Commons:Picture of the Year/2012/R1/Le Tréport.jpg

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  Picture of the Year 2012
   The Seventh Annual Wikimedia Commons POTY Contest
Thanks for your participation! The 2012 winners have been announced!

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No. {{{3}}}, Le Tréport.jpg

To vote, you must

  1. ...have registered before Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
  • Users must vote with an account meeting the above requirements either on Commons or another Wikimedia project. For other Wikimedia projects, the account must be attached to the user's Commons account through SUL.
  • Votes from IP addresses are ineligible. Even if you have multiple eligible accounts, you can only vote with one account.
  • One vote per picture.



  1. Iluvatar
  2. Borealis55
  3. Йо Асакура
  4. Worm That Turned
  5. Bluerasberry
  6. Xil
  7. Another Believer
  8. Nouill
  9. JeremyA
  10. Gobonobo
  11. Elekhh
  12. Érico Júnior Wouters
  13. Morning Sunshine
  14. Michael Barera
  15. Kormin
  16. Eltargrim
  17. George Chernilevsky
  18. Trizek
  19. Tfjt
  20. McBoing 99
  22. KTo288
  23. Kroton
  24. Frantishak
  25. Frettie
  26. WhiteWriter
  27. Julle
  28. Tsui
  29. Unknownip
  30. DD51612
  31. Staunited
  32. Martínhache
  33. Moogsi
  34. Riverhugger
  35. Cristobal v38
  36. Schneider Ludwig
  37. Aarp65
  38. Юстэс Кларенс
  39. Daniel Case
  40. Komalantz
  41. Droodkin
  42. Acollum
  43. Accurimbono
  44. Patafisik
  45. Netha Hussain
  46. D2xv
  47. JoeenNc
  48. NemesisIII
  49. Emw
  50. AndreasPraefcke
  51. GcSwRhIc
  52. Fantafluflu
  53. Lion in city
  54. Tompw
  55. Ehrlich91
  56. Agaath
  57. Strahtw
  58. Remux
  59. Ruhrfisch
  60. Jagro
  62. L-Bit
  63. Quedel
  64. LordToran
  65. Lemcke
  66. Antony-22
  67. Mr. Kate
  68. Giaccai
  69. Courcelles
  70. Bjarki S
  71. Danjel
  72. Hibiki-c
  73. Taysin
  74. ComputerHotline
  75. Jane023
  76. Glossologist
  77. Jopo1150
  78. Pethrus
  79. Hurricanefan24
  80. Karentzos83
  81. KillerChihuahua
  82. Fraxinus Croat
  83. Юрій Булка
  84. ТимофейЛееСуда
  85. Bennydigital
  86. Dirkb
  87. DimiTalen
  88. Christian Hartmann
  89. Oggohoko
  90. César-Ecu
  91. Trongphu
  92. Brylie
  93. Ykliu
  94. Tupungato
  95. MisterSanderson
  96. Effeietsanders
  97. Merops
  98. Matthiasb
  99. Awersowy
  100. Teofilo
  101. Ralgis
  102. Pixeltoo
  103. Ö
  104. Willscrlt
  105. Dionys
  106. Abderitestatos
  107. Señor Aluminio
  108. Paperoastro
  109. Seven twentynine
  110. Rsrikanth05
  111. MichaelSchoenitzer
  112. Karol Karolus
  113. Out4blood
  114. Jay8g
  115. Tikuko
  116. Kerowyn
  117. Neo lmx
  118. Dirtsc
  119. Михајло Анђелковић
  120. Eman
  121. Joe N
  122. LM103
  123. Shabidoo
  124. Cognatus
  125. Jajabis
  126. Dorshil
  127. 3s
  128. Kemping92
  129. Dspsbspoon
  130. Ria
  131. Batuhan duz
  132. Gvdk
  133. Vogone
  134. Duschgeldrache2
  135. Saxonicus
  136. Babsy
  137. Fidelio
  138. Iain Bell
  139. Baycrest
  140. Gothbag
  141. Loadmaster
  142. MirkoS18
  143. Juzeris
  144. Miiich
  145. DrPZ
  146. Hacky
  147. Zeppelin26
  148. Laurent Jerry
  149. Libby norman
  150. Cian Akril
  151. 애콜라이트
  152. Fuenfundachtzig
  153. Drzewianin
  154. Vicki Reitta
  155. GreatOrangePumpkin
  156. Scwlong
  157. PaleCloudedWhite