File:List of Letters in The Evening Post of New York City, New York on 31 December 1829.jpg

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List of Letters in The Evening Post of New York City, New York on 31 December 1829


English: List of Letters in The Evening Post of New York City, New York on 31 December 1829
Source The Evening Post of New York City, New York on 31 December 1829
Author AnonymousUnknown author



NE11117-117011,1i EVENING POST. NUMBER 8557. . 3 LIST OF LETTERS .emaining in the New•York Post•Office, Jan. 1, 1830. CO' Persons cal lin, for any of there Totten are moat% I to say they advertised. A H Allen John C Ackley uhn I' Adams Joseph Violet Adams uhn Allston F 13 Allen !harks Adams Wm 11 Addarns cw M 11 Allen Win Bridges Adams ►lesander Anderson Major Adolph henry Aherndersfieldt John Adair Vm Allen Alm Arabella toht Anderson James W Anaemia@ oseph Atwell J P Ayres erid Ayres Miss Mary Anderson ['home Archibald Miles isaiber ; C Andrews Mrs Susannah Arthris !wash V Ashton 1I Aginton lthanar Ayres Samuel Ashton ;anti Apletree David Annul Anderson Robert W Andrews :apt John Ames Miss Catherine Atawater Win Ayres Thomas Andrew Edward Armstrong E Andrews Calvin Blanchard Andrew R Barclay John 1I Baker James Belfry John Bacon Mrs Mary Baxter Major E S Baldwin Phineas Bartlett Patrick Barry Walter Blair David S Baluwn Wrn Barnes Miss Frances Baker J W Barrister Wm Bailey Robert II Mullis George Retrieval) Lansing L Blake Joseph D 13aldwin Mrs Hannah Beckett bane Baptiste Jacob Baker W B Ballan John Barton Nicholas D Bankerd Dr Wm Barber True Bachelder Jacob Babbett Abram Barmore ('opt Archulis Baker John Barber Gen Barraean Capt Elijah Barrett George F Barnard Dr John Barber Phineas Bartlett John Barker George Bain Juhn Blackburn John A Blake A F Ball James %V Banker David A Baird Mrs Jane Baker Martha Black Azanah Bartlett Aly era Blanchard Orrin Bailey Henry Bragdon Jas H Thomas Bangor Freeman Berry John Beach John Bell Jno Bell Cimino?, A Benin Harry Betts John T Berry George lirnian John D Breek Ahm H Bennett Breesse at Co John S S Bell Jeremiah Bennett Wm Benton George Betts John Beatty Edward Bird Mrs. Sarah Bingham Peter Bissell John High), Junes Bridge Morris S Bridges Dan Biaby Edward G Billington J Brinkerhoff M D Brown Wm Brown James Brown Jacob Butte Wm Brown James Boyd James K Boyd Mrs Sarah Brown S Brown M D Mrs Brooks William S Bogart Shepherd Brown Mrs Mary Ann Broadhead Mrs Bowen J W Brown William Boynton Samuel Berry John Best Capt Benj Berry John Breen A ['drew Bready Francis Beascoches Thomas Benson Charles Belden John F Bennett Chester Illedgman Win II Bigelow Jahez D Briggs Sam) L Birk lord Francis W &lido H D 1361401 J Biggs Belo 13111011 George Brims Joseph S Bous►iert Copt C IV Brock William Broadwell Amos Boynton Peter Boyce Charles Brook Stephen C Brown Mary Brown Mr Bodo; John Brown G %V Boyd Jar J Bourgoin Geo Brown Mrs or Miss Bowes Isaac B Bourne Arm Brown Miss Elizabeth S Brown baud Bud Jnr John Burg Joseph Butcher Miss Eleanor Butler Jil•ph Buckley Miss Lucinda Buckingham J P Butler Joseph Bulk ley Button Wm Butler Wm A Bent J W Burrell M D Ella it Butter T Burling Thomas H Burnton Hews' r Budd C Bunko harles Carter B Chnmherlin B Clarke Henry Charles Ames Chase AnselIICantrell F B Chan•eseare Don Pedrude MarcaCampo Russell Clapp lt.►bert R Clarke Simnel S Carman Moron Cur Thomas Campbell Betsey Craft Rev Wm M'Carmichael George S Carnes Joh!' Canon Abm Cnrlock Hiram Carpenter Daniel Campbell Richard Burnham Thus Bolder Jam& Butler Wm Burnett Mr Blundell Burnett C B Bigness Mary Bums E Burr Joseph Buckname C B Charles W m Ca nd James Cassedy Mr Henry Clarke N Grafton Wrn Charles Aaron Caldwell Benj Cantlett J Cad well 111111PR Crawfurd Miss Elcy Clark James Cavaran Wm Clark Mons Castaing Mrs Nene), Clark James Callan James Callan yr M Clark James Campbell I) Carlos Jose Crabb Mrs Maria Cane Alexander Chodister Wm Colter Sarah Carrie Mrs M Cooper Joseph Cornwell C S Coles L A Cohen Robert Codd Eleanor Cromwell Mrs John Cook Miss Betsey Colden Mrs James H Cook Amos Colson John Cox rapt Dennis Covell Miss Stella Coles Wm Crockett, Jr Henry ('roper Joyeph Cornings James Cogshall Benj (hoot Ede and Collins Stephen Cooly Geo Cook, M D Rodney Church Benj C Curtis Mrs Mary Cunningham Wm Cummings Edward U Curtis Wra Chubb Ellen Cutter Thomas Daycock John F Davenport Wm Davis L 11i Day Geo Davidson Dennis Daily F C Datitt Wm Davis Jr Joaqiiim Jose de Fonda Akins Demine Beni R DeanFrancisco de Millo Forte Miss Mary Ann Dennison John Delaney Wm Dempster Worthington Demun H J Derwin MS Sarah De Cost Chauncey Dater John S Despeau J F Dignin J Deu Mrs Maria Demarest Ithodolphus Dearborn Mrs Catharine Dothan A M Bo Danville J D Ri%erd Mons Denis Genero Del Mores Thus Dickinson Dr Semi L Dickerman THURSDAY, John M Fmeman M D Col Josh Freeman Miss Frey Baird Portion Mrs French Rev J P Penner JAMEM Freeborn', B French Mrs Fenwick Maddis►n Fisher Polley Alvin Fisher William Force Sarah Forbes Sarah Ann Forbes John Fordyce Madam Dorothea rromeut RoberrFulwell Josin Foster Rachael Foust John Flukiger Christopher Gaharn Mosses Granger Frederick A Gray Patrick Gaffney Min Gaskill Ilenry Granths Edward Gamey 31r Garyar Richard Graves Juhn Gardner F Graham L ti Gale N D Gregory Barney Greene Arm Gent Eliza Greene Francis Lela Gann Charles T Gilbert Ahsalam Gibbs Jo Gillespie Joseph C Gila) P'1' Girand John II Gibbs James Perdler Fred E tillespie J V Gridley Israel Gibbs Margaret Gibbons Pamela Graves Moses Goldsmith John J J Gould George German Asaph Groves John Gordon H B Goodyear Peter Guiltier% August Guiun Jesse. Ilareing Richard lIarris Emeline %V Ilarrison John F Haven Moses C Hall Alex Hameln Jan Haverty Sand Haight J Harding J.itin Harris Gaol: Hand George Harrison George !flinching' Freeman Heller Thome, II illiday Mrs Harris --- Hatfield Clue Ann Hall leapt' Hawley Thus Harris Charles Hawkins Cis Baud E .nice Kill Phis Burnes George Hussey Wit Runt John Ranter Rim Hudson Cheri% Huntington Ii■att S 11 Watt Isaac Henderson Simon de Henna Hester %%lett Dr Cods? Hermany John R Had James Ibadry Lucie* Findheock Wrn Higley Janes Hiteheock Mane Come Hipkine Lewis G Riles Capt Jah Hurts Albert G Hang (tombs/ Mrs Martha &man Jno 'lowland Geo D llopkns R Hoyle Capt Isaac Ilopkins Belsey Hoyt Curtis Holmes

es Caro igton Wm Caswell, jr John Caump Jane Charluck Thomas Carlyle Charles Clark Sarni C Lettenden Jeremiah Chichester Edwd Crossthwait David Cook Dort R Cowell John Cooper Miss Roxanne Crosby Thomas Comstock Thomas Coles Charles Cole Duct Edward A Cook Henry C Cole ►hti Coyle Mrs Welthe Cows Wm Conner Miss Ann Goner Win Coffins John Colyan limes Cruokahank Daniel Coley Thomas Cooper Thomas Cotul Jacob Cox Cooper & Tyson Michael Cunningham John Carton Miss Curry Sally Curtis Augustus J Cumming Misa Eliza Cunningham ira Chy ler D C Davis Pedro Danglade Saml David Cornelius Drake Wm Darby Nicholas Dargan Wm. A Day It Davy Wm B Iol Edward Inns Isaac Jacques Francis B Jamison Thos Jay John Janney Bolton Jackson Geo James Wm T Jacobs Ann Jarvis se Jeffers I ate Jenkson A B Jones Ca pt Sy 1 vannus Jones Charles Junes Wm Johnson John Johnson Nancy Johnson Lewis Johnson Edward L Johnson Chas C Judson Capt Charles Dickinson 111m J L Dillon John S Dishean Isaac Dickinqui Capt Jaa R Dockmy John Donaldson Mrs Polly Donelly Felix Doutre Pierre Dupin George Duck's Owen Drummond Thomas Dunn Amaziah Dusenburry James Durna Thomas Edwards T Edwards Edward Ellis E B Elmendorf John Evers Andrew Ellis Humphrey Evett Stuart Elder Mrs Margaret Emmons 8 H Everett Mrs Win Ellis II A Fay John Falls John Fagan Capt Peter Franklin Fardon & Lockwood Nancy Tannic; Sarni A Dickerson Jonathan H Dellinitham Barnabas Dickinson Louis Cecillo Dement Jos F Donnell Erasmus D Downer Ogden Dovvington Amelia Douglass Dr Ezra Dodge James Durno Jnmes Dugan John G Denton Garrett A Durland Joseph P Damns EPeter Dubuis James Ennis Martin Elizalde Miss Domes Eve Geo W Edwards Thomas Egan Jahn Evans Henry Ennis Mrs Evans Ellis 6; Morris Miss Amanda Ellis F Thomas Francis George Farmienton David Falcone Mr Fanning J Farley Jae A Franklin • • Ann inn. Kane Kell•nbach Chas Kennerd Ernelilie Keeling Wm Keelson Aaron Romp Jos Keeler James Kelly James Kennedy Simnel Kirkham Isaac Kib►ie John Kline John Killman Kusner Lot Sanders Wm lambert Dr J Saline Lawson Miss II Lawrence W & H J Lawrence David Dave Wm Lang‘hore 1C Lay Pastor Isaac Labagh Charlos Lewis Thos Leach Karmenn Lery t David Larcom J Leitch •ius Lewis Fr. Leverick iiiiCred Lee Lecal 2 dos Lees Iran Linger Wile! Lincoln ?Ls A Linton akia Lowry Lowman Lockwood 3 Lycett Salk Marvin Ptre Mack !lay All* Mann Sate Marty Malcolm 1lacbeth Flt moan t H May Making ring Mayo 31allbie llattany k let ett y G Menet ellus yens 13 Jam Ple Mat J1110 Sam Willi Donn Wm A Mr M John Miss Peter John J Meek Muncie James .1 Mills Win Ali J B Mill Profess° • of S B Moo ut. J Nervy Michael Thos P Thus A It Hermon Ebenez M

DECE111 Mrs Ferry Jedediah Freeman C Ferris James Freemande Thos D Fenix Monsieur Franks A Feint S ill Ferguson M D C Fitzpatrick M D Lyilisn Fisher E Fitzgerald Joshua Fisher Fuller Foster Anther C Fan Mrs Forbes John Fortay Duncan Forbes Capt Isaac Fowler Mies J Eliza Frost John Fuller Augustus Fuller Ref Mr Gramll Daniel Gal uan Ann Gardner John Glass J A Gale John Grant Wm G Gardner Ellen Gray Francis B Gardner Miss Sarah Gala Gass Patrick Gilson 'I' Grande' Frederick Gain Richard Greene N Greener Jane Greenway Joseph Griffin rapt Gill H Gibbed .1 C Gillett Nicholas Gibert Past Gillespie John Given Gilbert Griffin Mich Gillen Sand Gilbert Owen Goodrich Sarah A Gordon Felipe G Games Susan Goulds J 13 Glover Eliznb th Graham Nathan Gordon F Cajun Mush Guion H George Ilan James P Harrison Jane Hardy Henry Ilnywood George Harding John Hanson John Handlin Wm S Hall Josh Hatfield n Hamilton .1 B Halite Adolphlis Hallock John Iforpell John Haw ley Charles Harrison Em Hart • Jane Haddock Joseph Ilamlin Amaraish Horndsu Robert Harvey Saml C Hawke* Geo M Ilawney Wm A Hurd Joshua Humphrey W L Hull D4nl Hardly William Hughes 'ohn Hunter Ilyslop B Hyatt Gustavus Henry Casey Herd Jscub Herr Annuli/ 1.11 Harris Job W Henderson Charles Ifechert Ellen Hire Caroline 'Emitter had Hitchcock John M mill C A Hinkley Martha L Holbrook Alfred Hoyt Mary Ann Howell Henry C Hoyt George F Hopkins Capt Isaac Hopkins John Ilourathy Lucy Hoyt B C Howard Nancy Hogaus or Min Jessee Howe I Wm E Isaacs E Michel

John James Susannah Jacobs Thos Jackson Vm Jaques Saml Jackson Geo H Jackson John Mills Jackson Alfred Jenkinis-L Jenkins • Robt Johnson M D Mary Jollee Jos Jones Solomon Johnson Wm Johns Nelson Johnson Jones Emeline Johnson B S Judah K Ackey Knash David Kennedy Amass Kenyon Henry Kent Wm Kean Samuel Kelly Thomas Keeling Hannah Keene Mary Kirk Datil Kinsley Nehemiah D Kelly Ebon Kirkham Knowles L Henry A Lawrence Robert Lawrie henry A Langton W F Lawrence Mrs Layell Perkins J Lawrence James Ladderhead P Lafond Catherine Ley Elijah Lewis Lemson Silvannus F J Legge' Rubt Lewis Norry Lerry Napoleon Lendis John Lewis Leroy Lucy Leeds A Levy Jane Lilley Francis L Least John Lord Bless Levering & Penni David Long in H Long Richard B Mason Thus G Mantle (2) Mm Mayers John Marren Nathaniel Major Capt Nathum Marshall Mr Jerry Moline Ira Manchetter Labhiiis Mabir Markland Mm Meyer John J Manning Susan C Marshall Msrdoche (2) Janes Manley Henry Merrell Wrn Merrehew Wm S 31elcher Turner Merritt James Mercett Isaac Weekls R Miller John Mitchell Capt Middlebrook Magnet Miller Lewis Mitctell Thos Monrow Wm Moore Richard Moore Wm Morrison Eliz Mosher Thus Moore John A Moore Rd Walter Monteith • Iltiti31, 1829. , NO. 49 WILLIAM-STREET. l H Morgan Ahel B Moore Cap J 13 Wakeman Peter Ward • Clara Munlatban Miss Eliza Moore Nethl Watts Mrs Sarah Watson Wrn Moon' Charles F Moore F W Washburn David Walker Samuel Marra James Morgan Mrs Mary Ann Wallace John WaNhingten Ebenzer Mei* William Augustus *AWN E H Watson Thos C Walker Miss Angelina Many Edward Monroe Chs S Watrons Andrew Walker Wrn Murphy Thus Munson John Walin Cap 0 W Waters Rowland Miami Robt Murphy N F Waring__ Wm Weptaff Mrs Mehnsble Musaibrd David Murry Mathew G Winans John N Warner Cain Murray Hector Muter Witt Wraight e Mary Walls Myer Myers John G Webb Mrs. Harriet Wheaton At re Emeline Wells Saml B Webster Wm Weaver Dant Wheeler Th. Wheeler Miss Mary S Wells Thou Weggens E W Welmau E 11 Weems° Mn Eliza Weyman John Welch Nile Welch Revd W Wells Horace Wells Chs H Webb Mrs Eliza Wellden Z Wheeler Henry Weston Giu Wells Levi White Chitin *Ault" Patrick M•Rraffy Joseph M• Plenum Margret M'Cole James Wart* Mary M'Cirtiell Cornelius MI Arty John M Donald John Ma Doug James M•Errel lease M•Gew Catharine 1M Gowan Peter lil•Ginley John Milan John Me Kea_ Charles M'utian Wm kis Kenna Richard MeNasby Jane Nate. Wm Naysmith C Nagle Charles I) New Thos S Newlin Copt J G Nickerson John Nuffe Samuel Noyes Wm Nutt (2) Mrs Norton Samuel Osborne R W Owen. Dennis 0 FM E Oldrin Daniel 0' Brien Patrick O'Shea Jacob Orell M AC • Alex M' Beth John M•Coll John *Chain Bridget 1%1•Cheefar/ James M'Cort Bridget NliCafferty Mary M' Donald Alex *Donald Allen •Donald Malcom M rattan John M•Gennis Margret M•L* Jno M'Intyre John ht Lane Samuel 111•1,ean Coop A1' Kay Betsey Ble Loran N E Nagle John Nald John Newton David A Neal Joseph Niglio Lewis F Nicoll Caroline Noble Thee B Noble Julett Norris Thos F Parlor Teood►re A Paul Thos Parsons N Parsons Thom II Parka Anson Pratt Al Pearman Joseph D Pease Phillip Pear Dr James L Phelps Caroline M Pylon 32 Merritt Peckham James S Pitney°, Eliza S Phelps Rubt %V Peek Joseph L Pony Pottier Pierce A L Philirpe Wm Phil pot Mary Ann Pierce Seth Pope John M Potter Henry H Porter Peter Powley Josiah H Post G 11 Purple John MiCabe Wm Quin Hugh Raman Cornelius F Randolph David V N Radcliff Adaniga Randle John Border Benjamin Read Susannah Rees William Reynolds P Dudley Richard R Richards Wm Richazdsen Daniel Rice Alm Ritchie States M RuekweU Thos Ronnedy Genrr J Rare Mary Robin:ism J•►hn VaNnssn Wm Robbins Gertrude J ROMs John L Roses It W Rogue Wm Robinson Counsellor Rose Daniel Robertson Samuel Rogers Alexr Robetson John Ryan Isaac D Russell Man Junes Sind Terrence Sweeny James W Seymour Edwin Snell Mary Sheila Geo Sewell John Simpson Robt Skipper Wm B Skidmore Chs Smith Roht It Smith John H Smith Miss Eliza Smith James Smith Joseph Smith Eliza Shields Rd Smith Sarni Smith Wm Smith Yeabe Simpron John Smith Earl Stenson Albert G W Smith Antonio Sant Saml S Swan John Stansbury Israel Sameries Solon stark Rev Peter 11 Shaw Robt Stacks MS Sarah Stankaml Sanders Augt Sallman Dunham Spalding C N Swartwuut John Starks) Nelson B St John Dr John Stack John Sal John Stewart Rubt Speir Chs Stebbins Wm L Stevenson GPO Stevenson Chs F Sherburne Intik Stevenson John Shet well Henry Sonia Robt W Scott John G Sloksman Capt Anthony Stow Henry Scott Miss Susan Scott Chs S Scott Capt Saml Storer )(mob Squire Mrs C R Squire Mrs Ann Summers 0 Than 0 Connor Wm 13 Oak (I) Eliza 0' Brine Morgan L Ogden Jane Orr Joseph Osborn 'ant Joball Oliver James Patterson James 11 Page Felix Pejo! Copt Tyler Parsons B B Parkman Charles E Pearson Jeretnah Peterson Mr Leonard Peck A Mato( Wm Peens Huldah Perkins Mr Pearsall Levy Pease Eliza Ann Peacock Thus Phenix Richard Pilgrin Wm II Pinckney Wm Pike John Phillips Cilhert Palm Win Potts Moses A Pomeroy James Power Sarah Powley %V Ph y fe Maryland S Pwody Q Joseph Quillet Miss Margret Quinton Ebenezer Rand Sarah B Ray John H Rankin John Reinhard N Read j►tiam F Rem Clara Reed Time Reading Wm Rell Miss Eleanor Mitchell G It A Richetts J H Rich Julia Ross Ruben Robinson Wm A Rhodes Joseph B Rodney John E Ross Tiros lines Caroline Rogers Capt Wm .1 Robinson George Rosenwantae Thos Ross Alexander Robinson Nathaniel Roggen Miss Frumis !toff Joseph VY Rogers Henry Rogers Albert P Rome Charles Rude Enoch Stephens J A Stevens John Seaman Miss Ann A Saber Dr H I feet H Saute Rose Smith Chs R Skipnan John Smith Hugh Smith Sarni Simpson C Skipman T Schinotti Peter Skinner Ichabod L Skinner John Simonson C R Silva Beej Smith Ch. Sibury John L Schieffelin Mrs Salvia Mrs Mary Smith J Skinner Cap Chs R Skipman Geo F Sampson Reuben Sanford Josiah Small Thos Sharkey Jose San roman Wm Slamid Jae Smalley Cap Leonard D Shaw Thom Sint:hen David Slerybuck J Sanford Mrs Elenor Salandin John Sayers Dr Saunders Mrs Rachel Seymour Lyman Stevens Chas Sexton Austin Steele E Spear Dr Selnit Snedeker Edwin Snell James Stung Sainl Storm Mrs Mary Stoughton Saml Slocum Thom B Stoddard R Stoutenburg Mary Soolanen Capt Thos Snow Thos Stokes Anne Strong Harman Surgens Henry Stuart Joseph Taylor Jesse Tate Wm Tack Otis Taylor !paella Taylor Geo H Tanner Jas Tred well H W B Ten Smock Miss Ann Ten Eyck Seth Ten John Tinney Reuben Tower Rubt Tone John B Thorp D W Twogood Ellinor Thornton Elizb Tompkins Francis Tome Capt Cnnnder Thomas James Thonpon Mrs Letitia Thompson Miss Ann Tout Benjo True Capt C M Thurston B Ty tier & Co J 8 Underhill & Co E Underhill Win Van Beuren Ma.hias Vaustay Sarni Van Nostrand Mates Velma Thos Yeller Min Verde J W Vanqiesen Thos Van Boutin a Vaughan J Vanderburg V Walker Wsu3maker Hon Mrs AzarishWilliarns Sand T J Wilson Mesa Mury Willis John E White Mrs A Williams J Willis Edwd Wilkhouse Freeman Wing Cite White Wright David Winn Mrs Sarah Williams Cap Wm William* James B Wright A Wintringbant liaml Wilson C Williams 8 T Willitunr Thus Williams Andrew Wilson Thus C Wood Jane Woods 1 Isaac M Wools), Stephen Woodward L Wood well T Tappan & Ferries Edwd T Taylor Henry H Train Capt Henry P Taber Lydia Taylor Manelte Thetro John Tenney Rem R Teller X Tessier John Titteon Wm Timpson Miss Ann Thompson Elias Thomu John N Thurhurn Thou L Thompson Roderick Thomu Chs G Than Miss Alice Thomas Mrs Francis Thorp Silas Tobev Mrs Eliza Thomas Junius Thompson James M Thompson Burrell Tumor Geo Truss Amos S Tryon U Capt James Usher . V Rev Saml Van Vechten Dr Thus Van Bitten T Van Cortland Isaiah Vickery Thos G Van Schayck Jose Vidal Joseph Viers Mons — Valie J A Voisin Chs A Van Zandt w Wm Wairn Thou L Watson Lorenzo Zelda Young ds Hell Stephen P York Reuben Young Miss Sally B Young Mid Geo Braid Grenville C Coopper J It Chandler Mid Dyke Chi llllnndy Cap W H Freeman Mid Geo F Hove lit Francis C Hall Lt W F Lynch Isaac Mayo Geo Mosher Joseph M Nicholson Henry Osborne Thos Wiley Melaricton Smith Sands Win Stocker Lt John Sw art wout Chs A Thompson John Weems R I. Annstmng Richd Browning John Baird Dr Roht French Lewis Green Lt R Jones Hiram Parker Cap G Loomis John Lemon Cep R A McCabe W McGregor 1.t W S Newton Harvey Porter W Robison J Thompson John Williamson 1 Joseph W illiams John Wilgus James White John Wilcox Henry Willard A F Wellington Albert H Wright Q Ch. Whining, Josiah Wines Francis D Wright Mrs Ann Whining. Minerva Writhe P P Winslow Orlando Wilcox Mrs Mar y Wise Wilcox Miss Amey Woolverton mns Wpod Erastus Wood A B Woods C Woodbridge Mn Mary S% hide Alex Young John limaig Geo 11 Young Relit W Young NAVY Lt W A Blo►dgood Mid John C Carter J W Drake James Hand Archibald D Fairfax John Griffin Wm C Hunt Mid Geo W How A Macomber Cap Chs W Morgan John Merel Mid Lewis Ogden John Reigart Mid Milo II Smith KL Lines Mid Arthur Sinclair Grey Skipwith Dr Wm Swill Wm II Van Ingle Lt G W Walker ARMY W Bills Miss Mary Bameewell Henry Bubb Abm Gould Gen Chi, Grwttiot Lt.) J B Kingsbury Lt C M Lacey Mr B F Limed Chs McBride A S ;McCready John 0 Neal E Phillips A Pollard Thus Rum Lt E Trenor S. L. GOUVERNEUR, P. M.


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