Category talk:Alkanna tinctoria

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  • A waste majority of literature and databases use the name Alkanna tinctoria in the sense of Lithospermum tinctorium L. (1753). However, Tausch gave the name Alkanna matthioli to Lithospermum tinctorium and Alkanna tinctoria to a completely different taxon. From International code of botanical nomenclature (Vienna Code): "Tausch included two species in his new genus Alkanna: A. tinctoria Tausch (1824), a new species based on "Anchusa tinctoria" in the sense of Linnaeus (1762), and A. mathioli Tausch (1824), a nomen novum based on Lithospermum tinctorium L. (1753). Both names are legitimate and take priority from 1824" (McNeill, J. & al., eds. 2005. International code of botanical nomenclature (Vienna Code). (ICBN Vienna) Art. 11, Note 1, Ex. 17.) — Preceding unsigned comment added by MILEPRI (talk • contribs) 2 October 2020 (UTC)