Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2012/Meetings/2012-05-10

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These are notes from a Skype meeting held between Lodewijk (Effeietsanders), Maarten (Multichill), Elke (Elya), Tomasz (odder), and Barbara on Thursday, May 10 20:30 - ????


  1. Old action points
  2. Technical issues
  3. Participating countries
  4. Communication
    1. Website
    2. Guinness Books of records:
    3. Media partners/sponsoring

Old action points

  1. Open AP Tomasz: Split off the documentation on monuments database;
  2. ✓ Done AP Barbara: Figure out the Guiness Book of Records;
    Figured it out. We're stuk at the evidence part. Barbara and Tomasz are going to get it. (new AP)
  3. Open AP Maarten: Contact the other WMF :-))
  4. ✓ DoneAP Elke: Create a documentation page with videos from last year on Wikimedia Commons;
  5. Open AP Tomasz: Write some documentation on how to approach local partners;
  6. Open AP Maarten: Check if it's possible to do geolocation of CentralNotice in U.S. and India on a state level.
  7. Open AP Maarten: Find out why CentralNotice and Geonotice are not combined (yet).
  8. This is not an AP Lodewijk: Ask Manuel (or another chapter person) if he would be willing to record short stories about WLM during Wikimania. (LG: as discussed, longer term)
  9. ✓ Done AP Lodewijk: Contact Nuno Tavares about his technical how-to. (LG: ongoing)
  10. Open} AP Maarten: Try to solve the situation in the United States; contact Samuel Klein, Nicholas from Wikimedia D.C., and Moka Pantages;
  11. Open AP Tomasz: We should add the report card information to the fact sheet;
    2. ( )
  12. Open AP Barbara: Set up a tracking system for the team;
    OpenAtrium etc.
  13. Open AP Barbara: Organise a risk assessment session;
  14. ✓ Done AP Lodewijk: Prepare a list of contact details;
  15. Open AP Tomasz: Start a discussion about our communication campaign on the mailing list;
  16. ✓ Done AP Maarten: Schedule a real life meeting with Wiegels and Elke about the monuments database;
  17. ✓ Done AP Barbara: Check with Catrin Schoeneville about documentation on contacting local partners;
    Open? AP Tomasz: Add the contents to our Commons doc.
  18. ✓ Done AP Maarten: Follow-up with Wikimedia France about their support for our budget (in detail).
  19. ✓ Done AP Lodewijk: Ask MiraMedia (who works from the samer office as WMNL) about a possible help with communication strategy; (LG: Asked Marjon)
  20. Open? AP Lodewijk: Also contact Matthew Roth (WMF) about possible media to draft press releases for; (LG: I don't understand the action point)
    What media magazines are there that we would like to write press releases/articles for. Matthew was supposed to know that. We are working on a international list operating internationally at their best online based
  21. ✓ Done AP Maarten: Get Elke access to the server hosting our website;
    Maarten and Elke will hack after this meeting
  22. Open AP Elke: Check what would be the best place to host the website this year;
    Ryan Lane <>
  23. ✓ Done AP Elke: Update the Wordpress and prepare a backup of the website database; Maarten check the Partners of 2012
  24. ✓ Done AP Elke: Check the state of preparations in Egypt
  25. Open AP Elke and Monaco (the latter via Thierry), and ask for Wikimedia France's Monaco contact;
  26. Open? AP Lodewijk: Check the state of preparations in Macedonia
  27. Open?AP Lodewijk: Check the state of preperations in Poland (the latter with Tomasz Ganicz);
  28. Open? AP Maarten: Send an e-mail to Alex (Kippelboy) and María (Sefidari);
  29. Open? AP Lodewijk: Get in touch with Switzerland;
  30. Open AP Maarten: Get Barbara and Ad in touch about the budget;
  31. In progress AP Barbara: Check out international media partners possibilities, like Metro International, ask for possible contacts through international mailing lists;
  32. Open AP Elke: Follow-up about lists templates, and offer some help for Ukraine;
  33. ✓ Done AP Maarten: Follow-up with Fae and JamesF about the lists in the UK; (Scotland, Wales, Ireland in progress)
  34. ✓ Done AP Elke: Send an e-mail to Hay and Siebrand (about access to the website);
  35. ✓ Done AP Elke: Cancel Schatzmeisterin;



We update the google doc sheet and add specific countries to the agenda. Lodewijk send an email around to get updates.

  • India: Lodewijk is a bit worried
  • Germany: People are working on it. Some organizational changes. It will take place
  • Tunesia : Is probably out. They will probably focus on a wiki takes.....
  • UK still struggling teamwise, Maarten puts the lists online to make them go. This weekend final attempt to involve volunteers - kick-off or cancel.
  • Poland hired a coordinator, 90%
  • Russia: pretty ok
  • Norway: alive!
  • Serbia is 20%

Technical issues




Elke is in touch with Phil. Multi OS might be possible. Around creation is an issue



The paramater thing is online! We need to test it.

Image info


Still need image information in the database. (all images of a certain image, not only the one in the list) - a hell lot of work.


  • still a lot of work, things are in progress, hope in Hackathon


  • Quite vague, follow up from CARARE. Proposal, want to re-use our stuff. They now understand our structure - will include it in the proposal, but we're not committing.


  1. AP: get a paper prepared as base for discussion



is updated, needs to be copied.



Mjum! Barbara will get in touch with Tomasz.

Media partners/sponsoring

  • National Geographic? Metro?
  • International projects
  • Barbara sends request on international mailing list to find out if there's anyone who has good contacts.

New action points

  1. AP Barbara & Tomasz : Get evidence for the Guiness book of records application
  2. AP Barbara: get Open Artium started through WMDE, than send out an invitation to etherpad or smiliar tool in openartium to set up the agenda for the meeting
  3. AP Barbara: make sure the data in the common country list is transferred to the sreadsheet in goggledocs (internallist) watch out for email notes that should be filled in too. lodewijk is giving support
  4. AP Barbara: write a timeline for the hole, remember a deadline for the chapters to present an English page
  5. AP Elke / Barbara: talk Sponsoring oppurtunities
  6. AP Elke: Create a pretty looking fact sheet pdf. Target: Press, sponsors and public. Elevator pitch
    2. New users peak:
    AP Tomasz: Add the contents of Cathrine's documentation in German to our Commons doc.
  7. AP Maarten, check the partners page on the wikilovesmonuments page on elke's server (insert link here please: )
  8. AP Elke: North Africa again
  9. AP Elke mail Barbara about video the artist plattform
  10. ✓ Done AP Tomasz: Add contact details of Poland cordinator on sheet
  11. AP Elke manage testing of UpWIz on Commons (parameter passing)
  12. AP Elke: infographic translation