Category talk:Flora Batava, Netherlands

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Plant list for peer review

Reply: I think it is OK. This species is currently still naturalised in the North of Germany and Poland. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 11:52, 3 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Reply: I confirm that it is Calamagrostis pseudophragmites (Syn. Calamagrostis hallerana DC. var. rivalis Torges), which occured in the past along the rivers of Netherlands. It was originally described by Haller. Calamagrostis villosa (Syn. Calamagrostis hallerana DC. var. ambigua Hartm.) is a similar, alpine species. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 20:02, 3 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

--Chris.urs-o (talk) 02:31, 31 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Orobanche species


Orobanche sp. called Orobanche major. At least 3 different Orobanche sp. were called so by different authors. However, Orobanche sp. are very difficult to identify without the host plant... Best regards, --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 07:20, 2 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Category:Orobanche caryophyllacea Sm., syn. Orobanche major L.
Category:Orobanche elatior Sutton, syn. Orobanche major L.
Category:Orobanche rapum-genistae Thuill., syn. Orobanche major L.
Are these the three ? Thx --Chris.urs-o (talk) 08:26, 2 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Orobanche caryophyllacea (Syn. Orobanche galii Vaucher) is OK. See File:Orobanche galii — Flora Batava — Volume v13.jpg, pic with the parasited plant; one the most common broomrapes, I have encountered several time in the Belgian dunes
The two problems are:
--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 09:34, 2 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Thx --Chris.urs-o (talk) 09:51, 2 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Potamogeton species


Category:Potamogeton species: About Potamogeton sp. I have problems with

Compare with (L.) Börner. Potamogeton zosterifolius C.F. Schumach. is a syn. of Potamogeton compressus L. This plant looks more as a true Potamogeton compressus than the other one.

--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 08:12, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I have reviewed the doubtful identifications with the description in the Heukels Flora van Nederland (ISBN 90 01 38002 6) and the excellent illustrations of The wild flowers of the British Isles (ISBN 1 900732 03 3):
I confirm that File:Potamogeton zosteraefolium — Flora Batava — Volume v7.jpg is a syn. of Potamogeton compressus.
The other Potamogeton species are OK.
--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 16:45, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Medicago falcata or Trigonella corniculata?


File:Medicago falcata — Flora Batava — Volume v3.jpg should be peered reviewed. The original caption was Trigonella corniculata and Medicago falcata was added to it with a pencil. The plant looks indeed as a Medicago falcata, but with different pods. There are already two copies of it on Commons as File:Trigonella corniculata—Flora Batava. Volume 3 (1814).jpg) and a "cleaned" copy of it as File:Trigonella corniculata—Flora Batava. Volume 3 (1814) (Clean).jpg, respectively. Both are put in Category:Trigonella corniculata. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 17:16, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Category:Trigonella esculenta Willd., syn. Trigonella corniculata Linné
Trigonella esculenta Willd., syn. Trigonella corniculata sensu auct.
Trigonella esculenta Willd., syn. Trigonella corniculata (L.) L. subsp. occidentalis Greuter
Trigonella esculenta Willd., syn. Trigonella elatior Sm.
Maily Flora Europea
Category:Trigonella balansae Boiss. & Reut., syn. Trigonella corniculata (L.) L.
Trigonella balansae Boiss. & Reut., syn. Trifolium corniculatum L.
Trigonella balansae Boiss. & Reut., syn. Trigonella balansae Boiss. & Reut. subsp. sartorii (Halacsy)Vierh.
Trigonella balansae Boiss. & Reut., syn. Trigonella euboica Rech. f.
Mainly Crete, Middle East (including East Aegean Is.) and Himalaya
--Chris.urs-o (talk) 17:48, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Herewith what is written in Flora Europaea, 2:151, 1968 about Trigonella corniculata :
4. T. corniculata (L.) L., Sys. Nat. ed. 10,2:1180 (1759). Stems 10-55 cm, procumbent to erect, glabrous or subglabrous. Leaflets 10-40 x 7-35 mm, linear-lanceolate to obovate, obtuse, sometimes emarginate. Racemes ovate-oblong, 8- to 15-flowered; peduncles uo to 6 cm, pedicels c. 3 mm. Calyx 3-4 mm, teeth unequal, as long as or shorter than tube; corola 6-7 mm, yellow; wings shorter than keel. legume 10-16 x (1.5-)2-3 mm, pendent, linear, acuminate, compressed, somewhat curved, glabrous, with thin transverse veins. Seeds 1-1.5 mm, oblong, tuberculate. 2n=16. Mediterranean region. Al Bu ?Cr Ga Gr Hs It Ju Si.
The plant on the picture could indeed match with this description.
Perhaps it was reported in the past as adventive in Netherlands or cultivate as legume for the cattle. To be seached for it? --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 08:12, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
To add another piece to the puzzle, the following is written in the Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, du G.-D. de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et des Régions Voisines, 5th ed., 400, 2004:
(English translation) Obs. - Moreover, some species traditionally classified in the genus Trigonella have been transferred in the genus Medicago (see page 401).
On page 401 you can read further that some adventives: Medicago fischeriana (Serige) Trautv. and M. monantha (C.A. Mey) Trautv., were previously named: Trigonella fischeriana Seringe and T. monantha C.A. Mey.
Trigonella corniculata (L.) L. (Syst. nat. ed. 10, 2:1180, 1759), first reported as Trifolium corniculatum L. (Sp. pl. 2:766, 1753), has also be reported as Medicago corniculata (L.) Trautv. (Bull. Sc. Acad. Petersb. 8:271, 1841).
I think we should consider the original caption (Trigonella corniculata) as the correct one and not take into account the pencil correction (Medicago falcata 228).
What do you think about this proposal? --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 09:46, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Agree, the pencil note isn't important. --Chris.urs-o (talk) 12:45, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Consequently I have renamed it as File:Trigonella corniculata — Flora Batava — Volume v3.jpg and put it in Category:Trigonella corniculata. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 12:57, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Oxalis stricta: a disputable category


According to the Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, du G.-D. de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et des Régions Voisines, 5th ed., 2004, Oxalis stricta L. is a nom. rejic. propos. This species is therefore named Oxalis fontana Bunge. Currently Category:Oxalis fontana is redirecting to Category:Oxalis stricta. It should be the reverse.

What do you think about this issue? --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 11:42, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Royal Gardens (Kew): Oxalis stricta L. is an accepted name; Oxalis corniculata var. corniculata , syn. Oxalis fontana Bunge; Oxalis stricta f. villicaulis (Wiegand) C.F. Reed, syn. Oxalis fontana f. villicaulis (Wiegand) H. Hara Oxalis fontana Bunge
Synonymes taxonomiques: Oxalis stricta var. lejeunei (Rouy) P.Fourn., Oxalis stricta subsp. diffusa (Boenn.) Tourlet
Synonymes "au sens de (sensu)": Oxalis stricta
User:Uleli might have something to say too ;)
Don't know what to think, it seems confusing too. Cheers --Chris.urs-o (talk) 13:00, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Asked User:Uleli for a comment on it. --Chris.urs-o (talk) 18:43, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
User:Uleli and User:Frank Xaver are silent, maybe you are right. --Chris.urs-o (talk) 03:07, 11 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
If we get no reply from them in the forthcoming days, I propose then to redirect Category:Oxalis stricta to Category:Oxalis fontana. Best regards, --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 08:42, 11 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
You mean the other way around, this is the status quo now. Regards --Chris.urs-o (talk) 09:36, 11 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
According to Franz Xaver reply Oxalis stricta L. is indeed a nom. rejic. propos., i.e., there is a proposal for rejecting this name. Since this is not yet officially accepted, I agree to let the category:Oxalis stricta unchanged. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 20:00, 11 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Well, "MedChecklist" by Greuter, Burdet & Long and Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, du G.-D. de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et des Régions Voisines are rejecting it. These are very good references. Category:Oxalis fontana with syn. Category:Oxalis stricta as redirect seems very good to me. Regards --Chris.urs-o (talk) 06:11, 12 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Correct identification to be peer reviewed


Despite Verbascum schraderi Mey. is a synonym of Verbascum thapsus L. I have some doubt about the correct identification of File:Verbascum schraderi — Flora Batava — Volume v17.jpg, because it looks different from File:Verbascum thapsus — Flora Batava — Volume v3.jpg and other pictures of this species.

Verbascum schraderi Pfund is a synonym of Verbascum densiflorum (syn. Verbascum thapsiforme). The picture looks more on this species. However, Verbascum densiflorum has normally larger flowers than Verbascum thapsus.

--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 12:07, 11 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Checking the unchecked pictures


Plants beginning with A


I have checked the plants beginning with A located in Category:Unchecked Flora Batava images. I have reallocated some of them to the right category. Some were indeed put in an obsolete category, which was still in parallel with the right category.

--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 11:46, 3 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Wow, thx. They have all but Amelanchier canadensis a category redirect. --Chris.urs-o (talk) 12:26, 3 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with B


I have checked the plants beginning with B located in Category:Unchecked Flora Batava images. Everything is OK. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 08:34, 4 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with C


I am currently checking the plants beginning with C located in Category:Unchecked Flora Batava images.

  • In the meantime I have confirmed that the plant described as Calamagrostis halleriana is Calamagrostis pseudophragmites (Haller f.) Koeler (Syn. Calamagrostis hallerana DC. var. rivalis Torges), a plant which occurred in the past along the rivers of Netherlands. Calamagrostis villosa (Syn. Calamagrostis hallerana DC. var. ambigua Hartm.) is a similar, alpine species, which never occurred in Netherlands.
  • Calamintha officinalis is an obsolete name, which includes Calamintha nepeta, Calamintha mentifolia and Calamintha ascendens.
File:Calamintha officinalis — Flora Batava — Volume v20.jpg is a Calamintha nepeta subsp. subsp. spruneri.
File:Campanula persicifolia — Flora Batava — Volume v3.jpg is obviously not a Campanula persicifolia, but a Campanula patula.

--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 08:34, 4 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

It's good u do this, I'm not able to do it ;) --Chris.urs-o (talk) 08:39, 4 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I have reviewed the pictures related to the genus Carex, for which there is (still today) a confusing synonymy - a puzzling issue, because several authors named often different species with a same name. Hopefully it is now OK --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 12:27, 4 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I have reviewed the other plants beginning with C located in Category:Unchecked Flora Batava images. I have not encountered particular problems.
Just to mention that the File:Convolvulus sepium — Flora Batava — Volume v19.jpg is not Calystegia silvatica (Syn. Calystegia sepium var. sylvestris), which has white flowers, but the similar Calystegia pulchra with pink flowers. I have also redirected File:Chamagrostis minima — Flora Batava — Volume v20.jpg to the already existing, right Category:Mibora minima and redirected the obsolete Category:Chamagrostis minima and its content.
--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 09:19, 5 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with D, E and F


Three corrections:

The pictures I have checked are OK. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 12:13, 5 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Thx, at least this way we get an overview of the obsolete categories of the flora of Central Europe. Remember, the complete template is {{la|1=''text here''}}, the bot made a mistake in the beginning (without "1="). Cheers --Chris.urs-o (talk) 11:14, 5 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Unfortunately I have not done it when I reviewed the pictures of the Category:Uncategorized Flora Batava images‎. I just put the pics in the right category, without adding the name in the summary. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 12:18, 5 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
It's ok, we aren't able to clean up everything. You edited Eriophorum polystachion — Flora Batava — Volume v1.jpg though, that's why I'm telling it u. Cheers --Chris.urs-o (talk) 14:42, 5 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with G and H


One problem encountered:

In the obsolete, confusing [[:Category:Hypericum quadrangulum]] there were two pics I identified as Hypericum tetrapterum. I have asked for deletion of this category after having transferred the two pics in the already exiisting, right Category:Hypericum tetrapterum. The [[:Category:Hypericum quadrangulum]] has been removed in the meantime.

The identification of the other pics is OK. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 07:04, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with I, J and K


One problem encountered:

Juncus alpinus was redirecting to Juncus alpinoarticulatus. On the other hand, category:Juncus alpinoarticulatus was redirecting to category:Juncus alpinus (not logical...). I have removed this latter redirection and redirected category:Juncus alpinus to category:Juncus alpinoarticulatus.

The identification of the other pics is OK. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 10:22, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with L


Two comments:

The other pics are OK. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 14:22, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with M


One problem:

I have provisionally put it in Category:Uncategorized Flora Batava images, waiting for a correct identification of it.

I have not encountered major problems with the other pics. A few pics had again to be redirected to an already existing, right category (after having redirected the obsolete category to the right one). --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 21:06, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with N and O


Two problems:

I have not encountered major problems with the other pics.--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 12:09, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

PS: Ononis arvensis (erected without spines) is an intermediate species between Ononis spinosa (erected with spines) and Ononis repens (creeping, more hairy and without spines). Plants similar to Ononis arvensis found in Belgium and Netherland are considered as hybrids Ononis spinosa × repens. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 12:25, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with P and R


The problem of the Potamogeton species has been solved (see Category talk:Flora Batava, Netherlands#Plant list for peer review, section Potamogeton species).
I have not encountered major problems with the other pics. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 20:41, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with S


I have checked the plants beginning with S located in Category:Unchecked Flora Batava images. I have encountered some problems with the identification of the Salix ans Stellaria species:

I have otherwise not encountered major problems. A few pics had again to be redirected to an already existing, right category (after having redirected the obsolete category to the right one). --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 14:19, 9 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with T, U, V, X and Z


I have checked the plants beginning with T, U, V, X and Z located in Category:Unchecked Flora Batava images. I have not encountered major problems. A few pics had again to be redirected to an already existing, right category (after having redirected the obsolete category to the right one). --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 14:19, 9 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

The problem of nom. rejic. (nomina rejicienda) = Names to be rejected


There are two kinds of nom. rejic..

  • Different species were named by two or more authors with the same name:
Hypericum quadrangulum which includes 3 species: H. tetrapterum, H. maculatum and H. dubium.
  • The originally given name included several species:
Eriophorum polystachyon which also includes 3 species:
E. angustifolium (Common Cottongrass, the most common - a rhizomatous species, on acidic ground).
E. latifolium (Broad-leaved Cottongrass, a cespitose, more robust and less common species - only on bad lime ground). See File:Eriophorum latifolium — Flora Batava — Volume v16.jpg
E. gracile (Slender Cottongrass, a slender, rhizomatous and rare species - only on very bad, acidic ground)
Generally speaking E. polystachion is used as a synonym of the common E. angustifolium.
The slender E. gracile was originally considered as a variety of E. angustifolium (E. angustifolium var. vaillantii). Very confusing ...

I have reviewed in the meantime the identification of

--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 08:41, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Is it ok for u to make two disambiguation pages? Cheers --Chris.urs-o (talk) 09:38, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
It's OK for me. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 10:11, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
But Eriophorum angustifolium Honck., syn. Eriophorum angustifolium var. vaillantii Duby Cheers --Chris.urs-o (talk) 10:58, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Maybe, but this is described by Duby, not by Poit. & Turp.. You have to be very prudent with the same name described by different authors. See my comment about Hypericum quadrangulum. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 11:21, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Thx, corrected --Chris.urs-o (talk) 11:25, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

A second critical review


I am doing a second critical review of the identification of the pictures which were originally in Category:Uncategorized Flora Batava images.

Plants beginning with A


I have renamed two misspelled file names to File:Aspidium cristatum — Flora Batava — Volume v12.jpg and File:Aspidium spinulosum — Flora Batava — Volume v7.jpg, and one erroneous one to File:Aster salignus — Flora Batava — Volume v15.jpg.

I have reallocated the picture File:Aira discolor — Flora Batava — Volume v19.jpg to Avenula pratensis instead of Trisetum flavescens).
--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 08:13, 16 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with B and C


I have renamed five misspelled file names: File:Carex distans — Flora Batava — Volume v12.jpg, File:Chaerophyllum sativum — Flora Batava — Volume v5.jpg, File:Cirsium acaule — Flora Batava — Volume v20.jpg, File:Cochlearia armoracia — Flora Batava — Volume v4.jpg and File:Corispermum marschallii — Flora Batava — Volume v12.jpg, and one file whose name was not in accordance with that on the picture: File:Castanea vesca — Flora Batava — Volume v12.jpg.

I have also reallocated files File:Caucalis anthriscus — Flora Batava — Volume v5.jpg and File:Crepis virens — Flora Batava — Volume v12.jpg, which I had misidentified to the correct categories Torilis japonica and Crepis vesicaria.
NB: File:Crepis virens — Flora Batava — Volume v15.jpg was well correctly identified as Crepis capillaris. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 20:52, 15 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with D


I have reviewed the identification of File:Doronicum scorpioides — Flora Batava — Volume v10.jpg. It could not be Doronicum grandiflorum, which is an alpine plant. I looked further in the floras of Belgium and Netherlands, and identified it as Doronicum ×willdenowii (Rouy) A.W. Hill (Doronicum pardalianches × plantagineum, Syn. Doronicum scorpioides Willd. nom. illeg.), a plant of garden origin, which is also locally naturalised in northwestern France [1].

File:Drosera longifolia — Flora Batava — Volume v19.jpg is Drosera anglica Huds. (Syn. Drosera longifolia L. nom. rejic. propos.)
File:Drosera longifolia — Flora Batava — Volume v7.jpg is Drosera intermedia Hayne (Syn. Drosera longifolia auct. non L. nom. rejic. propos.) --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 20:42, 15 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with E and F


I have renamed one misspelled file name to File:Epilobium pubescens — Flora Batava — Volume v2.jpg.

I have reviewed the identification of File:Festuca duriuscula — Flora Batava — Volume v4.jpg‎ and reallocated it to the correct category:Festuca rubra.
I have reviewed the identification of File:Festuca ovina — Flora Batava — Volume v8.jpg‎ and reallocated it to the correct category:Festuca filiformis. Festuca filiformis was originally reported as Festuca ovina var. capillata. Festuca ovina subsp. ovina does not occur in Belgium and Netherlands.
--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 10:07, 16 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with G


I have renamed one misspelled file name to File:Geum urbanum — Flora Batava — Volume v1.jpg.

I have reviewed the identification of File:Gnaphalium germanicum — Flora Batava — Volume v6.jpg‎ and confirmed that Gnaphalium germanicum Scop. is Filago vulgaris (not Filago pyramidata, which has a very different look. See [2]).
I have reviewed the identification of File:Gnaphalium montanum — Flora Batava — Volume v11.jpg, confirmed that Gnaphalium montanum Huds. = Filago minima (not Filago arvensis - compare with File:Filago arvense — Flora Batava — Volume v3.jpg), and reallocated it to the category:Filago minima‎.
--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 13:14, 16 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with H


I have renamed two misspelled file names to File:Holcus odoratus — Flora Batava — Volume v3.jpg and File:Hypericum elodes — Flora Batava — Volume v14.jpg.

I have reviewed the identification of File:Heleocharis palustris — Flora Batava — Volume v13.jpg‎ and corrected it to Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris.
I have reviewed the identification of File:Hieracium rigidum — Flora Batava — Volume v13.jpg‎ and corrected it to Hieracium laevigatum.
I have reviewed the identification of File:Hordeum pratense — Flora Batava — Volume v5.jpg‎ and corrected it to Hordeum secalinum.
--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 15:29, 16 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with I, J and K


I have renamed one misspelled file names to File:Juncus glaucus — Flora Batava — Volume v13.jpg.

No other problem encountered. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 18:44, 16 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with L


I have renamed three misspelled file names to File:Leersia oryzoides — Flora Batava — Volume v10.jpg, File:Lolium perenne — Flora Batava — Volume v3.jpg and File:Luzula multiflora — Flora Batava — Volume v13.jpg, and one erroneous file name to File:Lolium remotum — Flora Batava — Volume v18.jpg (according to the original caption).

I have reviewed the identification of File:Lychnis dioica — Flora Batava — Volume v10.jpg‎ and corrected it to Silene latifolia subsp. alba. The pink sample (right) is the f. incarnata (Peterm.) Lambinon of the plant. The identification of File:Lychnis sylvestris — Flora Batava — Volume v6.jpg‎ is OK, i.e., Silene dioica.
--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 22:38, 16 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with M and N


I have reviewed the identification of File:Milium scabrum — Flora Batava — Volume v11.jpg and corrected it to Milium vernale subsp. scabrum. No other problem encountered. --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 12:41, 17 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with O, P, Q and R


I have renamed five files, the names of which were misspelled, to File:Poa distans — Flora Batava — Volume v5.jpg, File:Phellandrium aquaticum — Flora Batava — Volume v2.jpg, File:Pisum arvense — Flora Batava — Volume v12.jpg (mistake in the original caption too), File:Potentilla fragariastrum — Flora Batava — Volume v17.jpg and File:Primula acaulis — Flora Batava — Volume v14.jpg, respectively.

I have corrected the identification of File:Ranunculus radians — Flora Batava — Volume v13.jpg to Ranunculus peltatus Schrank – a species which was originally integrated in Ranunculus aquatilis L. sensu lato.
I have also corrected the identification of File:Rhinanthus crista-galli — Flora Batava — Volume v6.jpg to Rhinanthus angustifolius – a species which is common in Netherlands and Northern Belgium.

Remark: The plant introduced in Netherlands is Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze (Syn. Rhus radicans L.), not Toxicodendron pubescens Mill. (Syn. Rhus toxicodendron L.).
--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 13:23, 18 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with S


Salix is a very difficult genus. The species and their hybrids were previously named with sometimes confusing names.
I have corrected the identification of File:Salix acuminata — Flora Batava — Volume v14.jpg to Salix atrocinerae – a species which is locally common in Netherlands and Belgium.
I have also corrected the identification of File:Salix stipularis — Flora Batava — Volume v14.jpg to Salix ×holosericea Willd. (Salix cinerea × viminalis).

I have renamed three misspelled file names to File:Scandix pecten — Flora Batava — Volume, File:Silene gallica — Flora Batava — Volume v11.jpg and File:Spiraea ulmaria — Flora Batava — Volume v13.jpg.
--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 14:21, 18 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Plants beginning with T to Z


I have renamed four misspelled file names to File:Teucrium scorodonia — Flora Batava — Volume v1.jpg, File:Vaccinium macrocarpon — Flora Batava — Volume v14.jpg, File:Verbascum nigro-phoeniceum — Flora Batava — Volume v20.jpg and File:Vicia lathyroides — Flora Batava — Volume v11.jpg, respectively .

I have corrected the identification of File:Trifolium filiforme — Flora Batava — Volume v11.jpg to Trifolium dubium Sibth., and that of File:Trifolium campestre.jpg (C.C. Gmel., non Schreb.) to Trifolium aureum Pollich, respectively.
--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 10:23, 19 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Mispelled file names


The name of three files was misspelled, because of misreading of characters sſ (old writing of ss), which was recognised as sf. I have renamed these files properly:

I have also renamed four other misspelled files:

--Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 09:57, 20 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]