File:American bee journal (1881) (18113848711).jpg

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Title: American bee journal
Identifier: americanbeejourn1781hami (find matches)
Year: 1861 (1860s)
Subjects: Bee culture; Bees
Publisher: (Hamilton, Ill. , etc. , Dadant & Sons)
Contributing Library: UMass Amherst Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: UMass Amherst Libraries

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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1881. THE AMERICAN*BEE JOURNAL. 239 SPECIAL NOTICES. ^"Single copies of the Joi'knal Bent postage paid for Scents each. (g" Those who may wish to change from other editions to the Weekly.can do so by paying the difference. qsg" When changing a postoffice ad- dress, mention the old as well as the new address. Ribbtm Badges, for bee-keepers, on which are printed a large bee in gold, we send for 10 cts. each, or $s per loo. Advertisements intended for the Bee Journal must reach this office by (Saturday of the previous week. Photographs of prominent Apiarists —Langstroth, Dzierzon, and the baron of Berlepsch.—Price 25 cents each. fg~ Constitutions and By-Laws for local Associations $2.00 per 100. The name of the Association printed in the blanks for 50 cents extra. Because it adds to Personal Beauty by restoring color and lustre to gray or faded hair, and is beneficial to the scalp, is why Parker's Hair Balsam is such a popular dressing. 27w4 A Sample Copy of the Weekly Bee Journal will be sent free to any per- son. Any one intending to get up a club can have sample copies sent to the persons they desire to interview, by sending the names to this office. 15D0LLARSZF0R$1. Wishing to introduce our books and show their e zp, stvlo of binding, etc., tvo have decided U Wishing to introduce our hooks and show their s'zn, Btvle of li make the GRANDEST AND MOST LIBERAL OFFER OF THE CENTURY, etc., wo have- decide fur a short time, iif' We will send the ten books described below, by mail, post-paid to any address, on receipt of $1. and for twenty-five cents extra, sent at the same time, will include one year's subscription to FARM AND FIRESIDE, the leading agricultural and home journal of the world. PARTirTLAR NOTICE.—We reserve the right 'o withdraw this Dollar Offer at any time, therefore subscribe at once if you want these TEN BOOKS FOR ONE DOLLAR, and tell all your friends we have made the grandestollcr of the century. FOB 25 CENTS, A COPT OF ANT BOOK IN THIS LIST WILL BE SENT BY MAIL, TOST-PAID. * Orders taken now, and books mailed as soon as published. One will he issued every two weeks. Examine the Date following your name on the wrapper label of this paper; it indicates the time to which you have paid. Always send money by postal order, registered letter, or by draft on Chicago or New York. Drafts on other cities, or local checks, are not taken by the banks in this city except at adiscountof 25 cents, to pay expense of collecting them. Premiums.—For a club of 2, weekly we give a copy of "Bees and Honey;" for a club of 5, 'weekly, we will give a Cook's Manual, a Bee-Keeper's Guide, bound in cloth ; for a club of 6, we give a copy of the Journal for a year free. It will pay to devote a few hours to the Bee Journal. •-»- ♦ -»• It is a Foolish Mistake to confound a remedy of merit with the quack med- icines now so common. We have used Parker's Ginger Tonic with the happiest results for Rheumatism and Dyspepsia, and when worn out by overwork, and know it to be a sterling health restorative.—Times. See adv. 27w4 »-•-♦-•»• igg" It would save us much trouble, if all would be particular to give their post office address and name, when writing to this office. We have letters (some inclosing money) that have no name, post-office, County or State.— Also,if you live near one postoffice and get your mail at another, be sure to give the address we have on our list. LIFE and ADVENTURES of ROBINSON CRUSOE. This well-known book may be ranked asthe most popular standard juvenile book ever printed. Our edition is complete, and contains the wonder- ful adventures of a cast-away upon a desert island. Complete in one vol. Fully illustrated. THE PILGRIMS PROGRESS From thiswuiid to that which is tocome. This re- markable book, as every one knows, was written under the similitude of a dream, by John Bunyan, the most popular religious writer in the English language; and perhaps more conies have been sold than any other book except the Bible. Our edition is complete and unabridged, with ap- Cropriate illustrations. LLIVERS TRAVELS. This book tells of the supposed travels and surpris- ing adventures of Lemuel Gulliver into several remote regions of the world, where he met with a race of people no larger than your hand. Also his wonderful exploits among giants. Complete in une volume. Finely illustrated. THE ARABIAN NIGHTS* ENTERTAINMENTS. Illustrated with numerous wood engravings, de- scriptive of those many strange and singular stones which the legend says the fcultaness of Persia related to the Sultan night after night, in order to prolong her life, and thus finally won his affections and delivered the many virgins, who but for her would have been bacrificed to his unjust resentment. SAVED AT LAST FROM AMONGTHEMORMONS. Every nian and wuman in the land should read this story which is fuunded upon facts, and gives an insight into the low estate of woman under the Mormon rule. BREAD AND CHEESE AND KISSES. ByB.L. Karjeon. Avery popular Christmas story after the stvle of Dickens: abounds in excellent and novel features; is chiefly remarkable for its admirable picture of country life, giving the history of a very happy and contented young couple who thought no lot in life too lowly for the mentof Bread and Cheese and Kisses. JOHN PLOUGHMAN'S PICTURES; Or,More of his Plain Talk for Plain People,by Rev. (has. II. Spurgeon. This book is exceedingly humorous and instructive, using the simplest form of words and very plain speech. To smite evil, and especially the monster evil of drink, has been the author's earnest endeavor. The humor and homely wisdom of this book should carry it into every household. Complete in one volume— containing a great number of pictures. NEW FARM AND FIRESIDE COOK BOOK. BEST COOK BOOK EVER PUBLISHED. Contains n bout 1,000 Recipes. It is just the book that even wife and housekeeper needs. It tells how to cook all kinds of bread, cakes and meats; it tells ho? to make all kinds of soup; it gives recipes for cook- ing tish, oysters, poultry and game; it tells how t*. select the best poultry, fish, meats, etc.; it give; the best methods of preparing sauces and salads and all kinds of vegetables for the table; and tells the housekeeper all she needs to know about bread, biscuits, rolls, puddings, pies, custards, creams, cookies, tea, cotlee, chocolate, home-made candies, antidote for poison, cooking for the sick, and many other uselul things, /ESOPTS FABLES. The rabies of J&opns, an apt representative of'tne great social and intellectual movement of the a^e which he adorned. Born a slave, he forced hi& way by his mother-wit into the courts of princes. He knew that to be tolerated in courts he must speak to please, and he gave lessons both to prince and people by recitals of fables, which were very popular in Athens during the most brilliant period of its literary history ; and he who had not JEsop's Fables at his finger's ends was looked upon as an illiterate dunce by Athenian gen- tlemen. In one vol. Very profusely illustrated. NOBLE DEEDS OF MEN AND WOMEN. A history and description of noble deeds, present- ing correct and beautiful models of noble life to awaken the impulse to imitate what we admire. By the recorded actions of the great and good we regulate our own course, and steer, star-guided, over life's trackless ocean. pure enjoy Complete in one volume, with illustrations. The usual price of these books bound in cloth is Si .00 to $3.00 each. We propose to bind them in heavy paper ur thin card board, and send them by m;iil and prepay the postage, for 25 cents each. They com- prise a wide range and striking diversity of the most brilliant and pleasing productions of the most noted ami popular authors, and include books ot travels, adventures, fiction and humor, so that all tastes will be suited. We propose to call it the Farm and Fireside Library, and anyone obtaining these ten books will possess a library of ten of the most popular books ever published. We have not room to give a full description of each book, but all will be delighted who obtain these noted books at so low a price. THE BOOKS will be the latest and most complete editions, and will contain many illustrations, one alone requiring thirty-nine pictures to complete it. THE PAGES are about 5% by 8 inches—the most convenient size for reading and preservation. THE TYPE is Minion, easy on the eyes. THE PAPER is heavy and of a beautiful white color. THE FIRST BOOK, Robinson Crusoe, was ready about April 1st. One of the others will follow every two weeks and be mailed to subscribers as soon as published. RELIABLE.—Messrs. Rowell & Co., publishers of the American Newspaper Directory, writing of the publishers ot Farm and Fireside, say, " they are accredited by the Mercantile Agencies with a capital of a Million dollars, and are too well known and too much respected to make it worth while to make any statements which are not true." Therefore all are sure to get the above books if careful to direct letters correctlv. MONEY SHOULD BE SENT by Post Office Money Order or Registered Letter, addressed to Publishers of FARid AND FIRESIDE, Springfield, Ohio, CLUBBING LIST. We supply the Weekly Atnerlcan Bee Jour- nal and any of the following periodicals, for 1881, at the prices quoted in the last column of figures. The first column gives the regular price of botn : Publishers'Price. Club. The Weekly BeeJournal (T.G.Newman) ..$2 00 andGleaningsinBee-Culture(A.I.Rnot) 3 00.. 2 78 Bee-Keepers' Magazine (A.J.King). 3 00.. 2 60 Bee-Keepers'Exchange (J.H.Nellts) 2 75.. 2 50 The 4 above-named papers 4 75.. 3 "5 Bee-Keepers'Instructor( W.Thomas) 2 50.. 2 35 Bee-Keepers' Guide (A.G.Hill) 2 50.. 2 35 Kansas Bee-Keeper 2 30.. 2 15 The 1 above-named papers 0 05.. 5 00 Prof. Cook's Manuali bound in cloth) 3 25.. 3 00 Bee-Culture (T.G.Newman) 2 40.. 2 25 Binder for Weekly, 1881 2 85.. 2 75 For Semi-monthly Bee Journal, $1.00 less. For Monthly Bee Journal, $1.50 less. Floreston Cologne Thfl Most Fraernnt nnd 'Sold iies& Perfum- of Hiacoi & very bottle. .N £2 ■ All Farmers, Mothers, Business Men, Mechan- "ics, &c , who are tired out by work or worry, and* , all who are miserable with Dyspepsia, Kheuma-, tism, Neuralgia, or Bowel, Kidney or Liver Com-- plaints, you can be'invigoratcd and cured by u: PARKER'S GINGErFTQNLC ENGRA VING8 Ifyou a ■vastingaway with Consumpnt ^sipation or any weakness, you will find Paiker's^ .GingerTonic the greatest Blood Fertilizerandthe^ ;BestHealth&StrengthKestoreryouCanUseJ land far superior to Bitters and other Tonics, as it, •builds up the system, but never intoxicates. " ;«. and$i si/cs. Hi^cox ft O.. Chemists N PARKER'S EE ™££, HAIR BALSAM >;,■..- .opp.,contains beautiful steel engravings, 125 prescrip- tions.price only $1,25 sent by mail ; illustrated sample. <;c ; U"KTnW IPUVQDT V send now. Address Pea body MlUW IllIOIiLr. Medical institute or Dr. W. H. PARKER, No. 4 Bulflnch St., Boston. 22w 1 y
Text Appearing After Image:
ft Gi ESTIMATES ven for ADVERTISING in any NEWSPAPER in the Country. Our new! Price tint for Advertisers bent free. C A. COOK* CO., Aiiiertisine Acents. Cor. Dearborn & Waeh'n Ste., Cbicaoo. The Horse BY B. J. KENDALL, M. D. A TREATISE giving an index of diseases, and the symptoms ; cause and treatment of each, a table giving all the principal drugs used for the horse, with the ordinary dose, effects and antidote when a poison ; a table with an engraving of the horse'steeth at different ages, with rules for telling the age of the horse ; a valuably collection of re- cipes, and much valuable information, Price 25 cent*. — Sent on receipt of price, by THOMAS G. NEWMAN, 974 West Madison Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Florida Land—B40 Acres m- CHEAP FOR CASH. J0I Description,— Sec. 4, township 7, south range 7 west, Franklin county, Florida, situated about 50 miles south of the Georgia line, 25 miles west of the city of Tallahasse, the capital of the State, and about 25 miles northeast of the city of Apalachi- cola, a seaport on the Gulf of Mexico, and within 2 sections (5 and ti) of the Apalachieola river ; the soil is a rich, sandy loam, covered with timber. It was conveyed on Dec 31st, 1875, byCol. Alexan- der McDonald, who owned ti sections, including the above, to J. M. Murphy, for *:i,200, and on Sept. 5th, 1877. by him conveyed to the undersigned for *;i,000. The title is perfect, and it is unincumbered, as shown by an abstract from the Records of the county, duly attested by the County Clerk ; the taxes are all paid and the receipts are in my pos- session. I will sell the above at a bargain for cash, or trade for a small farm, or other desirable property. An offer for it is respectfully solicited. Address, THOMAS G. NEWSCAST, S74 West Madison Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Books for Bee-Keepers. Sent by mull, postpaid, on receiptor price, by THOMAS C. NEWMAN. 974 West Madison Street.CHICAGO, ILL it'-,■- w ,-«-!> New llft'-Keeplnic, by L. C. Root— The author treats the subject ol' bee- keeping mo that it cannot fall to Interest all. Its Btyle Is plain and forcible, making :iii Its readers realize that Its author Is master of the subject.— ¥1.50. Novice'* AlBCof Bee-Cnltare, by A. I. Root —This emhraees"everything pertaining to the care ol the honey-bee," and in valuable to beginners and those more advanced. Cloth, * 1 .--"•; paper, $1. Kiin:'* Bee-Keeper** Text-Book, by A. .1. King.—This edition is revised and brought down to the present time. Cloth. Hl.OO; paper,TSc l.iiu^Ht ml h on the Hive und Houev Bee, - This is a standard scientific work. Price* l$2. BleNNvd Bees, by John Allen.— A romance of bee-keeping, full of practical Information and contagious enthusiasm. Cloth. $1.00. Beennnd Honey; or, successful munnge- meut of the Apiary, by Thomas O. Newman.— This embraces the following subjects : Location of the Apiary—Honey Plants —Queen Rearing— Feeding — Swarming — Dividing — Transferring — Italianizing — Introducing Queens — Extracting— Quieting and Handling Bees—Marketing Honey, etc. It is published in EiiBllah and German.— Price for either edition, 40 cent*, postpaid. Food Adulteration ; What we eat and should not eat. This book should be in every familv, and ought to create a sentiment against adulteration of food products, and demand a law to protect the consumer against the numerous health-destroying adulterations offered as food. 200 pates SOc. Dzierzon Theory ;-presents the fundamen- tal principles of bee-culture, ana furnishes the facts and arguments to demonstrate them. 15 c. Honey, ns Food »nd Medicine, by Thomnn G. Newman.— This pamphlet discourses upon the Ancient History of Bees and Honey , the nature, quality, sources, and preparation of Honey for the Market ; Honey as food, giving recipes for making Honey Cakes, Cookies. Puddings, Foam, Wines.etc; and Honey as Medicine with many useful Recipes. It is intended for consumers, and should be scat- tered by thousands, creating a demand for honey everywhere. Published in English and German. Price for either edition, 6c.; per dozen, ." engravings illustrating positions of sick hoses, and treats all diseasep in a plain and comprehensive manner. It has recipes, a table of doses, and much valuable horse information. Paper, 25c- Chlcken Cholera, by A. J. Hill.—A treatise on its cause, symptoms and cure. Price, 25c. Bopp's Easy Calculator.—These are handy tableB for all kinds of merchandise and interest. It is really a lightning calculator, well bound, with slate and pocket. Cloth, $1. ; Morocco, $1.50. Moore's Universal Assistant, and Com- plete Mechanic, contains over 1,000.000 Indus- dustrial Facts. Calculations, Processes Trade Se- crets, Legal Items. Business Forms, etc., of vast utility to every Mechanic, Farmer and Business Man. Gives 200,000 items for Gas, Steam. Civil and Mining Engineers, Machinists, Millers, Black- smiths, Founders, Mineis, Metallurgists, Assavers, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Bronzers, Gild- ers, Metal and Wood Workers of every kind. Builders. Manufacturers and Mechanics. 500 En- RHAViN(iS of Mill, Steam and Mirdng Machinery, Tools, Sheet Metal Work. Mechanical Movements, Plans of Mills, Roofs. Bridges, etc. Arrangement and Speed of Wheels, Pulleys, Drums. Belts. Saws, Boring, Turning, Planing, and Drilling Tools, Flour, Oat Meal, Saw, Shingle, Paper, Cot- ton, Woolen and Fulling Mill Machinery, Sugar, Oil, Marble, Threshing, and Rolling Mill, do.. Cot- ton Gins. Presses, etc. Strength of Teeth, Shaft- ing, Belting. Friction, Lathe Gearing. Screw Cut- ting, Finishing Engine Building, Reparing and Operating, Setting of Valves. Eccentrics, Link and Valve Motion, Steam Packing, Pipe and Boiler Covering. Scale Preventives. Steam Heating, Ven- tilation, Gas and Water Works, Hydraulics Mill Dams, Horse Power of Streams, etc. On Blast Furnaces, Iron and Steel Manufacture. Pros- pecting and Exploring for Minerals. Quartz and Placer Mining, Assaying, Amalgamating.etc: 4m Tables with Calculations in all possible forms for Mechanics. Merchants and Farmers. 800 items for Printers, Publishers, and Writers for the Press. 1,000 items for Grocers. Confectioners, Physicians, Druggists, etc. 300 Health Items, .vm do. for Painters, Varnishers, Gilders, etc. f>on do. fur Watchmakers and Jewelers. 4(Xido. for Hunt- ers, Trappers Tanners, Leather tfc Rubber Work. Navigation, Telegraphy, Photography, Book-keep- ing, etc., in detail. Strength of Materials, Effects of Heat. Fuel Values, Specific Gravities. Freights by rail and water—a Car Load, Stowage in Ships, Power of Steam. Water, Wind, Shrinkage of Cast- ings, etc. 10.000 items for Housekeepers. Farmers, Carpenters, Gardeners, Stock Owners. Bee-keep- ers, Lumbermen, etc. Fertilizers, full details. Ru- ral Economy, Food Values. Care of Stock. Reme- dies fi >r do., to increase ('rops. Pest Poisons, Train- ing Horses, steam Power on Farms. LTGHTNING Cau'I'I.atdu for Cubic Measures. Ready Reckoner. Produce, Kent. Board, Wages. Interest. Coal and Tonnage Tables. Land. Grain. Hay. and Cattle Measurement. Seed, Ploughing, Planting and Breeding Tables, Contents of Granaries. Cribs, Tanks, Cisterns, Boilers. Logs. Boards. Scantling. etc., at sight. Business Forms, all kinds. Special Laws of 49 States, Territories, and Provinces (in the U. S. and Canada), relating to the Collection of Debts, Exemptions from Forced Sale. Mechanics' Lien, the Jurisdiction of Courts, Sale of Real Es- tate, Rights of Married Women, Interest and Usury Laws, Limitation of Actions, etc. The work contains L0I6 paees, Is a veritable Treasury of Useful Knowledge, and worth Its weight in gold to anv Mechanic. Business Man, or Farmer. Price, postage paid, $2.50.

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  • bookid:americanbeejourn1781hami
  • bookyear:1861
  • bookdecade:1860
  • bookcentury:1800
  • booksubject:Bee_culture
  • booksubject:Bees
  • bookpublisher:_Hamilton_Ill_etc_Dadant_Sons_
  • bookcontributor:UMass_Amherst_Libraries
  • booksponsor:UMass_Amherst_Libraries
  • bookleafnumber:243
  • bookcollection:umass_amherst_libraries
  • bookcollection:blc
  • bookcollection:americana
  • BHL Collection
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