh Ave, Pleaa-antville. . Burger. Pfc. Raymond W. Mrs. Helen R. Burger, wife. Church Rd, Camden. . Burnevko. Corp. Joseph w. Mrs. Sady Burneyko. mother, 190 Devon Terr,, Kearny. Bvrne. Pfc. Thomas F. Mrs. Thomas F. Byrne, wife, 211 Wilkinson Ave, Jersey City. Caruccio. start gx. carmine j. ir Vnrk Xhrrrv. Pfc. Francis L. Mrs. Cath- rlne Sherry, mother, 43 Scuylcr Terr, East Orange. Shreiber. Sgt. Norman Mrs. Goldle S. Shreiber. mother, Gershal Ave, Norma. Silagyl. Pvt. Joseph S. Mrs. Anns Silagyl. mother. 646 Cornell St, Perth Amboy. Sireno. Pre. James L. Mrs. Josephine Tracy, sister, 91 Jordan Ave, Jersey Cltv. Skalackl. Sgt Paul J. Mrs. Mary Skalackl. mother, 473 N. Pearl St, Bridgeton. Smith. 1st Lieut. John J. Mrs. Anna Smith, mother. 1237 S. Broad St., Tren- ton- Somers. Tech. 5th Gr. Eugene B. Mrs. Frances V. Somers, wife, 434 N. Broad St, Woodbury. Spatdo. Tech. 5th Gr. Louls Jams Snaldo, father. 2437 Third St, Coytes- ville. Snrseue. Pvt. Howard L. Mrs. Fu- North Broadwav. South Amboy. Isabel I e Caruccio. mother, Hackensack genla Sprague. mother. 117 Augusta St. A-e, Harrington Park. Oiriiitonher. Staff Sgt. Harry J. Mrs. Shirley Ann Christopher, wife. 319 Cook Ave, Scotch flams. Cicaleae. .Pvt. Alphonso Mrs. Catherine Cicalese, mother, 660 E. 12th St, Newark. Clceo. Staff Set. Frank F. Mrs. Nevis Cicco. wife, 271 Elm St, East Paterson. Clrinese. Pfc. salvatore Mrs. maria Maltese, mother. 66 Wlnant Ave, Ridge-field Park. Davis Pvt. Joseph A. Mrs. Anna M. Davis, mother. 601 Arch 9t Palmyra. Defina, Pfc Angelo Mrs. Esther Le- rtna. mother, 8623 River Rd., North Bergem Snvronoulos. 2nd Lieut. James Mr. and Mrs. John Spvropoulos. parents. 111 White St. West Orange. Steinbacker. Pfc. Fred J. Mrs. Helen N. Steinbacker. mother. 495 Seventh Ave.. Newark. Swiers. Pfc. Albert Mrs. Grace Swlers, mother, 69 Hank St, Midland Park. Tapp. Tech. Sgt. Elmer J. Mrs. Con- stance Tapp, wife, 161 Orchard St., East Paterson. Tobin. 1st Sgt. Cornelius m. Mrs. Margaret G. Tobin, wife. 439 E. Seventn St.. rialnfleld. Tonero, Kgt. trancis a. Mrs. tu?n Degregroy. Staff Sgt Anthony L.- Tonero wife. 189 Sussex Ave Newark Mrs. Eleanor Degregory, mother. 125 mgn oi, cyunu oruo. Deroberts. Starr Sgt. Matthew M. Mrs. Marie Deroberts. mother, 78 Crawford St, East Orange. Devine, pre. cnaries tr. j nines j. Devine. father, 63 First Ave, North Arlington. Dirico. pre. victor j. Mrs. .Beatrice Vlllanova, mother, 331 Sycamore St, Camden. Ditmarg. pvt. Kennein U.. jr. Mrs. Bessie I. Ditmars, mother, 201 Morgan Ave, Collingswood. Dinoehowski. Pvt Joseph F. Mrs. Rose Dmnchowski, mother, 1221 Thur-man St, Camden. Eayre. Pfc George A. Clarence F. Eayre. father. 3 Bryant Rd, Waretown. Engleae. Staff Sgt Leonard Mrs. Lucy Hudson, mother, 411 Communipaw Ave, Jersey City. , Carina, Pvt. Pierre L. Mrs. Anns Twight. Pvt. John F. Mrs. Gesine Twight mother, 573 Brashhall Ave, Jersey City. Urciuoli. Pvt John S. Mrs. Constance Urcluoli, mother, 66 Washington Pi, East Rutherford. Vealey. Pvt Charles F. Mrs. Bertha Vealey. mother. Route 2, Newton. Wallace. Tech. 6th Gr. William F. Mrs. Helen A. Wallace, mother, 94 Pennsylvania Ave, Newark. Ward. Staff Sgt. Raymond G. Mrs. Eva C. Ward, wife, 1270 Beaumont Ave, West Englewood. Weber. Pvt. Frederick L. Mrs. Rita V. Weber, wife, 725 Fourth St, Secau-cus. Wefr. Pfc. Dean G. J. Weir, father, Box 71. New Monmouth. Winter. Pfc Frederick A. Mrs. Catherine Winter, mother, 134 Godwise Ave, New Brunswick. WlsnewBkl, Pfc. Sigmund Mrs. Stella Wlsnewskl. mother, 188 Washington St, Jersey City Woolley. Pfc. Lester A. Jr. Lester A woolley Br, lather, 1721 I St, West Bel mar. Youngs. Pvt. Allan R. Arthur M. Toungs. father. Tttusville. Zalurki. Pvt William I. Mrs. Sophie Zuluckl, mother, 23 Liberty Ave., Jersey City. Con- Zaycer. Tech. Sgt. Paul Jr. Mrs. Julia Zaycer, mother, 64 Fern Ave, I Wharton. xcgas. j-vt. Lawrence n. Max Zegas, father. 279 Mt Prospect Ave, Newark. Zelnick. Pfc. Peter Andrew Zelnick, latner, tu Lincoln Ave., Woodbine.

Pfc. Kaslmer-Mrs Helen fnnvZ- ca"UBlu" Pawloskl. mother. 140 Third St.. Pa-salc. ion fa. i . T u Ia4.p Mra Tiiil. iCAr Terievans were; i rnim.n.

  • Pfc Philip A. Mrs. Kacne,




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