Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R1/v/American and Bridal Veil Falls winter.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2020
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American and Bridal Veil Falls winter.jpg

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  1. Raquel Baranow
  2. AlexKozur
  3. Firefly
  4. Uoaei1
  5. Yann
  6. Pago95
  7. Laurent Jerry
  8. 1234qwer1234qwer4
  9. Ileana n
  10. Tdn70
  11. Apokats
  12. Corn cheese
  13. OwenBlacker
  14. Спасимир
  15. Filipović Zoran
  16. BD2412
  17. باسم
  18. Abductive
  19. Teukros
  20. अंजानी
  21. Екатерина Борисова
  22. Achim55
  23. A. Parrot
  24. Mostafameraji
  25. LucasBrown
  26. Katya0133
  27. Apisite
  28. BrankaVV
  29. Semmendinger
  30. Gabriel D. R. Botelho
  31. Kapitan110295
  32. RickyCourtney
  33. Scottandrewhutchins
  34. Betseg
  35. CaptainEek
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  37. دنيا
  38. AugustinBandit
  39. Devi 4340
  40. Mehrshad Mehdi pour
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  42. Lemieuxn
  43. Brewster239
  44. 名字长的让人受不了
  45. Dimash Kenesbek
  46. Fontema
  47. Nikaomagnus
  48. Xx78900
  49. Cincotta1
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  70. Богдан Панчук
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  110. Jakubhal
  111. Grest7
  112. Arbnos
  113. Marco Majoleth
  114. Ата
  115. Agnes Monkelbaan
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  122. Ammonium121
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  124. Rasooool
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  129. Blue Edits
  130. Sîmbotin
  131. Ryan Hodnett
  132. Lystopad
  133. Michitaro
  134. Libcub
  135. Thingofme
  136. Robina Fox
  137. Krok6kola
  138. Jdx
  139. Perryprog
  140. 4nn1l2