Category:Loscombe Nature Reserve

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The reserve covers part of the upper reaches of this magical valley where geology reacts to produce interesting mosiac of neutral to acidic grasslands. The steep slopes are covered in yellow meadow anthills, nestling amongst these are plants such as wild thyme and bird’s-foot-trefoil. There are pockets of gorse and other scrub which support breeding linnets and many invertebrates. The slopes are bound to the north by a deeply sunken green lane, with old arching hazel stools on either side, which are home to bullfinch and dormouse. A small stream winds its way down through pockets of wet woodland, dominated by alder with opposite-leaved golden-saxifrage, and ringing with the calls of marsh tits. The lower, flatter fields give rise to a mix of wet marshy ground and a drier areas traditionally cut for hay. Here you can see southern marsh orchids and a small population of snakes head fritillary.

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