Category:Maas-Rowe Electromusic Corp.

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  • Maas Rowe Company (in Dutch)De Hammond Encyclopedia. Hammond Toonwielorgelvereniging Netherland [Hammond Oragn Club Holland] ( Retrieved on 2019-01-22. (⇒ English translation)
  • Maas-Rowe Vibrachord Electric Keyboard Carillon. Antiquity Music LLC. (
    "​This rare Maas-Rowe Vibrachord electronic carillon has a sweet, pure timbre like a vibraphone but with a sound all its own. It has five voices: celesta, harp, muted harp, vibrachord, orchestra bells. The Maas-Rowe Vibrachord consists of a bell/solenoid unit, an amplifier, control panel unit, keyboard, and a speaker cabinet. This particular Vibrachord uses an aftermarket Hammond tone cabinet for its speaker and both plays and sounds great. These are difficult to find in working condition. "
    See also photo: 10 (controller), 12 (manufacturer plate 1), and 16 (manufacturer plate 2).


This category has only the following subcategory.