Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2017/Meetings/2017-05-03

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Dashboard kick-off

Scope for this year

  • Identify which images are participating
  • Track information about these files
    • Give status update to users
      • Push or pull ? Does not really matter for now.
        • Push too early might discourage people. But in the future it might be possible.

Audience: participants and organizers

Collecting requirements: we have a set collected in Como. Try to do it light this year, build a basis.

Open questions:

    • What maintenance categories are in use?
    • Check if we can expose the output publicly (privacy)

The system tracks images and pings organizers / create reports when the status of the image changes.

  • Set of conditions (exhausted)
    • nominated-for-deletion
    • no EXIF data
    • a file being renamed/deleted
    • upload outside of the competition timeframe
    • bad image: selfie
    • very similar photos on the web
    • WLM template removed
    • monument identifier removed
    • new uploads of the same image by a different user
  • Events: notifications to someone
    • read below for details
  • MVP: nominated-for-deletion (generalisation: bad flagging template added) and, for example, no EXIF data, must handle file rename/deletion/re-uploads.

Notification options:

  • for organizers: real-time dashboard
    • Provide a list of images per condition, with a potential action. Some actions may get duplicated/logged on the talkpage
    • Log-in for specific campaigns, at least for taking actions (i.e. 'marking as safe').
  • “give me the status of this set of images” ; most obvious selection criterion is per-country (for organisers) and per-uploader (mostly for participants)


  • 2 months


  • Design
  • Front-end
  • Back-end
  • Design research/User testing (nice-to-have)
  • Languages and translaiton

Next steps: summarize, share in the group, onboard Stephen. This year we want to build the dashboard that reports on certain templates, EXIF data, log entries. Focus primarily on organizers this year.

  • I am Jean-Fred and I approve this summary 👍

(A) Lodewijk will summarize