File:“Alpha”-Bison (1338213272).gif

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The scan of this side of the granite artefact shows the silhouette of a bison bowing his head to march straightforwardly. Obviously not for fighting with another one - as everybody would like to believe - but for pulling - as a domesticated draught bison cow harnessed and subdued under a yoke - heavy loads like stones, carts and trolleys.

The other side of this artifact is still not available. It is showing the silhouette of a bison slightly turning his head into the direction of the spectator. The Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Musee des Antiquites nationales has a head turning around bison made of reindeer antler. For 57$ you can buy an artificial copy made of stone-filled polymer.

This granite has a pestle at the headside and a mortar at the tailside, I discovered on September 8th 2007. It is a bifacial. It is a pestle with a mortar-tail: “... les hommes préhistoriques ont affiché leur corps et leur sexualité de façon à la fois explicite, concrète, avec des images matérielles, mais également de façon très dissimulée, très partiellement affichée,...” (L’unité psycho-anthropologique de Sapiens - Par Denis Vialou)

The shape of the tool reminded me of the good old-fashioned (paleolithic), bifacial flint hand axes but could not have taken the function of such a tool because it did not have any sharp edges.

At the rear end of the stone there is a round deepening. A very similar kind of a hollow I saw upon an Abbevillean (250,000 to 700,000 years B.P.) stone offered as a pebble chopper for $ 155.00.

Alpha-Harness of the bison The harness looks like an Alpha turned upside down ! Does this symbolize that this buffalo is a representative one? The horizontal line of this letter is engraved 1 mm deep. Was the draught-bison often violated by the right shaft of the harness because he had to pull heavy loads? Alpha (ℵ=Aleph= glyph for a bull-head): Caananite, Aramaic, Phoenician, Hebrew, Etruscan and Hellenic. Aleph means head, especially the head of the bull, taurus. The sexual connection of writing and {plowing / furrowing} has been mentioned by Vilem Flusser. Kallir (31) also refers to the double meaning of 'husbandry' in English, as for example in this Shakespeare's sonnet: For where is she so fair whose unear'd womb / Disdains the tillage of thy husbandry? "The taming of the bull is the great achievement of the developing agricultural civilization and, like the invention of the alphabet, a milestone in the progress of man". (Kallir 39). The Egyptian hieroglyph of plough has a striking similarity to the Semitic aleph sign (Kallir 31).

The colours of the image are of course not very true: At first I struggled with the right scanner illumination and then with Photoshop to reproduce a correct silhouette.

On September 16th 2007 I revisited my stone collection, and discovered a granite that I had taken home a few month ago and that I had suspected to be a pestle, too. It is a granite frog sitting on his rectangular mortar area (4 x 3,5 cm). It is a bifacial pestle made by the same stoneage sculptor: Colour and texture, length and width are exactly the same; height is exactly the same: Size of the frog Length ~ 12 cm, Width ~ 6 cm, Height ~ 4 cm. Size of the bison length ~ 13 cm width ~ 4 cm height ~ 8 cm These dimensions could serve as a draft for a very special computer-mouse-design?

Questions Shows this backside of a granite the tails of a stoneage coin? Confer the english phrase: Heads or tails? Stones marked with such a hollow deepening anywhere functioned as money-piece or just signify a female animal? Could this stone have had ritual and representative significance? A kind of cattle-money (lt. pecunia) ? ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼


Granite Granite (IPA: /ˈɡrænɪt/) is a common and widely occurring type of intrusive, felsic, igneous rock. Granites are usually medium to coarsely crystalline, occasionally with some individual crystals larger than the groundmass forming a rock known as porphyry. Granites can be pink to dark gray or even black, depending on their chemistry and mineralogy. Outcrops of granite tend to form tors, and rounded massifs. Granites sometimes occur in circular depressions surrounded by a range of hills, formed by the metamorphic aureole or hornfels. Granite is nearly always massive, hard and tough, and it is for this reason it has gained widespread use as a construction stone. The average density of granite is 2.75 g·cm−3 with a range of 1.74 g·cm−3 to 2.80 g·cm−3. The word granite comes from the Latin granum, a grain, in reference to the coarse-grained structure of such a crystalline rock. ..... Granite is an igneous rock and is formed from magma. Natural Radiation Granite is a normal, geological, source of radiation in the natural environment. Granite has around 10 to 20 parts per million of uranium. By contrast, more mafic rocks such as tonalite, gabbro or diorite have 1 to 5ppm uranium, and limestones and sedimentary rocks usually equally low. Many large granite plutons are the sources for palaeochannel-hosted or roll front uranium ore deposits, where the uranium washes into the sediments from the granite uplands and associated, often highly radioactive, pegmatites. In buildings constructed primarily from natural granite, it is possible to be exposed to approximately 200 mrems per year. 1 Granite could be considered a potential natural radiological hazard as, for instance, villages located over granite may be susceptible to higher doses of radiation than other communites. 2 Cellars and basements sunk into soils formed over or from particularly uraniferous granites can become a trap for radon gas, which is heavier than air. However, in the majority of cases, although granite is a significant source of natural radiation as compared to other rocks it is not often an acute health threat or significant risk factor. Various resources from national geological survey organisations are accessible online to assist in assessing the risk factors in granite country and design rules relating, in particular, to preventing accumulation of radon gas in enclosed basements and dwellings. Modern Granite has been extensively used as a dimension stone and as flooring tiles in public and commercial buildings and monuments. With increasing amounts of acid rain in parts of the world, granite has begun to supplant marble as a monument material, since it is much more durable. Polished granite is also a popular choice for kitchen countertops due to its high durability and aesthetic qualities. Currently 33% of the kitchen countertops being made are of granite.

The granite has a phaneritic texture It means that the size of grains in the rock are large enough to be distinguished with the unaided eye as opposed to aphanitic (which is too small to see with the naked eye). This texture forms by slow cooling of magma deep underground in the plutonic environment.


Hand Axe A handaxe is a bifacial Paleolithic core tool. This kind of axe is typical of the lower (Acheulean) and the middle Palaeolithic (Mousterian) and is the longest used tool of human history. 200.000 years ago a period of more rapid change about 200,000 years ago. Hand axes and large bifacial stone tools were replaced by stone flakes and blades that were fashioned into scrapers, spear points, and parts for hafted, composite implements. This technological stage, now known as the Middle Stone Age.

Mesolithic age 10–8th Millennium "...began at the end of the last glacial era, over 10,000 years ago. Cultures included gradual domestication of plants and animals, formation of settled communities, use of the bow, and development of delicate stone microliths and pottery." stoneage Neolithic Copper Age 5th Millennium (Early Phase) Neolithic Copper Age second half of 5th – first half of 4th Millennium, (Late Phase) Bronze Age 3200 – 1200 (Early Thracian Culture) Iron Age 1200 – 500 (Late Thracian Culture)

▐►Ice Ages ◄▌(in Europe and esp. Ireland) Ireland was an island about 125,000 years ago when the sea level appears to have been very close to its present position. The sea level dropped 130 m (426 feet) or more during the interval from around 30,000 to 15,000 years ago, when Ireland became part of continental Europe [again], and sea levels have been generally rising ever since, albeit at a much slower rate. In and around 20,000 years ago the area that would later reform the British Isles was mainly covered by a thick sheet of ice. This was during the last maximum expansion of the polar ice caps when sea levels were about 120 meters lower than today. After a period of about 18000 BC - 16000 BC the thick glacial ice could expand no more and slowly began to melt or evaporate. At the same time the sea levels slowly began to increase. Estimated between 11000 to 9000 BC the earth's temperature fluctuated, dropped overall, and subsequent periods of glaciation again occurred in Ireland. After about 9000 BC, the climate again warmed, the juniper spread, and the birch appeared in large numbers for the first time. Pine, elm and other forest trees also appeared, and Ireland began a long-term process of forestation. Other plants and animals crossed the land bridges as well. Sea level changes and Ireland Relative sea-level rose rapidly between 10,000-5,000 years ago, at averaged rates of approximately 6mm/year. By about 5,000 years ago sea-level rise had slowed considerably to less than 1 mm per year, with RSL having reached to within 2m of present levels by 3,000 years ago. The association between climate change sea-level seems intuitively clear. Greenhouse gas forcing of climate warming - with the scenario of equivalent C02 doubling by about the year 2030 and averaged temperature rise of 1.5-4.5°C (expected minimum rise of c. 2°C) - would lead to additional melting of the world's remaining ice masses (glaciers, ice sheets, ice caps), coupled with a thermal expansion of ocean water; these together leading to sea-level rise against the world's coastlines. Speculation in the late 1970s by glaciologists, climate and ocean scientists suggested that the effect of any such climate warming on West Antarctica, which contains about nine per cent of the world's ice, might be catastrophic for the ice sheet due to its structure and thermal characteristics. Conjecture about its melt-out has led to estimates of global sea-level reaching at least 5m above present levels by c. 2150. A complete melting of this ice sheet could lead eventually, it was estimated, to a global raising of sea levels by c. 6m from this source alone. Since that time, intensive research and improved modelling of the ice sheet's likely behaviour under climate warming scenarios has led to a drastic reevaluation of its and other glaciers' effects upon the oceans. For Ireland and Northwest Europe, RSL rise is likely to be much less than suggested in the 1970s.

▐► B I S O N ◄▌ description a humpbacked shaggy-hared wild ox native to North America and Europe. Genus Bison, family Bovidae. B. bison or North American Prairies (also called Buffalo) and B. bonasus of European forests (also called Wisent), now found only in Poland. These are sometimes regarded as a single species.

Bison Bonasus Stumbras (Lithuanian); Зубар [Subar] (Belarussian); Visent (Norse, Swedish); Visentti (Finnish); Wisent (Dutch, English, German); Zimbru (Romanian); Zubr [Зубр] (Czech, Polish, Russian);Obélix (french).

IMAGES @ ○ Fighting Bisons @ ○ Buffalo in the mist @ (sometimes referred to as the Prairie Cow) is a taxonomic group containing six species of large even-toed ungulates within the subfamily Bovinae. Only two of these species still exist: the American Bison (B. bison) and the European Bison, or wisent (B. bonasus). {†B. antiquus, B. bison, B. bonasus, †B. latifrons, †B. occidentalis, †B. priscus}

BISON ANTIQUUS †ICE AGE BISON (skeleton) bison antiquus became extinct between 12,000 and 10,000 years ago, near the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age. ○ Buffalo roamed from Asia to North America Some scientists believe that it was human hunting that wiped out this subspecies of bison about 10,000 years ago--a foreshadowing of the remaining species' near-extinction by European settlers just 100 years ago. ○ Hudson-Meng Bison Hudson-Meng bison represent an intermediate, or transitional form, in what might be considered as the quantum jump from Bison antiquus, or occidentalis to Bison bison. ... About 1 million years ago the bison migrated into North America.

BUFFALO In American Western culture, the bison is commonly referred to as "buffalo"; however, this is a misnomer. Though both bison and buffalo belong to the same family, Bovidae, the term 'buffalo' properly applies only to the Asian Water Buffalo and African Buffalo. The gaur, a large, thick-coated ox found in Asia, is also known as the Indian Bison, although it is in the genus Bos and thus not a true bison. The American and European bison are the largest terrestrial mammals in North America and Europe. Like their cattle relatives, bison are nomadic grazers and travel in herds, except for the non-dominant bulls, which travel alone or in small groups during most of the year. American bison are known for living in the Great Plains. Both species were hunted close to extinction during the 19th and 20th centuries but have since rebounded, although the European bison is still endangered. Unlike the Asian Water Buffalo, the bison has never really been domesticated, although it does appear on farms occasionally. It is raised now mostly on large ranches in the United States and Canada for meat. Wild herds are found in Yellowstone, Utah's Antelope Island, South Dakota's Custer State Park, Alaska, and northern central Canada (see Wood Bison). Bison live to be about 20 years old and are born without their trademark "hump" or horns. With the development of their horns, they become mature at two to three years of age, although the males continue to grow slowly to about age seven. Adult bulls express a high degree of dominance during mating season. On March 16, 2007, 15 American bison were re-introduced to Colorado to roam where they did over a century ago. A herd of 15 bison has been established in the 17,000-acre (69 km²) Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, a former chemical weapons manufacturing site.

Bison bonasus Wisent, Europäischer Bison, Europas schwerstes und größtes Landsäugetier. Gefährdete Arten Neben dem Auerochsen war der Wisent das zweite Wildrind, das in den Urwäldern Europas heimisch gewesen ist. Er ist der nächste Verwandte des nordamerikanischen Bisons; beide haben sich aus einer längst ausgestorbenen indischen Stammform entwickelt: der Bison in Nordamerika, der Wisent in Vorderindien und Europa. Wisente können, in beiden Geschlechtern, eine Kopf-Rumpf-Länge von 3,40 Metern, eine Körperhöhe von 2 Metern und ein Körpergewicht von 1000 Kilo erreichen.

Bison = the tractor of the stoneage?

▐►LINGUISTICS◄▌ buffalo ru.буйволов, es. búfalo fr.buffle, ch.布法羅, jp 水牛, ko.버팔로, ar.جاموسه cow it.mucca;de.Muh-Kuh;lt.vacca;fr.vache;es.vaca, ru.корова, ch.奶牛, jp.牛, ko.암소,, ar.البقره Mortar & Pestle, Manus manum lavat. Exchange: Money Goods. pestle de.Stößel ru.пестиком, fr.pilon, it.pestello, es.maja, pt.pilão ,ch.杵,jp.乳棒,ko.방앗공이, ar.مدقه mortar fr.mortier,it.mortaio,de.Mörser, es.mortero,pt.almofariz,ru.минометный,ch.砂浆, jp.乳鉢,ko.박격포,ar.هاون heads or tails (auf Münzen) = Kopf oder Zahl pestle noun: heavy tool with a rounded end, used for crushing and grinding substances such as spices or drugs, usually in a mortar. verb: crush or grind with a pestle: she measured seeds into the mortar and pestled them to powder ORIGIN old French pestel, latin pistillum, from pist- pounded, from lt. pînsere --> pîstor = baker pestle de. Stößel, Pistill, das (fachspr.)

harness a set of straps and fittings or other draubht animal is fastened to cart, plough, etc. and is controlled by its driver ■ an arrangement for straps for fastening something such as a parachute to a person's body or for restraining a young child ► verb to put a harness on (a horse or other draught animal)

■ (harness something) attach a draught animal to (something) by a harness: the horse was harnished to two long shafts, the Harnished Prometheus

2 control and make use of (natural resorces), especially to produce energy: attempts to harness solar energy | figurative harnessing the creativity of the graduates PHRASES in harness (of a horse or animal) used for driving or draught work ■ in the routine of daily work: a man who died in harness far beyound the normal age of retirement ■ working closely with someone to achieve something: local and central government should work in harness [NODE p 839] harness racing another term for trotting ('Trabrennen') trot = lifting each diagonal pair of legs alternatively (trotting) 'Granite Buffalo' --> Results: 1.960.000 (esp. Granite Works in Buffalo, NY).

▐►stylings◄▌ ◄ Granite Bison in Harness ► ▬ ▲ la Obélix de la Berlin ▲(Sept 14th) draughthorse --> draught-bison

▐►Vorgeschichtliches Museum Berlin◄▌

Das Charlottenburger Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte wird im für 233 Millionen Euro restaurierten Neuen Museum (1842 von Friedrich August Stüler erbaut) auf der Museumsinsel im Oktober 2009 wiedereröffnet. {21.Sept. 2007, Radiomeldung vom Richtfest im Neuen Museum in Anwesenheit von Stararchitekt David Chipperfield und Kulturstaatsminister Bernd Neumann } ○ Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin ist eine der größten überregionalen prähistorischen Sammlungen der Alten Welt. Es befindet sich im an das Schloss Charlottenburg angrenzenden Langhansbau (ehemaliges Schlosstheater) und umfasst insgesamt sechs Ausstellungssäle auf drei Etagen. ○ Die Sammlung des Museums geht zurück auf das Kunstkabinett der Hohenzollern, die ab 1830 im Schloss Monbijou eine Sammlung alter Fundstücke als „Museum Vaterländischer Altertümer“ aufgebaut hatten. Die Sammlung hatte später ihren Sitz zunächst im Neuen Museum, ab 1886 im Museum für Völkerkunde in der Prinz-Albrecht-Straße und ab 1921 im Martin-Gropius-Bau, der 1931 in das Staatliche Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte umgewandelt wurde. Zu den bedeutendsten Förderern und Beiträgern der Sammlung gehören Rudolf Virchow und Heinrich Schliemann. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg gelangten Teilbestände des Museums als Beutekunst nach Russland.[1] Der Umzug des Museums in das Schloss Charlottenburg erfolgte 1960. Nach der Wende wurden zahlreiche Exponate, die bis dahin im Ost-Berliner Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte eingelagert waren, in den Bestand aufgenommen. ○ ○ Stein- und Bronzezeit-Saal [Bearbeiten] Im Stein- und Bronzezeit-Saal (Saal 3) werden Funde dieser Epoche aus Europa dargestellt. Zu sehen sind Artefakte der steinzeitlichen Fundstellen von Combe Capelle und Le Moustier, Kunsterzeugnisse der Eiszeit sowie die Entwicklung der paläo- und mesolithischen Werkzeuge. Außerdem werden die neolithischen Kulturen Europas von der Bandkeramik- bis zur Glockenbecherkultur vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus sind im Abschnitt zur Bronzezeit Exponate ausgestellt, die die Entwicklung der Metallurgie und des Kults und der Bestattungsriten veranschaulichen. Geografisch reichen die Fundplätze dabei von Westeuropa, Norddeutschland und Skandinavien, dem östlichen Mitteleuropa, dem Alpen- und Donauraum bis nach Oberitalien. ○ Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte Schloß Charlottenburg, Langhansbau, 14059 Berlin

J’arrête là cette simple mise en scène des acteurs, deux millions et demi d’années, les premiers hommes auteurs d’outils, d’habitats un peu structurés; quarante mille ans à peine, le Sapiens, créateur d’images. Que s’est-il passé dans cette évolution, extrêmement courte par rapport à l’histoire de la vie? Qu’est-ce qui fut, et est, le plus marquant? Si nous comparons un de ces premiers hommes tel qu’on l’a défini mais cette fois-ci du côté paléontologique, comme celui que l’on appelle Homo habilis, l’homme habile-auteur d’outils, et un Homo sapiens, le Cro-Magnon ou l’inventeur des peintures de Chauvet ou de Lascaux, la différence fondamentale, et je dirais presque en exagérant, la seule différence concerne la boîte crânienne. Les premiers hommes étaient des bipèdes parfaitement accomplis. Les premiers hommes savaient fabriquer des outils, les premiers hommes disposaient déjà d’un appareil phonatoire qui était sur le plan anatomique parfaitement propre à émettre des sons et à les articuler. On peut imaginer, scientifiquement que le paléolangage est d’entrée aussi un élément séparateur de l’homme par rapport à son animalité essentielle, originelle. Certes. L’unité psycho-anthropologique de Sapiens - Par Denis Vialou

280510: 8530 081010: 9045

14th May 2014: 71,957 vv

15th May 2014: 72,377 vv
Source “Alpha”-Bison “BEROLINA”♀ ♦granite♦artefact♦
Author Karl-Ludwig Poggemann from Salzbergen, Germany
Camera location52° 33′ 22.32″ N, 13° 34′ 54.84″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View this and other nearby images on: OpenStreetMapinfo


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7 October 2017

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