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Youngest Political Appointee in Nigeria's History


English: Emmanuel Agida is a vibrant Young Nigerian Entrepreneur, an outstanding speaker, A writer, Leadership and Business coach, Visual Story-Teller, Social Media Influencer, New and Electronic Media Strategist, Professional Photographer and a Philanthropist.

Emmanuel Agida was born into the family of Mr Pius Agida(late) and Mrs Eunice Agida on the 12th of August 2003 into a one room apartment in Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State.

He hails from Benue State but was bred in Lagos where he had both his primary and secondary School Education. As an outstanding student he was placed on scholarship all through his secondary School.

At age 13 he authored two bestseller books:’ ‘Pathway to Heavenly Places’ and ‘Success Compendium’. He has over 10 publications in media form to his credit at the moment.

Emmanuel Agida, Popularly known as ‘The Achiever’- is the Lead Director and host of virtual talk show- “Chat With The Achiever”. A program that has played host to high profile guests from the Entertainment and Media Industry, Business and Entrepreneurship, Politics and Governance amongst other industries.

Guests on the show in recent times have been: Bishop Feb Idahosa (President, Benson Idahosa University), Nigeria’s foremost entertainer – Mark Angel, Commissioner for Health, Cross River State, DR. Betta Edu and other popular Celebrities as Victor Osuagwu, Koffi Tha Guru, Felix Ugo Omokhidion, Francis Duru, Paul Play Dairo, Nomcebo Zikode among other awesome personalities in the country and abroad.

He is the Director and Head of Operation at the Emmanuel Agida Foundation, (a non-governmental organization he founded in 2019). This according to him was aimed at putting smiles on the faces of the less privileged in rural and under-developed communities with main focus in children, youth and women development. 

In his zeal for capacity building and leadership mentorship, he launched the Achievers Hub Africa in 2020, -an organization which he envisions would see to the birthing and building of the next generation of Young African Leaders, with a focus on raising world class leadership laurates who would influence and change the world by what they know and how they do things.

Being an active member and an executive of the Young African Leaders Initiative Network (YALI) founded by Former President Barack Obama, (whom during inception was the youngest member of the network at age 14), it is no surprise that Emmanuel is giving back to the society with his many years of diligent study and learning the ropes has taught him

In March 2021, Emmanuel Agida through his organization, The Achievers Hub Africa held a virtual summit that hosted 15 international and local speakers across 3 countries of the Globe with over 1000 audience stream at the end of the summit. The summit was graced with the presence of such high profile personalities as Amaka Onyemelukwe - the Director, Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability, Coca-Cola Nigeria; Nigeria’s foremost Billionaire, Dr. Stephen Akintayo, Shola Animashaun - official photographer of the Headies Award, Hon. Olubukola Olaboopo - Commissioner for Women, Children and Social Affairs, Osun State, among other reputable personalities of international repute.

His Oratory and interactory skills (which has been in full glare), where noticed and this endeared him to the heart of the Osun State Commissioner for Women, Children and Social Affairs – Mrs Olubukola Olaboopo, who was also a guest at the event; bringing him the juicy offer of the Special Assitant, Media, Public Relations and Visual Communications to this amiable personality, making him the youngest political appointee in the History of Nigeria at the age of 17.

In December 2019, at a convention organized by the World’s Largest Entrepreneurship Network, Africa’s Young Entreprenuer, at age 15 Emmanuel was privileged to work closely with the Executive Governor Of Ondo State, Rotimi Akeredolu and Nigeria's Minister for Youth and Sport, Sunday Dare as a Media Aide of the organization to both Personalities.

On January 18th 2020, the General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Christian Ministry, Pastor W.F Kumuyi requested to meet Emmanuel Agida and 3 other youth delegate after they participated and emerged winners at the Deeper Life Student Outreach National Talent Exhibit where he was privileged to present his authored books to the G.S and was described as an excellent youth by the G.S.

On May 24th 2021, Emmanuel was inducted as a principal member of the media and information board, Ministry of Women, Children and Social Affairs, Osun State where he diligently served as a media adviser to the board that chaired the media coverage of major event in the state including the international children’s day 2021 that had the executive governor, his deputy and other executives of the state in attendance.

Emmanuel Agida is a recipient of numerous awards in recognition of his strides and achievement in the area of youth development, human capacity development and charity.

In August 2019, Emmanuel was awarded a certificate of excellence by Barack Obama’s founded Young African Leaders Initiative in recognition of his Philantrophy and charity works in Emmanuel Agida Foundation. He has five different award certification in different categories as the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) African Change Maker. Other awards and Certifications to his Credits are: Impactifield Exceptional Youth Award for 2020, Deeper Life Students Outreach National award for excellence, International Health Certification from Intelycare Nursing Institute, United State Of America amongst others.

Emmanuel Agida's central message is "rising beyond limit". He lost his dad at age 3 and yet stood strong in times of difficulties.

His thrive to succeed despite challenges and odds have brought him to stardom as he his still in the business of achieving success
Igbo: Emmanuel Agida bụ onye na-eto eto na-eto eto nke Naijiria, onye ọkà okwu pụtara ìhè, onye edemede, onye nchịkwa na onye nchịkwa azụmahịa, Visual Story-Teller, Social Media Influencer, New na Electronic Media Strategist, ọkachamara na-ese foto na onye na eme ihe ọma na obodo.

A mụrụ Emmanuel Agida n'ezinaụlọ Mr Pius Agida(mbubreyo) na Oriakụ Eunice Agida na 12th nke August 2003 n'ime otu ọnụ ụlọ dị na Alimosho Local Government Area nke Steeti Lagos.

O si Benue steeti mana amụrụ ya na Legọs ebe ọ gụrụ akwụkwọ praịmarị na nke sekọndrị. Dị ka nwa akwụkwọ pụtara ìhè, etinyere ya na scholarships n'ime ụlọ akwụkwọ sekọndrị niile.

Mgbe ọ dị afọ 13, o dere akwụkwọ abụọ kacha ere:' 'Pathway to Heavenly Places' na 'Compendium Success Compendium'. O nwere ihe karịrị akwụkwọ 10 n'ụdị mgbasa ozi maka otuto ya ugbu a.

Emmanuel Agida, onye a ma ama dị ka 'The Achiever'- bụ onye ndu ndu na onye ọbịa nke ihe ngosi okwu mebere- "Chat With The Achiever". Mmemme nke megoro ndị ọbịa nọ n'ọkwa dị elu sitere na ụlọ ọrụ Ntụrụndụ na Mgbasa Ozi, Azụmahịa na azụmaahịa, ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị na ọchịchị n'etiti ụlọ ọrụ ndị ọzọ.

Ndị ọbịa na ihe ngosi a n'oge na-adịbeghị anya bụ: Bishop Feb Idahosa (President, Benson Idahosa University), onye na-eme ihe nkiri na Naijiria bụ Mark Angel, Kọmishọna na-ahụ maka ahụike, Cross River State, DR. Betta Edu and other popular Celebrities as Victor Osuagwu, Koffi Tha Guru, Felix Ugo Omokhidion, Francis Duru, Paul Play Dairo, Nomcebo Zikode n'etiti ndi ozo di egwu na obodo na mba ozo.

Ọ bụ onye isi na onye isi ọrụ na Emmanuel Agida Foundation, (otu na-abụghị nke gọọmentị o hiwere na 2019). Nke a dị ka ya bụ iji tinye ọnụ ọchị n'ihu ndị na-enweghị ohere n'ime ime obodo na ndị mepere emepe na-elekwasị anya na mmepe ụmụaka, ntorobịa na ụmụ nwanyị.

N'ịnụ ọkụ n'obi ya maka ịkwalite ikike na nduzi nduzi, ọ malitere Achievers Hub Africa na 2020, - nzukọ nke ọ na-eche n'echiche ga-ahụ maka ọmụmụ na iwulite ọgbọ na-esote nke ndị isi ntorobịa Africa, na-elekwasị anya n'ịzụlite ndị isi ọchịchị ụwa. ndị ga-emetụta ma gbanwee ụwa site n'ihe ha maara na otú ha si eme ihe.

N'ịbụ onye na-arụsi ọrụ ike na onye isi nke Young African Leaders Initiative Network (YALI) tọrọ ntọala site n'aka onye bụbu President Barack Obama, (onye n'oge mmalite bụ onye kasị nta na netwọk mgbe ọ dị afọ 14), ọ bụghị ihe ijuanya na Emmanuel na-enyeghachi azụ. ọha mmadụ na ọtụtụ afọ o ji ịdị uchu na-amụ ihe na ịmụta ụdọ akụzierela ya

Na Maachị 2021, Emmanuel Agida site n'aka nzukọ ya, The Achievers Hub Africa mere ọgbakọ nke ọma nke nabatara ndị na-ekwu okwu mba ụwa 15 n'ofe mba atọ nke Globe nwere ihe karịrị 1000 ndị na-ege ntị na njedebe nke nnọkọ ahụ. Nzuko a wee mara nke ọma na ọnụnọ ndị ama ama dị ka Amaka Onyemelukwe - onye isi okwu ọha, nzikọrịta ozi na nkwado, Coca-Cola Nigeria; Billionaire onye mbụ na Naijiria, Dr. Stephen Akintayo, Shola Animashaun - onye na-ese foto nke ihe nrite Headies, Hon. Olubukola Olaboopo - Kọmishọna na-ahụ maka ụmụ nwanyị, ụmụaka na mmekọrịta ọha na eze, Osun Steeti, n'etiti ndị ọzọ a ma ama nke mba ụwa.

Nkà okwu ya na imekọrịta ihe (nke na-apụta ìhè n'ụzọ zuru ezu), ebe a chọpụtara na nke a masịrị ya n'obi onye Kọmishọna na-ahụ maka ụmụ nwanyị, ụmụaka na ihe gbasara mmekọrịta ọha na eze Osun - Oriakụ Olubukola Olaboopo, onye bụkwa ọbịa na mmemme ahụ; na-ewetara ya onyinye dị ụtọ nke Special Assitant, Media, Public Relations na Visual Communications na àgwà ọma a, na-eme ka ọ bụrụ onye ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị kacha nta na History of Nigeria mgbe ọ dị afọ 17.

Na Disemba 2019, na mgbakọ nke World's Largest Entrepreneurship Network haziri, Africa Young Entreprenuer, mgbe ọ dị afọ 15 Emmanuel nwere ihe ùgwù ịrụkọ ọrụ na Gọvanọ Executive nke Ondo State, Rotimi Akeredolu na Minista na-ahụ maka ntorobịa na egwuregwu Nigeria, Sunday Dare dị ka onye. Onye enyemaka mgbasa ozi nke nzukọ maka mmadụ abụọ ahụ.

Na Jenụwarị 18th 2020, onye isi nchịkwa nke Deeper Life Christian Ministry, Pastọ W.F Kumuyi rịọrọ ka ọ zute Emmanuel Agida na mmadụ atọ ndị ntorobịa ọzọ ka ha sonyechara wee pụta na mmeri na Deeper Life Student Outreach National Talent Exhibit ebe o nwere ohere igosi ya ya. dere akwụkwọ nye G.S ma kọwaara ya dị ka ezigbo ntorobịa nke G.S.

Na Mee 24th 2021, e chiri Emmanuel ka ọ bụrụ onye isi ụlọ ọrụ mgbasa ozi na ozi mgbasa ozi, Ministry of Women, Children and Social Affairs, Osun State ebe ọ rụsiri ọrụ ike dị ka onye ndụmọdụ mgbasa ozi na bọọdụ nke duziri mgbasa ozi mgbasa ozi nke nnukwu mmemme na steeti gụnyere ụbọchị ụmụaka mba ụwa 2021 nke nwere onye isi ọchịchị, osote ya na ndị isi ndị ọzọ nke steeti ahụ bịara.

Emmanuel Agida bụ onye nnata ọtụtụ ihe nrite iji gosi ọganihu ya na ihe ọ rụpụtara n'akụkụ mmepe ntorobịa, mmepe ikike mmadụ na ọrụ ebere.

N'August 2019, Emmanuel Agida nyere ya asambodo nke kacha mma site n'aka Barack Obama hiwere Young African Leaders Initiative na nkwado nke Philantrophy na ọrụ ebere ya na Emmanuel Agida Foundation. O nwere asambodo nturu ugo ise dị iche iche n'ụdị dị iche iche dị ka onye na-eme mgbanwe mgbanwe Africa nke Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). Ihe nrite ndị ọzọ na asambodo maka kredit ya bụ: Impactifield Exceptional Youth Award for 2020, Deeper Life Students Outreach National award for Excellent, International Health Certification from Intelycare Nursing Institute, United State Of America n'etiti ndị ọzọ.

Ozi etiti Emmanuel Agida bụ "na-ebili karịa oke". Nna ya nwụnahụrụ ya mgbe ọ dị afọ 3 ma guzosie ike n'oge ihe isi ike.

Ọganihu ya iji nwee ihe ịga nke ọma n'agbanyeghị ihe ịma aka na ọgbaghara emewo ka ọ bụrụ kpakpando ka ọ ka nọ n'azụmahịa nke inwe ihe ịga nke ọma.
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