(99942) Apophis

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Deutsch: (99942) Apophis, vorläufige Bezeichnung 2004 MN4, ist ein erdnaher Asteroid (Planetoid) des Aten-Typs.
English: (99942) Apophis (previously known by its provisional designation 2004 MN4) is a near-Earth asteroid that caused a brief period of concern in December 2004 because initial observations indicated a relatively large probability that it would strike the Earth in 2029. However, additional observations provided improved predictions that eliminated the possibility of an impact on Earth or the Moon in 2029. An impact is still possible on April 13, 2036, but both potential impact dates are at level 0 on the Torino impact hazard scale. As of June 2006, this corresponds to an impact probability of 1 in 45,000.