Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2017/Meetings/2017-02-23

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Meeting for 2017 engineering tasks



Jean-Fred, Lily, Lodewijk, Stephen, André



Wikidata migration

  • Goal:
    1) Make the API we have today work with Wikidata: André with his volunteer hat, with Jean-Fred
    • Figure out a sensible way to break it down
    2) Migrate as many of the campaigns as possible
    • Start with SV, move on to as many countries as possible
    • Pawel is working on import of Polish data
    • Lily can help with Iran's data
  • Lead: André
  • People: André, Jean-Fred, Stephen, Pawel
  • PM and other resources: WMSE
  • Timelines: WMSE budget is until September 2017
  • Notes:
    • WMSE will prepare a doc for migration steps
    • André and Jean-Fred will try to split up Epic task into managable bits
    • New projects will hopefully go into Wikidata
    • We should make no assumptions ever :)

Monuments data enrichment

  • Goal:
    • Wikidata editing campaign month in August to enrich data about monuments
    • [Maybe] Have cool tools
  • Lead: Stephen
  • People: Stephen (can do coordination, but not backend work). Pawel (can do front-end, possible merge with Monumental)
  • PM and other resources:
    • Wikidata community − JeanFred to reach out to Léa (WMDE)
    • someone to talk to tool builders
    • local coordinators interested in running a campaign (ideally one person from this team)
  • Timelines: we can start anytime, basically, cuz editing on WD can happen even now.
  • Notes:
    • It goes with goal number (2) in Wikidata migration.
    • It would be nice to have a tool or set of tools for editing, or no tool to do geocoding, etc.
      • Geo-tagging tool (for Wikipedia lists) [Note that it's suffering from some issues due to problem with the database it interacts with]
    • Quality control tool
      • Classic Wikidata stuff (like constraints reports) − would need some documentation curation
      • Check whether the coordinates of the photos identified match the coordinates of the monument in the database, comparing lists on wikipedia with the original source, check whether the category name makes sense etc - much possible but country dependent?
      • Showcasing tools
      • Dedicated: Monumental
      • Classic Wikidata stuff: Listeria, WikiShootMe, etc.
    • We should reach out to Magnus about this task.
    • The primary thing is matching the property for ID


  • Goal: To minimize problematic interactions with the commons community, avoid painful issues with the participating images, increase transparency for national organizers and participants. Provide an overview for national organizers what needs to be done/checked by them.
    • Help people avoid issues
    • Provide a campaign-level overview of all WLM entries
  • Lead: Jean-Fred <3 and Lily
  • People: Stephen (can work on the backend), Pawel works on front-end, Lodewijk on requirements
  • PM and other resources:
  • Timelines: by 2017-07-04
  • Notes:
    • It would be good to have it integrated with Montage, but it shouldn't be a requirement for using it.
    • Integrating it with Montage makes it much harder to integrate the flow in Commons
    • From backends perspective, this is a problem Stephen has to solve for Montage, code-wise Stephen is interested ot have them work seemlessly.
    • How about WLE − could have been a good opportunity for pre-testing? WLE starts May 1st, that’s too early (unlikely given that backend is not available in March) → nevermind
    • Stephen is not available in March


  • Goal:
    • A tool to discover monuments for access (read) and editing (uploading photos, WD enrichment, etc.)
      • Can provide a great showcase for the collection on WLM
    • If WLM uploader, Reasonator, Wikidata game, Commons and Protected Planet had a baby
  • Lead: Pawel
  • PM and other resources: PM (ideally someone other than Pawel)
  • Timelines: Finalized before WLM 2017 starts, ideally earlier given that it creates momentum around WD migration.
  • Notes:


  • Goal:
  • Lead:
  • PM and other resources:
  • Timelines:
  • Notes: