File:Mariage de Napoléon Joseph Charles Paul Bonaparte et Ludovica Teresa Maria Clotilde di Savoia. 012.png

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Oratory prepared for Her Majesty, Princess Clotildo in the Durazzo Palace (royal residence).


Français : Oratoire préparé pour S. A. I, la princesse Clotildo dans le palais Durazzo (résidence royale), lors ne son. passage à Gènes, d'après un dessin de M. Riou.

《Chapitre 2 de la troisième lettre envoyée par Riou》Je pourrais, il est vrai, vous en dire autant de autres croquis que je vous envoie; mais je ne pou pas au plaisir de vous faire remarquer le succès que j'ai obtenu dans mes tentatives les pins dèlicates vos abonnés connaîtront par ces dessins les appartements les plus intimes occupés par LL AA. le prince Napoléon et la princesse Clotilde, dans le beau palais Durazzo, à Gênes appartements que très-peu de personnes ont obtenu, ici même, la faveur très-enviée de visiter Ce sont l'oratoire de la princesse et, la chambre nuptiale des jeunes époux. L'oratoire, d'une extrême richesse, était surtout remarquable par la beauté de ses peintures, appartenant aux maîtres des écoles italiennes,nous avons surtout admiré une Vierge, sans nom de peintre, mais qui, signée Raphaël, eût encore paru une des plus célestes inspirations de cet archange de la peinture. ED RIOU


Le palais royal de Gênes, bien que construit par une famille de simples particuliers, n'en est pas moins un des plus magnifiques qui se puissent voir. — II occupe le centre de la rue Balbi, et ses terrasses du midi, chargés d'orangers et de citronniers, descendent en étages jusqu'à la mer. — Il appartenait jadis à la maison Durazzo, si puissante et si riche, qu'aux temps de la République, un de ses chefs ayant été envoyé comme ambassadeur à Vienne, l'empereur, époux de Marie-Thérèse, écrivit pour demander son rappel. —M. Durazzo l'humiliait par son faste inouï et ses dépenses. En 1814, les Etats de Gênes furent unis à ceux de la maison de Savoie. L'ancien palais ducal, remarquable par son incomparable salle du grard conseil, servait, depuis l'occupation française, d'hôtel de ville et de préfecture. — Le roi de Sardaigne dût donc louer une maison pour ses séjours à Gênes. — Cet état de choses cessa sous Charies-Félix qui, en 1825, acquit du marquis Durazzo, moyennant un million, le palais royal actuel, tout meublé, et avec sa précieuse galerie de tableaux. — Ce n'était pas le quart de sa valeur; mais le noble Génois reçut, dit on, une compensation en charges et faveurs de cour. Charles-Albert aimait beaucoup Gênes et son climat, infiniment plus doux que celui de Turin. Il venait résider chaque année, tout le mois de novembre, dans la capitale de la Ligurie. — C'est à Gênes, et dans le palais royal, que le roi actuel, alors duc de Savoie, passa, en 1842, les premières semaines de son union avec la belle et regrettée Marie-Adélaïde. — Le czar Nicolas de Russie y a demeuré en 1846. Les anciens appartements de Charles-Albert, situés au second étage, de plein pied avec les grands salons et la salle du trône, avaient été splendidement restaurés pour la réception des nouveaux époux. Tapis moelleux, tentures de soie blanche, fleurs précieuses en profusion, tout y était rassemblé pour réjouir l'œil et fêter tous les sens. — C'était à faire regretter le si peu de durée du séjour.Charles de La Varenne
Italiano: Oratorio allestito per Sua Maestà la Principessa Clotildo nel Palazzo Durazzo (residenza reale), durante la sua. passaggio a Genova, secondo un disegno di M. Riou.

《Capitolo 2 della terza lettera inviata da Riou》Potrei, è vero, dirti altrettanto degli altri schizzi che ti mando; ma non posso prendermi il piacere di segnalarvi il successo che ho ottenuto nei miei tentativi con i pini delicati.I vostri abbonati conosceranno attraverso questi disegni gli appartamenti più intimi occupati da LL AA. Il principe Napoleone e la principessa Clotilde, nel bellissimo Palazzo Durazzo, a Genova, appartamenti che pochissimi hanno ottenuto, qui, il tanto desiderato favore di visitare: sono l'oratorio della principessa e la camera nuziale dei giovani sposi. L'oratorio, ricchissimo, era notevole soprattutto per la bellezza dei suoi dipinti, appartenenti a maestri delle scuole italiane, abbiamo ammirò soprattutto una Vergine, senza il nome di un pittore, ma che, firmata Raffaello, sarebbe comunque sembrata una delle ispirazioni più celesti di questo arcangelo della pittura. ED RIOU


Il palazzo reale di Genova, sebbene costruito da una famiglia di semplici individui, è comunque uno dei più grandiosi che si possano vedere. — Occupa il centro di rue Balbi, e le sue terrazze meridionali, cariche di aranci e di limoni, scendono a gradinate fino al mare.— Appartenne un tempo alla casa Durazzo, così potente e ricca, che ai tempi della Repubblica, inviato come ambasciatore a Vienna uno dei suoi capi, l'imperatore, marito di Maria Teresa, scrisse per chiederne la richiamata. -Sig. Durazzo lo umiliò col suo incredibile splendore e con le sue spese. Nel 1814 gli Stati di Genova furono uniti a quelli di Casa Savoia. L'antico palazzo ducale, notevole per la sua incomparabile sala del consiglio superiore, fungeva, sin dall'occupazione francese, da municipio e prefettura. — Il Re di Sardegna dovette quindi affittare una casa per i suoi soggiorni a Genova. — Questo stato di cose cessò sotto Charies-Félix che, nel 1825, acquistò dal marchese Durazzo, per un milione, l'attuale palazzo reale, completamente arredato, e con la sua preziosa pinacoteca. —Non era un quarto del suo valore; ma i nobili genovesi ricevettero, si dice, compensi in uffici di corte e favori. Charles-Albert amava Genova e il suo clima, infinitamente più mite di quello di Torino. Veniva a risiedere ogni anno, per tutto il mese di novembre, nel capoluogo ligure. — Fu a Genova, e nel palazzo reale, che l'attuale re, poi duca di Savoia, trascorse, nel 1842, le prime settimane della sua unione con la bella e defunta Maria Adelaide. — Vi soggiornò nel 1846 lo zar Nicola di Russia. Gli antichi appartamenti di Carlo Alberto, situati al secondo piano, allo stesso livello dei grandi saloni e della sala del trono, erano stati splendidamente restaurati per l'accoglienza dei nuovi sposi. Morbidi tappeti, tendaggi di seta bianca, fiori preziosi a profusione, tutto era lì raccolto per deliziare gli occhi e celebrare tutti i sensi. — È stato un peccato che il soggiorno sia stato così breve.Charles de La Varenne
English: Oratory prepared for Her Majesty, Princess Clotildo in the Durazzo Palace (royal residence), during her. passage to Genoa, according to a drawing by M. Riou.

《Chapter 2 of the third letter sent by Riou》I could, it is true, tell you as much about the other sketches that I send you; but I cannot take the pleasure of pointing out to you the success I obtained in my attempts at delicate pines. Your subscribers will know through these drawings the most intimate apartments occupied by LL AA. Prince Napoleon and Princess Clotilde, in the beautiful Durazzo Palace, in Genoa, apartments that very few people have obtained, here, the much-desired favor of visiting. These are the princess's oratory and the bridal chamber of the young spouses. The oratory, extremely rich, was especially remarkable for the beauty of its paintings, belonging to the masters of the Italian schools, we have especially admired a Virgin, without the name of a painter, but who, signed Raphael, would still have seemed one of the most celestial inspirations of this archangel of painting. ED RIOU


The royal palace of Genoa, although built by a family of simple individuals, is nonetheless one of the most magnificent that can be seen. — It occupies the center of Rue Balbi, and its southern terraces, laden with orange and lemon trees, descend in tiers to the sea. — It once belonged to the Durazzo house, so powerful and rich, that during the times of the Republic, one of its leaders having been sent as ambassador to Vienna, the emperor, husband of Maria Theresa, wrote to request his recall. —Mr. Durazzo humiliated him with his incredible splendor and his expenses. In 1814, the States of Genoa were united with those of the House of Savoy. The former ducal palace, remarkable for its incomparable high council room, served, since the French occupation, as a town hall and prefecture. — The King of Sardinia therefore had to rent a house for his stays in Genoa. — This state of affairs ceased under Charies-Félix who, in 1825, acquired from the Marquis Durazzo, for a million, the current royal palace, fully furnished, and with its precious gallery of paintings. —It was not a quarter of its value; but the noble Genoese received, it is said, compensation in court offices and favors. Charles-Albert loved Genoa and its climate, infinitely milder than that of Turin. He came to reside every year, for the entire month of November, in the capital of Liguria. — It was in Genoa, and in the royal palace, that the current king, then Duke of Savoy, spent, in 1842, the first weeks of his union with the beautiful and late Marie-Adélaïde. — Czar Nicholas of Russia stayed there in 1846. Charles-Albert's former apartments, located on the second floor, on one level with the large salons and the throne room, had been splendidly restored for the reception of the new spouses. Soft carpets, white silk hangings, precious flowers in profusion, everything was gathered there to delight the eye and celebrate all the senses. — It was regrettable that the stay was so short.Charles de La Varenne
日本語: クロティルデ王女陛下の在位中にドゥラッツォ宮殿に設えられた礼拝堂。ムッシュー・リウーの絵によるジェノヴァへ続く道。

《リウーが送った三通目の手紙の第二章》確かに、私があなたに送る他のスケッチについても、同じくらい話すことはあります。でも話すことはできません。私が繊細な木版を使った試みで得た成功をあなたに指摘するのは喜ばしいことではありませんが、購読者はこれらの図版を通じて、ナポレオン王子とクロティルデ王女が住む最も親密なアパートメントを知ることになります。ジェノヴァの美しいドゥラッツォ宮殿にあるナポレオン王子とクロティルデ王女のアパート。ここを訪れることを望まない人はほとんどいなかったであろう、王女の礼拝堂と若い配偶者の花嫁の部屋です。礼拝堂は非常に豊麗で、何よりもイタリアの美術学校の巨匠の作品である絵画の美しさが注目に値します。特に聖母像が賞賛されます。画家の署名はありませんでしたが、ラファエロの聖母像はこの絵画の大天使の最も天上にあるインスピレーションのひとつに挙げられるでしょう。 エド・リウー


institution QS:P195,Q193563
Édouard Riou  (1833–1900)  wikidata:Q583275 s:pl:Autor:Édouard Riou
Édouard Riou
Alternative names
Edouard Riou; Edward Riou; Riou; M. Riou; E. Riou
Description French illustrator
Date of birth/death 2 December 1833 Edit this at Wikidata 26 January 1900 / 27 January 1900 Edit this at Wikidata
Location of birth/death Saint-Servan-sur-Mer Paris
Work location
Authority file
creator QS:P170,Q583275
Jean-Baptiste Bertrand  (1823–1887)  wikidata:Q3160935
Jean-Baptiste Bertrand
Alternative names
pseudonym: James Bertrand; Jean Baptiste Bertrand; jean-bapt. bertrand; Bertrand; jas. bertrand; J. Bertrand
Description French painter and engraver
Date of birth/death 25 March 1823 Edit this at Wikidata 27 September 1887 Edit this at Wikidata
Location of birth/death Lyon Orsay
Work location
Paris (1843) Edit this at Wikidata
Authority file
creator QS:P170,Q3160935
Octave Jahyer  (1826–1904)  wikidata:Q18508560
Alternative names
Jahyer, O. Jayher, Octave Édouard Jahyer
Description French engraver
Date of birth/death 27 November 1826 Edit this at Wikidata 1904 Edit this at Wikidata
Location of birth/death Paris Maidenhead
Authority file
creator QS:P170,Q18508560
Texte de
Charles de La Varenne  (1828–1867)  wikidata:Q109854165
Charles de La Varenne
Alternative names
Birth name: Pierre Charles Maton de la Varenne; Pierre Charles Mathon de La Varenne
Description French historian
Date of birth/death 2 December 1828 Edit this at Wikidata 18 August 1867 Edit this at Wikidata
Location of birth/death rue Saint-Jacques Carnac
Authority file
creator QS:P170,Q109854165


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This work is in the public domain in France for one of the following reasons:
  • Its author (or the last of its authors in the case of a collaboration work) died more than 70 years ago (CPI art. L123-1) and did not benefit from any copyright extension (CPI art. L123-8, L123-9 and L123-10)[1];
  • It is an anonymous or pseudonymous work (the identity of the author has never been disclosed) or a collective work[2] and more than 70 years have passed since its publication (CPI art. L123-3);
  • It is the recording of an audiovisual or musical work already in the public domain, and more than 50 years have passed since the performance or the recording (CPI art. L211-4).

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  1. Copyright extensions must be considered only in the case of musical works and of authors Mort pour la France (died during conflict, in the service of France). In other cases, they are included in the 70 years post mortem auctoris length (see this statement of the Cour de Cassation).
  2. The collective work status is quite restrictive, please make sure that it is actually established.

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