Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2017/Meetings/2017-11-29

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Zack, Matthew, Leticia, Lily


  • Too many steps: There were too many steps, too much information. Users got lost. There were a lot of user error.
  • Flickr groups may not be as active as they used to be anymore and that can be adding tot
  • Some people didn't know how to change the licenses.

The wizard for monument lookup could address many of these issues. Users have different level of technical expertise, the fact that they have to have an email is already a stretch. This is something that was visibly noticeable in the SF walk.

In the U.S. list, where there were no monuments, it was easy to click on the link. If the monument existed, it was much harder to upload.

Looking to the future:
Streamlining the data in the most active and dominant countries: EU and North America would be the top 2 areas. Making it easier to participate.

The challenge of free licenses and the value of the photographer work.