Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2017/Meetings/2017-01-09

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WLM international team meeting


  • Stephen, Pawel, Leila, Lodewijk, Jean-Fred, Ido, Romaine, Andre

Items discussed

  • WLM 2016 evaluation (organizers, no participants, international team): what kind of stuff should be there? who's going to work on it?
  • WLM 2017 team structure
  • Offsite participants, agenda, budget

2016 evaluation


We want to run a survey for the organizers (not the participants this year), as part of the evaluation. (Reaching out to participants = complicated, expensive because translations etc.) Lily, Ido and Stephen are volunteering to do this organizers survey: design, get feedback, send out, and analyse before the offsite. (A) Ido will look for previous year's survey that he did. Aim is to send it out by 18/jan. We want also to do a quick survey about how the team worked (anonymous) in order to improve team dynamics / collaboration → Stephen takes charge.

WLM 2017 team structure


Lily has sent around a proposal for the 2017 team structure. Want to make sure we're all comfortable with it. Proposal: two groups within the team

  1. coordinating − involved in all the decision making
  2. specialists − focusing in one specific area, but do not want to participate in all discussions/decisions


  • André: Good idea. Addresses the issue he had this year where he could not participate much in coordination, which is ok if he can just participate as a specialist.
  • Lodewijk: agree.
  • Ido: Ok.
  • Pawel: Sure. Makes no sense to bother everyone for everything. Yes.
  • Jean-Fred: Makes sense to me. I feel like Andre.
  • Romaine: Yes
  • Stephen: Likes the idea. Has more questions regarding assigned responsibilities, we could delegate that way.

Pawel: There is no natural space (on-wiki) for discussions and documentation and ensuring that information is still discoverable year-to-year.


  • All team members are coming except Erik Zachte.
  • We have 5 spots for guests − Lodewijk invited 3 already.
  • WMIT confirmed as fiscal sponor.
  • 10 feb 13:00 - 12 feb 16:00 is meeting time.
  • Italy is confirmed but not yet specific location.
  • Lodewijk: Responsibility for deciding which expenses are ok should lie with a team member not with WMIT.
    • Pawel was suggested and accepted.

Structure: Leila proposal for structure

  • First half day (Fri afternoon): Team vision (guests not invited)
  • Dinner fri night, guests will join
  • ? : define the pipeline, structure etc
  • Sat: how to improve the pipeline etc