Prunus avium
(Redirected from Cerasus avium)
APG IV Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • (unranked): Archaeplastida • Regnum: Plantae • Cladus: Angiosperms • Cladus: eudicots • Cladus: core eudicots • Cladus: superrosids • Cladus: rosids • Cladus: eurosids I • Ordo: Rosales • Familia: Rosaceae • Subfamilia: Spiraeoideae • Tribus: Amygdaleae • Genus: Prunus • Species: Prunus avium L.

Wikispecies has an entry on:
Cerasus avium (L.) Moench
- English: Wild cherry, Gean, Mazzard
- Afrikaans: Soetkersie
- català: Cirerer
- dansk: Fugle-Kirsebær
- Deutsch: Süß-Kirsche, Vogel-Kirsche
- español: Cerezo bravío, Guindo
- suomi: Imeläkirsikka, makeakirsikka
- 日本語: セイヨウミザクラ
- македонски: Цреша
- română: Cireșe
- русский: Черешня
- slovenščina: Češnja
- Türkçe: Kiraz
Tree in flower, Germany
Tree in flower, France
Tree in fruit, Turkey
Tree in forest habitat, France
Tree, Margetshöchheim, Germany
Tree, Wenighösbach, Germany
Tree in flower, Poland
Orchard in flower, Fraxern, Austria
Young orchard tree, Poland
In Hockenheim
In Bruxelles
Shoot with flower buds
Flowers and young leaves.
Flowers and pollinator.
Close-up on flowers.
Short shoot with buds
Short shoot with buds
Short shoot with buds
Short shoot with buds
Long shoot with buds
Long shoot with buds
Long shoot with bud
Flower, opened
Stylus and stamina
Foliage & fruit
[edit]- English: Wild Cherry
Foliage and ripening fruit
Foliage and ripening fruit
Ripe fruit (red type)
Ripe fruit (black type)
Ripe fruit (red type)
Leaf (note the nectar glands on the stalk)
Glandes rouges
Leaf scar (long shoot)
Leaf scars (short shoot)
Petioles with red glands
Petioles with red glands
Petiole with red glands
[edit]- English: Sweet Cherry
Fruit peduncles
Immature fruit
Immature fruit
Ripening fruit
Fruit; cultivar 'Bing'
Fruit; cultivar 'Rainier'
Annual shoot with lenticels
Annual shoot with lenticels
Prunus avium burlat
Nest of Great Spotted Woodpecker
De gauche à droite, Prunus avium, Castanea sativa, Robinia pseudoacacia
Surface root, damaged by lawnmower.
Seedling with three cotyledones
Prunus avium flowers
Prunus avium buds
Prunus avium fruits
Prunus avium leaf
Prunus avium tree